Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thought For Today

"If I were you and you were me, would you do for me what I've done for you, if you were me and I were you?"
1. I loved you when you thought you were unlovable.
2. I forgave you each time you asked.
3. I taught you how to pray.
4. I healed you when you were sick.
4. I comforted you when you grieved over the loss of a loved one.
5. I gave you direction when you didn't know which way to go.
6. In times of trouble I picked you up and carried you through.
7. I gave you a spirit of discernment when your so called friends turned their backs on you.
8. I gave you living water (the word) when you were thirsty.
9. When you were dirty, I power washed you and called you into service for me, to spread the Gospel.
10. I'm with you now regardless of where you are in life.
Who am I?
I Am (Sweet Jesus)!

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