Friday, October 23, 2015

Daily Deposits

As much as we work and as long as we live, we may never make the amount of money that will allow us to invest in stocks and bonds or nevertheless make bank deposits on the regular basis (as often as we would like too), but what I will say, is that throughout our lives, we have the ability to make meaningful deposits into our lives such as; love, joy, peace and happiness, everyday that we awaken!
Meaningful Deposits:
~Love deposits
~Joy deposits
~ Peace deposits
~Happiness deposits
And for those who deposit these 4 essentials into their lives everyday, when they get old, it will never matter what they look like, where they live, how their home looks, how the assisted living retirement center looks, what neighborhood they live in and what car they have to drive or ride in.
All that will matter is that they are cashing in on the deposits that they made throughout their lives which were to live a life that was full of love, joy, peace and happiness.
As for me: Hoop Hunter
When I get old, don't look for all those counterfeit material things that too often people value as important which really aren't.
Just know that regardless of where I'm at and what I have, I will continue to give & share with you and others my love, joy, peace and happiness. Those things that I deposited everyday in my life that were important to me, everything else is meaningless!

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