Monday, September 4, 2017

The Need 4 Universal Family Unity Is Prevalent Across All Racial Lines

Hoop Hunter's What if's?
1. What if we were all united universally as a family?
2. What if all those who have been displaced by the hurricane had family members who came to Texas, picked them up and took them back home with them to live?
3. What if every single person donated personal items needed and some level of financial aid to the Red Cross now?
4. What if professional sports organizations who have the resources (which came by the hands of their fans and tv contracts) reached out to help those in need in an enormous way?
5. What if bus lines, trains and airlines transported families to their loved one's in other cities & states at no charge so that they could be in an healthier & more calming environment with their loved ones?
6. What if you were in the shoes of those impacted and displaced by the hurricane? What would you want others to do for you?
7. What if God allowed something like this to happen (to wake up America) and to get all of his children to come together in love and to show the world that life isn't about black & white but about his desire that we live in unity.
We, (all God's children) have the capacity to do anything we want if we choose to be uncomfortable, show compassion and unconditional love for those who have greater needs than ourselves.
I'm reminded of the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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