Monday, September 11, 2017

10 High Character Student-Athlete Values Coaches Desire 2 Coach

1. Players who believe in academic excellence and who strive to excel in the classroom.
2. Players who respect the authority of coaches, trainers, teachers & principals.
3. Players who respect & maintain healthy relationships with their family and siblings at home.
4. Players who take pride in being good citizens throughout the community and abroad.
5. Players who take initiative and who lead by example, especially when coaches aren't looking.
6. Players who are willing to perform different roles and task for the good of the team.
7. Players who put the overall success of the team above themselves.
8. Players who hold their teammates accountable for following team/rules (on & off the court).
9. Players who care about the welfare, safety and success of their coaches & teammates.
10. Player who understand that coaches & players both make mistakes but together they're family.

*Players who care about the reputation & property of the school, community & themselves!

Hoop Hunter

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