Saturday, September 30, 2017

HHB, "HHB Built Buy The People, 4 The People"

HHB is about personal growth & development training and mentorship for life through the basketball specific training-
FB family, of you know of children & youth (families) who are in need improving their basketball skills, confidence, need more aggressiveness during play, need to develop better work habits or simply want to increase their competitiveness during play please feel free to share & pass along our information with them;, it only takes a click!

Hoop Hunter Basketball Is committed to serving the need of the youth and their families in a variety of different ways.

Thank you!

Driveway Dribbling | Hoop Hunter TM

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Time Management Is Key 2 Students Success

One of the best ways to get ahead of your competition in the classroom, on the debate team, golf team and/or if you're running for class president is to learn the importance of time management.

Time management is one of the most important tools needed to maximize how many task and how much work you can get done in a day and even throughout the week.

Too often, students who lack the effective use of time management find themselves struggling in their effort to juggle multiple task due to improper use of their time.

Getting ahead of your competition in many cases is highly attributed to how well you prioritize necessary task while making purposeful use of your time.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

When In Dispare, Don't Quit & Never Give Up!

Don't ever think that you don't matter, because you do! Too often this crazy world tends to throw things at us that we didn't ask for and for whatever reason, the seemingly easiest thing for us to do is start doubting, quitting, second guessing ourselves and even give up.

My hope for all people when you face temporary life changing moments, is to first take all of your problems to the lord in prayer, seek wisdom, counseling, be patient and most of all, remain faithful.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Defensive Practice Tips | Hoop Hunter ™‎

After An Injury Self-Encouragement Key l Hoop Hunter ™‎

Ball Handling In Transition | Hoop Hunter TM

Posture Needed 2 Dribble, Pass & Shoot | Hoop Hunter ™‎

Children Need 2 Be Fed The Gospel Throughout The Week

I believe that parents & those who dare to care must be intentional and continue to seek meaningful ways to keep the word of God, prayer and christian principles taught (during the weekday) to our youth while they're in school throughout the year.

As many of you know, the place that kids most often start to separate from family & church values is at school. 

Therefore, I believe it's the responsibility of the parents to come together and create additional outlets for school age children & youth to get the Gospel (in a way that's compelling and exciting) even if they have to meet at the church across the street or HHB down the road.

P.S. Children and youth who only get the Gospel 1 day a week isn't enough to fight off the attacks & schemes of Satan.

"Whatever we do the most, we grow the most."

Our children's spiritual growth should be priority #1!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Healthier Eating Habits & Exercise Key 2 Youth Success

Healthy eating & exercise often leads to better overall health and more advanced learning during school and extra curricular activities.

It's a known fact that when students eat a balance breakfast prior to going to school, they tend to be more alert and attentive during class & classroom group activities.

It's also a known fact that when students eat a healthy and balanced lunch combined with a healthy snack prior to attending extra curricular activities, they tend to have the energy and mental focus needed to learn & excel at a high and meaningful level.

Changing your child's eating & exercise habits can lead to a rise in his/her learning, self-confidence, self-assertiveness and overall success.

Hoop Hunter

Sunday, September 17, 2017

"Rejoice In Today"

Don't let the worries of yesterday and tomorrow cause you to miss out on the joy & blessings that our father in heaven has prepared for us today. Leave yesterday and tomorrow in the hands of the lord.

Rejoice in today!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Adversity Builds Character

Throughout sports and life, student-athletes will often be faced with hurdles, circumstances and situations that are exhausting, disappointing as well as confusing. This is why it's important that they surround themselves with people of good character, experience, success and wisdom who can help them navigate through the adversities in life that will ultimately help them persevere while building character & integrity needed to become successful in life.

Monday, September 11, 2017

10 High Character Student-Athlete Values Coaches Desire 2 Coach

1. Players who believe in academic excellence and who strive to excel in the classroom.
2. Players who respect the authority of coaches, trainers, teachers & principals.
3. Players who respect & maintain healthy relationships with their family and siblings at home.
4. Players who take pride in being good citizens throughout the community and abroad.
5. Players who take initiative and who lead by example, especially when coaches aren't looking.
6. Players who are willing to perform different roles and task for the good of the team.
7. Players who put the overall success of the team above themselves.
8. Players who hold their teammates accountable for following team/rules (on & off the court).
9. Players who care about the welfare, safety and success of their coaches & teammates.
10. Player who understand that coaches & players both make mistakes but together they're family.

*Players who care about the reputation & property of the school, community & themselves!

Hoop Hunter

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Deon Hunter aka Hoop Hunter Demonstrates Ball Handling, Post Entry Angl...

The Posture Needed 2 Dribble, Pass & Shoot

"Together We're Going to Make It"

Together we're going to make it, together.
Together we'll continue to see the sunrise and sunset, together.
Together we'll overcome racism, hatred, discourse, jealously, self-pride and centeredness, together.

Together we're one big family, together!

~Love People~

Hoop Hunter

Friday, September 8, 2017

Tips 4 Taking A Defensive Charge with Hoop Hunter

Children/Youth Need Constant Parental Encouragement

As children & teenagers grow up, they often need more encouragement from their parents as well as those who are a part of their support group.

Believe it or not but by the time a child begins school outside of their family's home, their identity, academic skills & learning capability, intellect, moral character, speech and even their appearance among different social groups becomes important.

Parents must fully understand the increased pressure youth face among their peer group (while outside of the home) and make it a point to constantly remind their children through effective and positive communication that they are important, capable, good enough, special and loved.

Hoop Hunter

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Love of Christ Says Love Em Anyway

When others disappoint you, envy you, are jealous of you, fake with you and speak negatively about you, forgive them and love them anyway!

Why Children Should Play Sports?

Playing sports can be a healthy & safe place for children to develop the physical, personal, spiritual and social skills needed to function well in society.

~Choosing where to get them started and knowing what the organization's values are is key~

Parents, don't discount the benefits that are available to your child's personal growth and welfare if they participate in sports.

And don't do what millions of parents have done when you allow your child to participate in sport, meaning, don't push, don't discourage, don't intimidate, don't belittle them and don't overly confront them about every little thing they didn't do well.

Let their participation and the many life experiences (good & not so good) develop and grow them in areas that will ultimately become a huge part of their success in life.

Hoop Hunter

Helping Other More Valuable Than Silver & Gold!

When you know that someone needs help, why not help them? Why wait until you see them fail and/or hit rock bottom before you lend a helping hand. Whatever you give will be sown, developed and grown in the lives of others.

1. If you know that someone needs food, help them!
2. If you know that a child is having academic problems, help them!
3. If you know that a child need help learning to play a sport, help them!
4. If you know of someone who's sick and needs prayer, pray for them!
5. If you know of someone who lost their job and they're a good worker, hire & train them!
6. If you know that someone is being bullied at school, stop it by telling an adult ASAP!
7. If you have been blessed with wealth, pray & ask God for direction to donate!
8. If you notice that a child has gifts, be encouraging and help them develop those gifts!

*There's simply no reason why people who need help shouldn't be helped.

And God bless us all!

It Is A Big Deal

You over sleep, you're constantly late,  you always forget to do your homework, you forget to do your house hold chores, you no longer say yes mam & no mam, yes sir & no sir, you no longer pick up behind yourself when you've made a mess, you've become absent minded, you no longer say thank you, you're often inconsiderate, you're no longer helpful around the house, you need money but you don't want to fill out a job application and work, you don't want to be responsible, you want others to think for you, you've become selfish & self-centered, everything is about me-me-me, you lie all the time, you've started wearing crazy baggie clothes, you always have your hand out, you don't communicate, you've become anti-social inside the family home, you're always complaining, you never take personal responsibility for your own actions, you're always upset because you didn't get chosen for something you didn't earn,  you think you can fake your way through life but you can't, you need to grow up but don't want too, you no longer want to be seen with the family out in pubic, you're always asking if you can spend the night over at your friends home and we don't even know them, it seems like you're always hiding something, your attitude has changed in a bad way, your level of interaction with the family & siblings has changed, your desire to do well in life has changed, we no longer know who you are, we think there's more going on with you than you're telling, you've become combative and argumentative, we got word you skipped school, we heard you started smoking & drinking, we found marijuana in your bedroom, you continue to miss your curfew, when we're at work and you're at home all you do is sleep and when we come home from work you're gone and don't come home until we've gone to bed, we didn't raise you all these year for this to be the return on our investment.

And yes, all these things are a Big Deal!

Hoop Hunter

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

There's Something Good In Everyone

We were all created to be good at something, therefore whenever we're given an opportunity to do something we're good at (even if it's the smallest and most insignificant thing) we should give our best as if we're trying to please God.

Hoop Hunter

If You Watch The Best Perhaps You Can Become The Best

The benefits of watching super stars play successful sports, is that, if you watch & learn from them long enough there's a high likelihood that you can become one too!

Hoop Hunter

What Embodies Successful Teamwork?

What embodies successful teamwork are like minded people who choose & commit to working together with harmony, courage, competence, resilience, stability, unselfishness, loyalty, trust and a relentless work habit combined with the willingness to go the extra mile when duty calls without seeking ribbons, trophies, raises or personal accolades.

"No man stands alone on an island successfully for long, no man!"

Hoop Hunter

About Athletes Who Play The Entire Game

Players who are incredibly talented and athletic and who often get to play the entire game (when playing sports) must learn what it means to be gracious, humble and respectful of their teammates who don't get to play. It's important that they learn what it means to be a good student, a person with good character and an effective leader on and off the field/court and in the community.

Personal Responsibility Separates & Is Key

The biggest issue that I see in life from young people that continues to hinder their overall readiness & preparedness (as it relates to being "Successful") is the lack of personal responsibility.

Parents, teachers, coaches & mentors, it's imperative that at a young age, children & teenagers are taught and held responsible for being responsible.

"As an employer, this is where young people often separate themselves from their peer group."

Don't Let Sports Define You

Student-Athletes, don't let any sports game define you, but instead, you do your very best in the classroom & on the sports field/court (everyday) and you define it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

High Academic Student-Athletes

Student-athletes who are smart, who typically excel much higher than the normal student and who  usually maintains a high academic grade point average, shouldn't let the dislikes, jealousy and or envy of others cause them to quit excelling in the classroom. More importantly, they should keep working hard, remain humble, encourage others to step it up in the classroom and continue to lead by example.

Hoop Hunter

Spacing, Passing & Off Ball Movement Is Key 2 Success

When playing solid basketball, it's very important that each player understands that proper spacing aligned with proper passing and effective off the ball movement is key to running a successful offense.

Players who must have the ball in their hands in addition to taking more than 2-3 dribbles without attacking the basket or passing the ball is called over dribbling.

Over dribbling stagnates the offense, reduces effective movement (causes teammates to stand), slows the game down and ultimately cause the offense to fail.

Hoop Hunter

Basketball Tryout Tips

When players tryout for a basketball team, they should always hustle, pay attention to details, limit mistakes, play with enthusiasm, communicate effectively, encourage others and demonstrate their skills & play in a manner demonstrates confidence.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Hoop Hunter Basketball's Mission

~Called 2 Serve Others~
We were called to "Serve" the needs of those who want to learn how to play basketball at a high and meaningful level while also helping them grow spiritually and personally as a child of the most high.

What's Next 4 Me, 4 You?

Building Believers Inc. & Hoop Hunter Basketball Inc. will be hosting "Champions for Christ Breakfast" Events
Sponsored by "Christ 4 Life"
The goal of these events is to spread the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ into the lives and hearts of students and student- athletes. Each week there will be a series of topics and subjects relative to growing up and living a responsible Christ-Centered Life.
I will speak at many of these events as well as bring in suitable guest speaker at times.
For starters, these series of events will only be offered to middle and high school students and student-athletes.
Most breakfast events will be held prior to the beginning of school (parents may drop off, car pool and/or stay). Some events will be scheduled for early Saturday mornings.
Stay tuned, as we are currently working on our game plan. We would love for you to become a part of this wonderful community event.
P.S. H.S. Musicians and singers wanted. If you're an adult and/or responsible youth and you would like to volunteer please send me an email at:

Youth Personal Hygiene Check

Parents please check your kids personal hygiene. Once a child turns a certain age (and as their activity level increase) they start to perspire more than usual and because of it, they may need to start putting on deodorant and a little smell good.
Just saying!


Someday in this cold, cold world, when all God's children are on fire for the lord (at the same time), the heat that radiates from our love (for Jesus), our commitment and faithfulness will keep us all warm, like an old fashion blanket (sewn by hand).
Did you know?
Christian's are called by God to promote & spread the Gospel.
Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

What to do when you don't get the ball?

~If I were you & I never got the ball passed to me, what would I do? 

"I would become a Garbage Collector"~
The bible say's, "it's more of a blessing to give than it is to receive" so, I would take that to heart and try to apply it to my play on the court.
So, during games that I never get passed the ball or when I get it and I'm asked to pass it to someone else, I would gladly pass it to the person that the coach prefers to shoot and simply head to the basket to get the rebound (assuming that they are going to miss).
In theory, I would train my brain to think that almost every time my teammates shoot, the shot is going to be missed and become garbage. And I, (the garbage collector) would hustle towards the basket while anticipating where the missed shot is going to fall, get the rebound and recycle the missed shot (putting it back in the basket).
At the end of the game, my stats would look like this, (garbage collector) 20 rebounds and 40 points.
Not to shabby huh!

The Need 4 Universal Family Unity Is Prevalent Across All Racial Lines

Hoop Hunter's What if's?
1. What if we were all united universally as a family?
2. What if all those who have been displaced by the hurricane had family members who came to Texas, picked them up and took them back home with them to live?
3. What if every single person donated personal items needed and some level of financial aid to the Red Cross now?
4. What if professional sports organizations who have the resources (which came by the hands of their fans and tv contracts) reached out to help those in need in an enormous way?
5. What if bus lines, trains and airlines transported families to their loved one's in other cities & states at no charge so that they could be in an healthier & more calming environment with their loved ones?
6. What if you were in the shoes of those impacted and displaced by the hurricane? What would you want others to do for you?
7. What if God allowed something like this to happen (to wake up America) and to get all of his children to come together in love and to show the world that life isn't about black & white but about his desire that we live in unity.
We, (all God's children) have the capacity to do anything we want if we choose to be uncomfortable, show compassion and unconditional love for those who have greater needs than ourselves.
I'm reminded of the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Let Disapointments Become The Life of You

Don't Let Being Told That You Didn't Make The Team Become the "End of You" but Rather, "The Life of You."
Parents, if you have a child who participates in any type of organized sports and/or educational tryouts and they aren't selected or perhaps they don't make the team of their choice, it's okay to be disappointed but please, please & pretty please don't get mad and spit venom on the coaches/teachers about the process by saying, "it's not fair." But let the experience be a positive and teachable moment that helps them in other areas of life.
And remember, sometimes in life no matter how much we prepare for something, the answer is, "not this time" or "not right now." Getting mad and starting a public petition against the process doesn't help the situation and neither does it teach your child how to deal with disappointments in a manner that reveals good character.
Does God give you what you want and ask for all the time although you've been obedient? And when he say's no or not right now, do you go and change your religion?
Just saying!
Hoop Hunter

Parent Don't Do's!

Top 5 Things Parents Shouldn't Do to Better Help Their Childs Chances of Making a Middle & High School Sports and/or Educational Team.
1. Don't run for school board or school board president just to give your child a better chance at making a team.
2. Don't offer to become the team's "spirit" mom or dad.
3. Don't offer to become the team's booster club president and/or member.
4. Don't offer to buy team uniforms and/or offer to give financial support to the coaches outside of official school business (this type of thing is totally unethical).
5. Don't try to become buddy's with the coaches just to win favor and support for your child to make the team and play, not cool.
*Don't offer to let the coaches go fishing & use your cabin on your private property out in the country, that's called bribing the coaches?
Hoop Hunter

Best vs Worst

"The best in you usually comes after the worst in you"

Hoop Hunter

Basketball Players Should Know Their Roles

Players who sit the bench must work harder and smarter in practice with consistency while also accepting the immediate role that they've been given before a coach will give them meaningful playing time.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sports Training Is Key 2 Consistent Growth

~The Best Never Rest~
Player Development Training is worth it if you're willing to put in the work towards going the extra mile so that you can build confidence, perform at your peak potential and separate yourself from your competition.
Don't wait until tryouts to get your game tuned up!
Sign up today for private and/or small group training,

"Teenagers who indulge in drugs & alcohol often cause lots of unnecessary family problems"

Dear Mom and Dad,
Do you have a teenager and/or young adult who is dealing with alcohol, drugs, disrespectful to house rules and parents, rude & confrontational, anti-social, hangs out with unhealthy friends and who are consistently making poor choices that could someday lead them down a path of destruction?
Guess what, you're not alone. Each year thousand of families just like you go through lots of teenage and young adult rebellion that ultimately puts lots of strain on the family unit and causes unnecessary pain.
"Most families try to deny that there's a problem and are willing to go out into the community using fake-happy smiles as if all is well, but it's not!"
~Teenagers & Young Adults Go Through Stupidville~
My first advice is to ask that you give your child and all his/her stuff (goofiness) to the lord in prayer. Secondly, don't think it's your fault. It's happening next door and across the street as well. Thirdly, reach out to someone who you know, trust & believe will keep your family's business private. If it calls for it, don't be embarrassed to seek a higher level of intervention (counseling and/or police department who will work with you on behalf of saving your child). But whatever you do, don't allow your child's negative behavior to continue inside the house and ultimately break up the family.
Depending on the magnitude of the situation, I'm here to help and don't mind speaking with your child and the family if I can be of help.
Your pain is everyone's pain. Don't give it. Satan wants to break up the family. And we can't allow that to happen!

Christian's have a responsibility to lead others to Christ

Romans 9:10 (explains how to accept christ)
Once we receive Jesus Christ in our hearts & choose to walk in his ways, we have access into a kingdom filled w/ unlimited resources.
"Heaven is real but so is hell, don't wait too late to choose your eternal resting place."

Youth Personal Hygiene Check

Parents please check your kids personal hygiene. Once a child turns a certain age (and as their activity level increase) they start to perspire more than usual and because of it, they may need to start putting on deodorant and a little smell good.
Just saying!

Love People Regardless of their Personal Preferences

People I choose to love; Republicans, Democrats & Independents, not because of their political positions but because the Jesus in me says so.
Advertising made by the, "Jesus is Love Party."


~In This Cold, Cold World~
Someday in this cold, cold world, when all God's children are on fire for the lord (at the same time), the heat that radiates from our love (for Jesus), our commitment and faithfulness will keep us all warm, like an old fashion blanket (sewn by hand).
Did you know?
Christian's are called by God to promote & spread the Gospel.
Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Hoop Hunter Student-Athlete Basketball Tip:

~If I were you & I never got the ball passed to me, what would I do? "I would become a Garbage Collector"~
The bible say's, "it's more of a blessing to give than it is to receive" so, I would take that to heart and try to apply it to my play on the court.
So, during games that I never get passed the ball or when I get it and I'm asked to pass it to someone else, I would gladly pass it to the person that the coach prefers to shoot and simply head to the basket to get the rebound (assuming that they are going to miss).
In theory, I would train my brain to think that almost every time my teammates shoot, the shot is going to be missed and become garbage. And I, (the garbage collector) would hustle towards the basket while anticipating where the missed shot is going to fall, get the rebound and recycle the missed shot (putting it back in the basket).
At the end of the game, my stats would look like this, (garbage collector) 20 rebounds and 40 points.
Not to shabby huh!

What Defines Us?

Who we are as a person should never be defined by our career, education, athletic achievements nor our (iconic) popularity in our community but rather by our love & compassion for others, our willingness to help & esteem others less fortunate and our humble commitment to the service we've been called and inspired to work by almighty God.

Don't Let Being Told That You Didn't Make The Team Become the "End of You" but Rather, "The Life of You."

Parents, if you have a child who participates in any type of organized sports and/or educational tryouts and they aren't selected or perhaps they don't make the team of their choice, it's okay to be disappointed but please, please & pretty please don't get mad and spit venom on the coaches/teachers about the process by saying, "it's not fair." But let the experience be a positive and teachable moment that helps them in other areas of life.
And remember, sometimes in life no matter how much we prepare for something, the answer is, "not this time" or "not right now." Getting mad and starting a public petition against the process doesn't help the situation and neither does it teach your child how to deal with disappointments in a manner that reveals good character.
Does God give you what you want and ask for all the time although you've been obedient? And when he say's no or not right now, do you go and change your religion?
Just saying!
Hoop Hunter