Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Question I Get Most Often

Q: How have you managed to keep the doors open at HHB when you do the least amount of advertising (24yrs)?
My Answer: 
1.The bible tells me that if I put God first that he will supply all of my needs, so I do that.
2. The bible also say's that he that dwell in the lord shall be given the desires of his heart, so I've learned to do that.
3. The bible says that whosoever obey the word of God can faithfully ask for anything and according to God's will, it will be done, so I do my best to obey God (the Holy Spirit acts as my conscience guide).
4. I seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness (literally) everyday and the word says that he will add the things that I need to my life, so I do that.
Over time, I've learned to live by faith. It's not always easy but I'm committed to serving God and the will that he's laid out for my life.
"Seeking him and doing his will is the only thing that matters."

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