Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hoop Hunter Wisdom and Proverbs 4 All High School-Student Athletes

"The Ball's In Your Court"
Do your best to be a good person. Be the person others think you are when no one else is looking. Maintain a healthy relationship with your parents. Never think of yourself more highly than your family.Be meek and humble. Give your best in the classroom. Try to achieve a higher than normal level of success with your academic studies. Be willing to take classes that none of your friends are willing to explore. Evaluate your friendships. Be willing to excuse yourself from those who are taking life, education, family and whatever your passion is for granted. Always be willing to give back to your community and the kids who look up to you. Never let yourself down. You let yourself down when you stop working hard and believing in a dream. Be willing to work at everything that you do as if you're working for the lord. When competing, learn to go hard everyday and all the time. Always leave your best on the court and/or field. Remember never to look down on those who aren't as fortunate as you. Be willing to socialize with the least of them as long as it doesn't negotiate the God given life principles you've been raised to maintain. And last, the best way to help others is to lead by example and leave positive footprints for them to follow.
An Anointed Word!
"With God, All Things Are Possible"

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