Friday, August 7, 2015

Making a decision to live by the truth and the word of God takes courage and discernment.
It's not easy for Christians to fully and faithfully surrender their entire life to living for Christ; in many cases most are too concerned about what others will think and most just can't seem to let go of being in control.
I understand the hesitance that most people have when it comes to "surrendering all" and I can personally relate to the fear that most have when it comes to committing everything they have to living a Christ centered life.
For me, (many years ago) I felt led to make the commitment, and by doing so, I discovered a newness for life that I can't explain but are filled with many blessings.
And today, I'm as confident as ever that God's word is the living word for each of our lives and that the promises God has made (to his children) will be fulfilled to the fullest to those who fully and faithfully put all of their trust in Him.
Remember, you don't need what the world says you need to have joy, peace, fulfillment, love, happiness and purposeful living.
All you need is to fully and faithfully surrender your entire life to serving the true and living God and He will bring and spread his promises to you (and your family) throughout your life.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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