Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hoop Hunter Wisdom and Proverbs 4 All High School-Student Athletes

"The Ball's In Your Court"
Do your best to be a good person. Be the person others think you are when no one else is looking. Maintain a healthy relationship with your parents. Never think of yourself more highly than your family.Be meek and humble. Give your best in the classroom. Try to achieve a higher than normal level of success with your academic studies. Be willing to take classes that none of your friends are willing to explore. Evaluate your friendships. Be willing to excuse yourself from those who are taking life, education, family and whatever your passion is for granted. Always be willing to give back to your community and the kids who look up to you. Never let yourself down. You let yourself down when you stop working hard and believing in a dream. Be willing to work at everything that you do as if you're working for the lord. When competing, learn to go hard everyday and all the time. Always leave your best on the court and/or field. Remember never to look down on those who aren't as fortunate as you. Be willing to socialize with the least of them as long as it doesn't negotiate the God given life principles you've been raised to maintain. And last, the best way to help others is to lead by example and leave positive footprints for them to follow.
An Anointed Word!
"With God, All Things Are Possible"

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Only God Knows a Child's Fate In Life

I continue to be sickened by the number of people who think that they have the expert opinion to predetermining what level of success a child and/or teenager can have throughout life while under their leadership.
If those who feel that way about young people would only give them a fair chance, work with them and not prejudge or stereotype them like so many others have done, perhaps they could help them achieve success in a way they've (the child/teenager) always imagined or never knew.
"Before an adult can change the heart of a child, they must change the manner in which they think."
[Stinking Thinking, Sickens Me]
That's my two cents!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hoop Hunter™ Basketball: Champ Camp's Musical Chairs

We hosted a camp this summer (June of 2015) and we thought it would be fun and informative to teach the kids a fun new way to dribble a basketball

Attention All Teachers & Educators

Teachers bare the responsibility of helping children from All walks of life learn; regardless of race, learning disabilities and/or their socioeconomic status.
When educators teach with unconditional love and a sincere heart; it helps to rule out prejudices!
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
"All Lives Matter"
A song for ages:
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red, yellow, black and white all are precious in his site, Jesus love the little children of the world.
"Don't think that you're doing a child a favor simply because you're asked to go out of your way to help them, going out of your way to help a child learn should be the norm (a teacher's creed). And in the eyes of God almighty it's the right thing to do."
That's my two cents!

The Question I Get Most Often

Q: How have you managed to keep the doors open at HHB when you do the least amount of advertising (24yrs)?
My Answer: 
1.The bible tells me that if I put God first that he will supply all of my needs, so I do that.
2. The bible also say's that he that dwell in the lord shall be given the desires of his heart, so I've learned to do that.
3. The bible says that whosoever obey the word of God can faithfully ask for anything and according to God's will, it will be done, so I do my best to obey God (the Holy Spirit acts as my conscience guide).
4. I seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness (literally) everyday and the word says that he will add the things that I need to my life, so I do that.
Over time, I've learned to live by faith. It's not always easy but I'm committed to serving God and the will that he's laid out for my life.
"Seeking him and doing his will is the only thing that matters."

A Story About So Called True Friends

Some people (who are christian's) would like you to think that they're your friends as long as they believe that (together) your lives mirror one another, and any time they hear that you have a problem; teenage issues, changing schools, choosing to do business with people they don't like, personal ideas that are different from theirs, uncertainties, let downs, career related concerns and/or anything else for that matter that's opposite of what they think or believe, they jump ship.

But let the truth be told, the thing that makes true friends-friends is the fact that together, both people know that neither are perfect and that life at times has a way of causing people to feel broken, ashamed and can cause one to have a feeling of despair at times, it's normal.

Something to remember:
True friends share life's successes and failures without any prejudices and without being judgmental!

To put it simple, if you have friends who choose to leave you simply because your life no longer mirrors theirs, perhaps they weren't your friend (s) in the first place (motive driven); however don't hate, pray for them and keep it moving!

 All you need is Jesus!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Making a decision to live by the truth and the word of God takes courage and discernment.
It's not easy for Christians to fully and faithfully surrender their entire life to living for Christ; in many cases most are too concerned about what others will think and most just can't seem to let go of being in control.
I understand the hesitance that most people have when it comes to "surrendering all" and I can personally relate to the fear that most have when it comes to committing everything they have to living a Christ centered life.
For me, (many years ago) I felt led to make the commitment, and by doing so, I discovered a newness for life that I can't explain but are filled with many blessings.
And today, I'm as confident as ever that God's word is the living word for each of our lives and that the promises God has made (to his children) will be fulfilled to the fullest to those who fully and faithfully put all of their trust in Him.
Remember, you don't need what the world says you need to have joy, peace, fulfillment, love, happiness and purposeful living.
All you need is to fully and faithfully surrender your entire life to serving the true and living God and He will bring and spread his promises to you (and your family) throughout your life.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!