Monday, August 31, 2020

As A Kid, I Thrived Off Of Positive Teachers & Coaches

 As a young talented basketball player, I thrived and did very well in school and sports because I was surrounded by positive teachers and coaches.  all of my coaches were demanding but loving. I knew each day that I went to the gym that my coaches believed in me, loved me, and that they were going to challenge me to be the very best that I could be, no matter what!

As a young player, I never went to the gym and felt like I shouldn't be there. In fact, the gym became my home away from home. And to be honest, the church, the school, the gym and my home are the places I was raised in the most. Every single one of the coaches I played for, from grade school through high school, often spent extra time before and after school teaching & encouraging me and sowing into my future.

I knew as a child that I wanted to play basketball whenever I grew up. My foundation was properly seeded by Christian men and women who played the game, loved the game and they new that I had something special before I did, and they nurtured my talents and gifts, but always held me accountable for remaining humble, respectful and hard working.


As a kid, my teachers & coaches planted the right seeds into my education & athletic career and for that I'm forever grateful.dh

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