Thursday, August 27, 2020

America We Can Do Better Than This!

Aren't you tired of generational fighting? I am! We as Americans are capable of working together and loving one another, but the violence has to stop! But first we must stop & speak against the killing of black lives and all other racially motivated situations for that matter!

Did you know that vandalizing the property of others is wrong and against the law? Doing things like that only exasperates the problem (makes it worse). Please stop it. There are better ways of getting your point across.

It's time for all Americans to start acting like Americans. It's time for people to stop being fearful & worrying about what others will think if you join forces with others (who may not look like you, nor support your political party) to help fight against the evil desires of man.  

It's time to stop living as enemies and start living as friends and good neighbors! It's time to speak out against people who believe in racial oppression and stand up for racial harmony and reconciliation throughout America!

~Two wrongs don't make a right. Right is right and wrong is wrong. It's time to take a stand for justice for all God's children. For those who choose to remain silent, I respect that, but would you please pray with me for racial reconciliation and for the softening of all hearts across America~

My parents said, "You'll never know fully what someone else feels, has or is going through unless you're able to walk in their shoes."

Being black in America isn't always bad, easy or good [never has been] but we must keep HOPE ALIVE!  I Thank God for many of my personal God fearing unconditional loving friends who recognize the many social and racial injustices that happens across all racial lines everyday, together, let's continue to stand up for BL, WL, HL, AL and those who've been forgotten (the least of them); and let's not forget to fight our battles on our knees!

[We Are Under An Attack By Satan]

Remember, Satan has a plan and it's to destroy the preparation and building up of God's Kingdom on earth. And we, (All God's children) have got to start recognizing that we are worshipping and praying to the same God (Jehovah Jireh- our provider), and that we are all His children and He loves us the same. Satan wants to use race to separate, divide and conquer all of God's children because he knows that we're stronger united than we are divided!

Food For Thought:
What would you do if your child were to someday mysteriously lose his/her way and start doing all types of things that you never hoped to see your child doing? Would you walk away & give up on them, or would you pray, seek mercy, grace and forgiveness until God changes his/her heart or separates the wheat from the tare?

And finally, regardless of what everyone's personal differences are, let's stand together and fight all of our battles on our knees, while doing our best to set good examples of what God would want His America to look like.  As for Christians, the bible tells us that we're all sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus! 

Read: Ephesians 2:8 & 1 John 3:4

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

 Deon-"Loving all God's children from all walks of life without prejudice" 

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