Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Not My Will But Thy Will Be Done"

My Personal & Sincere Walk with The Lord

When God first called me into service for Him to become the steward of a Christ-centered youth sports organization, the biggest & best decision that I ever made was to say, "Yes" and then to surrender my personal will for the will of my father (God almighty). 

Foot note: [Only What We Do for Christ Will Last]

My personal walk with The Lord has continued to drive my success in everything that I do (in fact it continues to elevate & increase as greater things are on the way). 

Today,  I no longer see things from a mortal man's perspective, but more importantly with a spiritual (eyes) perspective as I continue to grow and develop from reading, studying, trusting and obeying the living word of God.  

Foot note: [Those who are ashamed of the Gospel, can never please God]

Throughout my day to day experiences living and leading a Christ-centered life, I continue to discover that God's will for me & all of us is good and filled with lots of promises! And that when we surrender our will for the will of our father (which is perfected in Christ through faith), we no longer have to worry or stress about whether or not we're in the right place and doing the right things. For God's everlasting love, peace, favor and will for our lives, career and family will be upon us.

Matthew 6:10-11 "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"


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