Sunday, January 7, 2018

Divisiveness In Sports Among H.S. Coaches & Outside Resources

Throughout my 44 years of being involved in sports (27 as the leader of a faith based youth sports org.), I've seen more and more coaches (primarily high school) develop a hard core disrespect, dislike and non-willingness to work together (on one accord) with people (in and outside of their communities) such as; sports psychologist, sports counselors, off-season youth sport coaches, sports specific trainers & physical fitness trainers who like themselves love sports and who enjoy seeing the continued growth, success and development of kids educationally, physically, socially, spiritually and personally.

Most professionals who are healthy outside resources are nothing more than good hard working people who have been given a gift (from God) in specific areas and who have been called to help meet the needs of others but from an outside source setting (in which there's nothing wrong with that).

~”Coaches who grow their network, often improve their net worth”~

Because I have a voice and I have good will for all of my peers in sports, I'm committed to speaking about this long over due issue and the negative attitudes among most high school coaches who in many cases are a part of an "Good Old Boy System" and who's main concern is to only work with other high school coaches in a systematic way that further segregate themselves from other outside resources.

 “A world divided against itself can not stand”

My hope and prayer is that all of us in sports who really want to help kids, families and communities grow would pray and ask God to open up their hearts and stop being divisive among each other. As you know, non of us can take our God given gifts to heaven. In fact, we are called by God to share, care and give our gifts to those in need while living together on earth in harmony.

I realize that for many of you, this cuts right to the chase but either you're apart of the problem and/or a healthy part of the solution. Pray for me as I pray for you. My hope is that all of us can learn to work together while also respecting our difference (in love).

When we all work together in a God pleasing way (as children of the most high), we can all thrive!


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