Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Being A Student of The Game"

"Players of all sports bare the responsibility of becoming a student of the sport"
The phrase "student-athlete" is often perceived as a person who plays sports and who makes academics a top and high priority; however players must also be reminded that being a student-athlete requires that you continue to increase your knowledge and schooling in the area of the sport you've chosen to play.
Something to remember:
Increased knowledge in areas of your life that are important to you will have a increasing and everlasting positive impact on the outcome of your overall performance & interest.

Friday, January 12, 2018

"Give Coaches A Break"

Good coaches in many cases get a bad rap because they sometimes inherit players who are undisciplined, unskilled, un coachable, non-competitive and some even have unhealthy work habits & negative attitudes which in many cases causes unwanted problems (on the team) that ultimately become the coaches nightmares.

Not all coaches are bad, in fact, most are pretty good and are exactly what student-athletes need to continue to grow and develop into the type of players & person they desire to become.

Give good coaches a break because they too are human and truly care about young people, their personal growth and overall development in sports and life.

The next time you feel the need to lash out at a good coach and/or throw him/her under the bus, stop, take a look in the mirror and remember that none of us are perfect, [not even you] and that prayer is and always will be the answer.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

God Put "Faith Inside of His Word"

~ There is Faith & Power in God's Holy Word and in the name of Jesus~

God placed faith inside of his word therefore when we get the word inside of our hearts, we get the faith. And when we have the faith (living inside of us) we're able to speak the work of God against any and all things that comes against us in the name of Jesus.

Read The Word, Get The Faith!


Sowing & Seeding The Success Of Others

Reaching out and touching the hands of others for the sole purpose of helping them achieve a higher level of success suitable to their needs and liking is the fundamental principle of sowing and seeding the success of others without wanting anything in return.

Everyone has something that they can offer to someone else. It takes selflessness and a heart of generosity to invest in someone else's future. Therefore, when it's in your power to act, in good will for the good of others, be bold and plant the seed.

~"God will always replace what you give when you give with the heart of Christ"~


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Positive People Produce Positive Resuts

Stop listening to lies! Stop listening to negative people! Stop listening to media propaganda!

It's all designed to get you confused, worried, place fear inside of your mind and paralyze you for the sole purpose of keeping you from living a life filled with joy, peace, happiness and contentment.

Something 2 Remember:
"Positive people with positive messages produce positive results as well as they have a greater impact on effective growth among people throughout our society."


Our Success Is Connected 2 Our Failures

Sadly enough but true, our struggles, disappointments, failures and losses are connected to the overall success of man.

God is a good God, and he loves all of his children, especially those who Trust Him, Obey Him and Have Faith in Him during the midst of all types of storms.

What seems to lost in the minds, hearts and souls of man is the fact that we (God's children) have been created in his image. And with that said, we were predestined by our maker to overcome all things (in Christ we have no limitations) and succeed.

Therefore it's important to know that when we surrender whole heartedly to the word of God and we read, pray, meditate, trust and obey with faith, that God will always sustain, grow, improve, enlighten, restore, comfort, deliver, provide, heal and guide us in the successful paths that he predestined for our lives.

1 Peter 2:6
He who believes in Him will not be disappointed


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Student-Athletes & Opportunities

Trials, Faith and Community | Hoop Hunter TM

Deon Hunter aka Hoop Hunter 2 Coach 5th Grade Boys Team?

Yes, it's true, I'm considering coaching our HHB 5th grade competitive boys team this off-season. And if i decide to do so, I will be looking for kids with good basketball IQ, competitive, good self- drive, coachable, with good parents who won't get in the way of my leadership, cohesiveness, players with above average dribbling skills, passing skills, Shooting skills, has a concept of how to play defense & offense, good post skills, good guard skills, players who are willing to play as a team, can make practices, good academics, willing to practice outside of our HHB practices, who will remain committed through the good, not so good and the ugly, parents who won’t sit in the stands and degrade the team & coach when we go through rough patches and players who will allow me challenge them to grow in a constructive way beyond their comfort level.
Tryouts are this Saturday at HHB facility, if you know of competitive players who might come close to fitting this profile, please ask them to sign up online to participate
Please don't call to discuss your child's status prior to tryouts, we prefer to see what they can do on the court without being pre-judge mental. oh, and for the record, we can't and won't be bought by way of outside influences!
Deon aka Hoop Hunter

Wanting Others To Succeed Is A Good Thing

We've all been taught that life is more about individual success and competition rather than helping, hoping and encouraging others to succeed.

But more importantly, one must know, that life is more gratifying & rewarding when we give than when we receive.

~I find it very hard "Not" to want to see others do well~

As an obedient believer in the word of God, it's important that we (believers in Jesus Christ) remain committed to adhering to what the bible says and to "Not" allow ourselves to become calloused and self-centered in such a way that we can't wish success for our neighbors, friends, enemies and people who are in direct competition with us. "God will always make a way for the believer."

God promises to meet our needs no matter what, therefore, there's no need to worry, in Christ, we've got the victory.

Phillipians 4:19
But my God shall abundantly supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.


Building Believers MLK Holiday Special Events

Special MLK Events
presented by Building Believers

Benefiting Northwood Church & the Lena Pope Home
Homeless Blessing Bags


The Big 4: Ball Handling, Defense & Rebounding, Passing & Shooting
*registration deadline is Saturday, Jan. 13 @ 6pm

   8:30am-10:00am: 3rd - 5th graders, co-ed
10:15am-11:45am: 6th -8th graders, co-ed
            Youth Teams Welcomed!


"How to Wake Up Your Giant with DH" (H2WUYG)
*registration deadline for H2WUYG is Thursday, Jan. 11 @6pm

Noon - 1:00pm: 7th -12th graders, co-ed

Bring your friends, classmates, teammate and coaches to this wonderful and insightful 1 hour action packed speaking event on "How to Wake Up Your Giant" & improve your success academically, socially, spiritually, athletically and as a leader.

Cost: $20 or bring an item to donate
Donations: Socks, Gloves, Knit Caps, Washcloths, Bar Soaps, Band-aids, Ponchos, Small Sewing Kit Lip Balm, Dental Floss, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste and Travel Size Toiletries

 High School Volunteer Opportunity:
if interested register by Wed. Jan.10th @ 6pm.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Divisiveness In Sports Among H.S. Coaches & Outside Resources

Throughout my 44 years of being involved in sports (27 as the leader of a faith based youth sports org.), I've seen more and more coaches (primarily high school) develop a hard core disrespect, dislike and non-willingness to work together (on one accord) with people (in and outside of their communities) such as; sports psychologist, sports counselors, off-season youth sport coaches, sports specific trainers & physical fitness trainers who like themselves love sports and who enjoy seeing the continued growth, success and development of kids educationally, physically, socially, spiritually and personally.

Most professionals who are healthy outside resources are nothing more than good hard working people who have been given a gift (from God) in specific areas and who have been called to help meet the needs of others but from an outside source setting (in which there's nothing wrong with that).

~”Coaches who grow their network, often improve their net worth”~

Because I have a voice and I have good will for all of my peers in sports, I'm committed to speaking about this long over due issue and the negative attitudes among most high school coaches who in many cases are a part of an "Good Old Boy System" and who's main concern is to only work with other high school coaches in a systematic way that further segregate themselves from other outside resources.

 “A world divided against itself can not stand”

My hope and prayer is that all of us in sports who really want to help kids, families and communities grow would pray and ask God to open up their hearts and stop being divisive among each other. As you know, non of us can take our God given gifts to heaven. In fact, we are called by God to share, care and give our gifts to those in need while living together on earth in harmony.

I realize that for many of you, this cuts right to the chase but either you're apart of the problem and/or a healthy part of the solution. Pray for me as I pray for you. My hope is that all of us can learn to work together while also respecting our difference (in love).

When we all work together in a God pleasing way (as children of the most high), we can all thrive!


"Not My Will But Thy Will Be Done"

My Personal & Sincere Walk with The Lord

When God first called me into service for Him to become the steward of a Christ-centered youth sports organization, the biggest & best decision that I ever made was to say, "Yes" and then to surrender my personal will for the will of my father (God almighty). 

Foot note: [Only What We Do for Christ Will Last]

My personal walk with The Lord has continued to drive my success in everything that I do (in fact it continues to elevate & increase as greater things are on the way). 

Today,  I no longer see things from a mortal man's perspective, but more importantly with a spiritual (eyes) perspective as I continue to grow and develop from reading, studying, trusting and obeying the living word of God.  

Foot note: [Those who are ashamed of the Gospel, can never please God]

Throughout my day to day experiences living and leading a Christ-centered life, I continue to discover that God's will for me & all of us is good and filled with lots of promises! And that when we surrender our will for the will of our father (which is perfected in Christ through faith), we no longer have to worry or stress about whether or not we're in the right place and doing the right things. For God's everlasting love, peace, favor and will for our lives, career and family will be upon us.

Matthew 6:10-11 "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"


Friday, January 5, 2018

"Failure Ignites Success"

Student-athletes often face all types of good and not so good moments throughout every single day of their lives. And when it comes to playing sport too often players will face hardships, disappointments and self-doubts. They have on going and on growing moments when they feel like the sky is falling and they can't catch a break. But take heart, the sky isn't falling and that you're on the right track.

So, whenever things (on or off the court) doesn't go your way, don't give in, give out or give up because the experiences that your facing are being used to establish building blocks that will eventually ignite your success, if you don't quit.


"Keep Going I'm On The Right Track"

My Personal & Sincere Walk with The Lord

Throughout my walk with the lord, I've experienced misfortunes, trials, set backs, spiritual attacks, jealously, disloyalty and unanswered prayers. And through it all, I've learned to remain steadfast on trusting in the living word of God and not be discouraged.

It no longer matters what others think, but more importantly, what God thinks. In his word, he says,"I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU [Deon] NOR FORSAKE YOU" (Hebrews 13:5), and "ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM  [Deon] THAT LOVE THE LORD AND WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE IN CHRIST JESUS!" (Romans 8:28)

Therefore whenever I face all types of unwanted circumstances, I've learned not to take things personal but to embrace both the good and not so good knowing that I'm on the right track and that Satan, no matter how many road blocks he attempts to place in my path, I choose to use each of them to ignite my self-drive as I soar like an Eagle and accomplish the will of my father.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

"Trust In Him"

My Personal & Sincere Walk with The Lord

Living a Christ-centered life and doing my very best to follow the readings of the holy bible isn't always easy, in fact, it's sometimes difficult but I have learned to simply trust in the lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding but more importantly, obey the living word of God no matter how difficult life may seem. [Proverb 3:5]

The bible says, "that in this world, we will have troubles but take heart! I have already overcome the world. [John 16:33]

Therefore, I would advise all of God's children not to worry but to trust in the lord and KEEP THE FAITH even when things aren't going your way and look a bit bleak, and in His time God will make your way straight, just don't give up!


About Yesterday, Tomorrow & Today

Yesterday is gone and now belongs to the lord. Tomorrow is not here therefore there's no need to worry because it's also in the hands of the lord. Today is the only day that matters. Today we have control over what we do and how we respond to life, only Today.

Today is the only day that matters!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My Personal & Sincere Walk With The Lord 2018

My walk with the lord Jesus Christ is personal, sincere and established in faith!

I'm encouraged daily as I put my full trust in the maker and creator of heaven and earth. It is my personal desire to obey the living God. I am so happy and indebted to my grandmother and parents for raising my siblings and I (as children) to know the Lord.

[Proverb 22:6] Train up a child in the way he/she should go!

The best and greatest decision I ever made was to accept Jesus Christ into my heart and choose to walk in an manner that's pleasing to God.

[Romans 10:9-10 How to receive Christ as your personal lord and savior.]

Living a Christ-centered life for me is filled with wonder, inner peace and dependence on the living word of God. Everyday, I do my best to honor God by spending quality time in his presence by reading, meditating on his word and in prayer (all types).

My main purpose in life today through sports based initiatives is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ [The Good News] and his continued love for all people.

My hope is that you'll partner with me as a unashamed Christian to help introduce, grow and encourage others to put their full trust in the lord Jesus Christ.

Deon Hunter