Thursday, January 28, 2016

Advocate For Unity In Sports- Not Divisiveness

In today's (off-season) youth sports, there seems to be an rising of division among middle & high school coaches, community youth coaches, parents who coach and anyone who feels led to help make a noticeable difference in the lives of youth through sports.

Let's face it, off-season sports can and should be conducted by anyone with the means and heart to do good for the overall health and welfare of all student-athletes. And to say the least, it's a free market right?  Isn't that what we want in all other areas of life ? There should never be only one exclusive group, person or organization out there trying to form a monopoly. There's enough student-athletes out there for everyone to have his/her fair share of players and/or teams.

As it relates to the cost of each aau team, club team, parent-coached team and/or school coached team, no one has the right to tell anyone what their "Fair Market Value" should be nor should they use that to raise attention to their entrance into the "Free Market" of off-season sports to gain support for their participation. "If you're only thinking about wins and losses and not those multitudes of intangibles that aren't on paper that help grow and develop student-athletes, then I guess there's support for an argument."

Too often I'm finding super ultra ego's out there who feel they're the only ones who can teach and coach youth basketball. But in reality, there's several people out there who can do the same thing, if not better. However, it's only fair to ask each person who chooses to enter the off-season "Free Market"to stay in their lane and stop trying to poor the "Fire Hose" on all of the wonderful youth coaches out there who really does a great job mentoring and coaching players. And it's also unfair to use "Player Fees" or the lack of having coaches "Just Like You" as a means to discredit other aau teams and organizations.

Foot Note: Does Walmart call out Macy's because people choose to shop there?  Does Home Depot call our Lowe's for those who want to shop there? And last, does the establishment of a middle class neighborhood call out a well-deserved upper class neighborhoods just because they have lots of nice homes and amenities?

In my opinion, there isn't or shouldn't be one exclusive individual, club team, aau team, select team and/or parent coached team that should have all the players. We live in a "Free Society" where good hard working people have "Free Will" and the right to teach & coach sports in their spare time or even full time however they see fit without the ongoing divisiveness of those few who seem to think that their resume makes them credible. Resumes lie and they don't always tell the truth!

I'm not an advocate for organizations, persons and coaches who feel led to use others and the cost involved with players fees as a tool to discredit others just to build themselves up. Yes, I agree there are some sharks out there in the wide world of youth sports (who just don't get it) but the majority of those that I know are really good people who give their best to youth daily. And often at the end of each season, several of them come up short financially. And for others to suggest what the market value should be for players fees, you're out of your lane, it vary's from team to team. Get in where you fit in, "Its a Free Market."

*Would you like someone to tell your employer what they should pay you when you go to work particularly when they don't know your full value?

 There are lots of great coaches, aau teams, club teams, organizations, school coached teams and parent-coached teams out there in the "Free Market Place." Parents, players and their coaches bare the responsibility of doing their homework first before joining any off-season program. I support good coaches who run good organization and I prefer to be their ally rather than their adversary.

What they choose to charge for player fees is there business, not mine and not yours!

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