Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 HHB & BBI Has Lots of Wonderful Blessings Coming Your Way

Proverbs 3:5 say's, "Trust in the lord with all your heart, mind and soul and lean not unto your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths straight."

 And with that said, I want to personally thank each of you for (23 years) helping to pioneer such wonderful, spirit filled Christian youth sports organizations.

And because of your loyalty, commitment and God's faithfulness, He's inspired me to do some wonderful things (through faith) to bless children, youth, families and communities.

God has placed it on my heart to make basketball training and opportunities for kids (in all areas) more affordable (for everyone) as well as, He's placed it on my heart to go out into the world and adopt communities with children, who have greater needs than the norm and build hope, dreams, mentorship and spread the Gospel.

Therefore, beginning in 2015, you can expect to see several changes that I hope will bless you and your family and thousands of those who are considered the least of them.

Please pray with me as I take on this faithful challenge to continue to impact the world through the wonderful game of basketball, which, if taught well, can teach life skills and have a positive impact on children, families and communities throughout the world.

If you're in a position to volunteer,  give or if you work for a company and have the means to sow into our Building Believers (not-for profit) organization, we would love to have you partner with our mission.

To donate to BBI go to;, together, we can impact the world.


Deon Hunter

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