Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Players, Stop Doubting & Start Believing

In the wide world of sports, there's a large number of players out there who look the part but certainly aren't ready to compete for the crown because for one reason or another they just don't believe that they can do it. They have too much doubt.

Although players are told and encouraged to believe that they have what it takes to be an impact player or to play at a high level, most often they tend to find reasons to believe otherwise. 

Some would rather doubt themselves and play the pity party game rather than change their way of stinking thinking and start believing in themselves.

Players who continue to doubt and are reluctant to believe will eventually cause more harm than good to themselves and others. Unless they stop doubting and start believing, life in sports can and will be a miserable experience and a unhealthy memory.

Helpful Bible Scripture:

"God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control."
2 Timothy 1:7

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