Monday, December 9, 2013

Personal Investment & Personal Growth Can Lead to Success

Players and people who make a decision to invest in themselves can expect to see growth throughout their lives if the investment is lined up with their calling and the gifts that they have been given by Almighty God.

I personally believe that for each of us to fully fulfill our earthly destiny, that we should seek God's will for our lives through prayer, reading the word and meditating on it daily. Please know that God promises to reveal himself to each of us but he wants a close personal relationship and not a long distant relationship.

Therefore, before anyone spends a tremendous amount of money, time or thought on what they should be doing, my suggestion is to first seek God's will and purpose for your life and once he confirms your calling, begin to invest in you with all of your heart. Then watch the personal growth lead you to a meaningful and successful career and life.

"If your calling is from above and you accept it, with obedience, you are certain to be led by God in a way that brings Glory to Him and satisfaction to you."

Supportive Reading Material:

-Seek God First- Matthew 6:33
-The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord- Plasm 37:23
-With confidence in God, you will be strengthened- Phillipians 4:13
-Commit Your Plans to the Lord -Proverbs 6:3

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