Monday, December 30, 2013

How To Turn a Loss into a Victory

After a loss, all players & teams win if they learned something from the loss that will help them become a better player,teammate and person.

Congrats to Argyle High School Girls Basketball Team

Congrats to Argyle H.S. Girls, Skip Townsend, his staff and the entire team for winning the Whataburger Tournament for the 2nd straight year.

Something Good Happening in Argyle

Congrats to Aubrey H.S. Girls Basketball Team

Congrats to my friend Coach Johnny Hodge and Aubrey H.S. Girls for winning the NCTC Holiday Tournament. And to Kendyle Wright (MVP) and her team, including the parents (fans).

BBI is having a Band

We are working on a plan to have a live youth band (instruments, singers & musicians ) through our non-profit organization, Building Believers Inc. 

This will be a Christ-centered youth band. 

Our goal is to bring hope & encouragement to youth by providing tasteful music and song through our outreach & speaking ministry. 

Donated instruments are needed. 100% tax write off through BBI.

For Parents of Kid's, Teenagers & Young Adults

Parents with kid's, teenagers and young adults. It's common to want to fight back when theirs a disagreement or an argument. But in the end no one wins. 

Rather than make a mountain out of an ant bed, try asking God's help to forgive and settle all matters.

Take The High Road- Ask God!

Food for Thought for Youth

Happy is the man with a level-headed son; sad the mother of a rebel.

Proverb 10:1

A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a shame to see a lad who sleeps away his hour of opportunity.

Proverb 10:5

In Marriages Team Work Is Key

A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown, the other kind corrodes his strength and tears down everything he does.

Proverbs 12:4

Have You Gotten Off Track?

If you've gotten off track in a healthy area of your life, it's never too late to get back on track. Let today be the beginning of something new and everlasting. 

Want to feel better about yourself, do what it takes to get back on track.

You Can Do It!

Ashamed of The Gospel? Not!

As a called servant-leader, I'm not ashamed of the Gospel. For I know and have learned through reading, studying, hearing, fellow shipping and meditating on the word that we (Christian's) were made for God's pleasure. Therefore we must honor the word of God. 

We are charged by Christ to spread the Gospel throughout all the earth, and that means all of us!

"Game On"

P.S. I'm no more ashamed of living a Christ centered life as I'm not ashamed to take a player to the basket to score. Just saying.

Why Attend Church?

God wants us all to attend a bible teaching church where the word of God is preached from the bible. 

When we do this it gives us great hope in our day to day endeavors. As well as, we learn how to live a happy, peaceful, overcoming and Christ-centered life.

Get Up-Let's Go!

Friday & Saturday Night Youth Food For Thought:

Bad company corrupts good character. 

Who are you hanging out with tonight?


The Word Loser

People who base their life and self worth on the word loser, need to get a new life.

The Word Loser

Nowhere in life and especially in sports do I personally care for the word Loser. 

It has such a negative impact on kids and young athletes. And too often young players tend to base their self worth on the word Loser.

Take it from me, sports is just a game, it's not life. You're more than an athlete. You are a wonderfully created child of God.

So, don't judge yourself based on the word LOSER!

Character Wins

In sports as well as life, good character wins.

Don't Sell Yourself Short

I'm convinced that everyone has something good inside of them worthy of liking & loving.

I'm absolutely convinced.

A Team Game Plan For Winning

1. Follow the coach's game plan.
2. Play as team.
3. Don't turn the ball over.
4. Play team defense.
5. Win 50/50 balls.
6. Limit and contest all shots especially 3 point shots.
7. Shut down hot handed shooters early.
8. Maintain balanced scoring as a team.
9. Don't panic when your opponent makes a run. Your run will come.
10. Make Free Throws

Hoop Hunter

Sowing & Reaping

I'm excited about what's to come in 2014. This has been a awesome year because of so many wonderful kids & families. Together, we can continue to make a change in life for the better. Let's all keep sowing. As you know, we reap what we sow.

Let's not give up on one soul!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hoop Hunter 2nd Annual Holiday 3 on 3 Tournament "Last Years Event Was Packed, Exciting & Fun"

Hoop Hunter 3 on 3 Tournament
When: Friday, January 3rd
Grades: 5th-8th
Gender: Girls & Boys Divisions
Team Cost: $160.00
Registration Deadline: Friday, December 20th
Register your team now by contacting us at 817.491.9602. For more detailed information contact us at

What I've learned the Most Throughout My Adult Life

 I've learned to enjoy the little things, appreciate and speak for the people who have no voice, give to worthy causes, invest in the lives of youth, nothing good comes easy, to surround myself with intelligent people who know more than me, to seek God first and care for my family second, to not be ashamed of the Gospel, it's not the clothes that makes the man, it's the man that makes the clothes,
gossip has no place in life, God created us equally, being rude to people further widens the gap for hatred, use critics as fuel to help me get where I'm going, to be happy with myself and what I've been purposed to do in life, a simple smile encourages others, it's okay to pray for others on the spot, to forgive myself for my past sins, to embrace the beauty that life offers, not to allow money to become the root of my happiness, to treat others with respect, to lead by example and to accept others for who they are, not for what they have or what they can do for me.
Part 1, stay tuned for more....

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Players Must Keep Their Game Lit

It's the personal responsibility of every player to keep their game lit when playing basketball. No  matter what the circumstances are, each player is obligated to over come all obstacles and do whatever it takes to keep the fire burning. Excuses don't matter.

 "Excuses get players on the bench and coaches fired"  

While on The Court, I'm Not Your Friend, I'm Your Opponent!

Once a player laces up those shoes and tuck that jersey in, all friendships aside, it's time to play ball.

"I'm not your friend, I'm your opponent" 

When you're playing against an opponent, you're suppose to compete against them and everyone who's on their team including those high siders in the stands (however don't look at them or pay too much attention to them during the game) with everything you got.

And when your opponent is your best friend or friend, "you should give them the business." And what I mean by that is, you should compete against them as if they are an alien from another planet who's out to take what's rightfully yours (not happening)!

"Once the game is over and you win, you should respectfully shake hands and call it a day"

Friends for life usually strengthen each other through the battles along the journey.

Players, Stop Doubting & Start Believing

In the wide world of sports, there's a large number of players out there who look the part but certainly aren't ready to compete for the crown because for one reason or another they just don't believe that they can do it. They have too much doubt.

Although players are told and encouraged to believe that they have what it takes to be an impact player or to play at a high level, most often they tend to find reasons to believe otherwise. 

Some would rather doubt themselves and play the pity party game rather than change their way of stinking thinking and start believing in themselves.

Players who continue to doubt and are reluctant to believe will eventually cause more harm than good to themselves and others. Unless they stop doubting and start believing, life in sports can and will be a miserable experience and a unhealthy memory.

Helpful Bible Scripture:

"God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control."
2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, December 16, 2013

When Our Faith Is Being Tested

When everything is going well, there seems to be no reason to need faith. But when things start to slow down, problems arise, let downs occur, high expectations turn to low results and high hopes turn to meaningless words. This is when God expects us to believe in him through it all.

So, when your faith is being tested, remember, it's only a test. Hang in and keep trusting and believing God to meet your every need.

"Throughout my life, I've learned to hang in there even when the tide gets higher than I can almost stand it." And to this day, every now and then, I must claim victory over the natural and believe God for the supernatural.

By faith shall we all stand!

Proverb 3:5 Trust in the lord with all your heart, might and soul and lean not unto your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

When Players Go The Extra Mile- They Discover Sustained Happiness

In sports, happiness is often found and sustained through ongoing discovery. I believe that when players make up in their minds that they want to be really good, they must be willing to go the extra mile.

Going the extra mile helps players discover things about themselves that no one on earth can teach. And when a player puts in the extra work, they often improve. They start playing at a level that was once just a dream. And with that comes happiness!

A Sneak Peak at Teams Hoop Hunter Basketball Will Be Hosting During The 2014 Off-Season

Hoop Hunter Basketball plan to host 4 different age/grade boys and girls teams for the 2014 off-season. We will be seeking competitive players who are in need of further developing their individual game from a team setting!

7th Boys
7th Girls
8th Boys
8th Girls
9th Boys
9th Girls
10th Boys
10th Girls

Re: Seeking Coaches

We are now seeking above average responsible coaches who are able to commit and follow a game plan that we feel is suitable for players developing from a team setting.

If you know of really good Christian coaches who would do well working within our off-season program, please ask them to email a copy of their resume to

"One Team, One Goal, One Opportunity"

Hoop Hunter Basketball's 2nd Annual Holiday Hoops 3 on 3 Tournament

4 Divisions:     5th & 6th grade Girls          5th & 6th grade Boys        7th & 8th grade Girls         7th & 8th grade Boys
Form your teams of 3 to 4 players and come out to the Hoop Hunter Gym for a day of competition.
Games will begin at 9:00am.  Bracket schedule will be emailed to registered teams by Dec. 31st.
3 games guaranteed for each team.
All Teams must register by December 20th
Cost:  $160.00 per team  (due by Dec. 23rd)
Medals will be awarded to the first & second place teams in each division.  The third place team in each division will receive a ribbon.
Concessions will be available for purchase.  Spectators are encouraged to came and cheer on their favorite teams.
To register:
Email us ( the following infomation:
1.) Division you plan on entering
2.) Team name
3.) Each player's name including an email address for each player (please designate the captain for the team)  
Once we receive your information, we will email each player a registration/medical release form that must be signed by each player's parent or guardian for your team to compete.
Email us with any questions you may have. 

Dribbling the Basketball with Deon Hunter

4th-6th graders are asked to join Deon Tuesday, December 17th, for a informative & exciting dribbling event that will improve their overall ability to handle the basketball using either hand. This is a 1 1/2 hour event. The event starts at 4:30pm and ends at 6:00pm. This is a small (co-ed) group event, therefore only 6-8 players will be allowed during this session. 

To register, contact HHB at:  or 817.491.9602.

Hoop Hunter Holiday Hoop Camps for Kids

Hoop Hunter Basketball will be hosting several fun and exciting hoop camps for kids grades 1st-8th (girls & boys) during the holiday's. We will also be offering private & group training for players as well throughout the week. Contact us at to sign up for any camp or private/group training session.

"When players get serious about their skill development training, they come see us"

Friday, December 13, 2013

During Tough Times, Be Patient & Trust God

Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31

What To Do When You're Not Getting Playing Time

When you're not getting playing time, it's very easy to get down on yourself and start feeling self shame and self doubt. It's normal to feel that way. But let the truth be known, Basketball's just a game, It's not life.

In reality, you as a person are more than a basketball player. So, if for some reason you've worked hard, you've given it your very best and your best isn't good enough, take it in stride and remember that self worth is derived from working hard. But never stop working hard because things aren't going your way. Success in life still awaits you.

Through "The School of Hard Knocks" we fall down but we get back up again (with a smile).  We live, we learn, we grow, we persevere, we suffer, we're humiliated and we're tested. But in the end, we're strengthened for life's journey that surely awaits us.

So, regardless of whether you play or not or if you get the reward that you were hoping to receive (playing time) for the time and work that you in your game; hold on and don't quit because God's will for your life is ultimately what's most important. And remember, man doesn't have the power to control nor stop what God has destined for your life.

But let the truth be known, God sometimes allow his children to go through the "The Fire" or "The School of Hard Knocks" to strengthen them. So, be strong when you're being tested because weakness has no place in sports nor in life.

Helpful Bible Scripture:
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
 Therefore, continue to be a good teammate, train daily as if you're a starter, give life your best at all times, start recognizing an tapping into the other gifts that God has bestowed upon you while hoping for the best in the game.  Smile and be that awesome person and teammate who holds his/her head up high and who cheers for the team without malice. Be a constant encourager to others. Now by all means don't give up nor give in, keep working and believing in yourself.

 And remember, Basketball's just game, it's not life.

Enjoy The Ride!

Players Coaches Love To Coach

1. Players who are fundamentally sound.
2. Players who are coachable
3. Players who are competitive.
4. Players who are great teammates.
5. Players with family's who don't cause problems.
6. Players show a desire to work for what they want in practice first.
7. Players who aren't selfish and self-centered.
8. Players who respect the authority of their coaches.
9. Players who will lead the team on and off the court by example.
10. Players who show up and play hard and with confidence aggressive against competitive opponents.

* Players who maintain a high level of personal confidence & who can handle constructive criticism.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hoop Hunter Basketball College Note

Players who are interested in playing basketball in college need to hear the absolute truth. "It's not a game, it's a job" ,"You will have rules", "You will have roles" and "You will have responsibilities". And you don't get to choose what part of the job you like or dislike. Also, after signing your name on the dotted line, they own you and you must learn quickly how to adapt and embrace the direction in which they are leading the team. Oh, and about playing time, you nor your parents get to control that. My advice is always to keep a healthy attitude and stay ready when your number is called.

The reason I'm sharing this with you is too often young high school players have a false sense of reality when it comes to college. It's not all that they hoped it would be as it relates to athletics.

                                                                                                                                                                 If student-athletes are going to make it in college they must grow up, be wise and make good choices. And realize that the world doesn't evolve around them.

What Players Need To Know About Skill Development Training & The Big 3

Todays players both boys and girls need to know that without ongoing skills development training and the Big 3, their current skills won't be enough to get them where they would like to go with basketball.

"Skills that are taught and learned early on in a players career is the blue print for successful play."

 However, players must understand that skills development training alone isn't enough either. In order for players to improve their overall game, these 3 things must be present; players must maintain ongoing skills development training year round (with a trainer, coach or self), players must play pick-up basketball regularly (with serious players, not mom & dad) and players must play basketball in a team setting where they are constantly being taught in a structured environment.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Building Believers Inc Has Plans To Impact Youth & Communities Throughout Texas

Building Believers Inc. plans on impacting several communities & youth throughout Texas and providing community outreach and life enrichment programs during the 2014 season.

Our plans:
1. Partner with leaders in communities to conduct community based clinics & camps in areas that have greater needs than normal.
2. Seek and conduct Christ-centered speaking opportunities and engagements (grade school-college, youth organizations and church youth groups)
3. New Project: Establishment a BBI Christian Band (Seeking Hearts for Christ musicians). Oh, and I will be using my gifts to play a little bit of the drums. If you have musical instruments that you would like to donate, we would gladly accept them and will put them to great use.
4. Community Impact Teams (with the help of community leaders, we will send teams out with a plan to help build & strengthen kids & youth in areas of needed).
5. Re-invest in young leaders who aspire to work with children and who have a heart and passion to help impact the life of children through effective sports & life skills training.

(If you're interested in volunteering, please contact us at 817.491.9602, we would like to know more about you).

*We will always re-invest in our facility with the funds that we receive from those of you who are able to partner with us as we faithfully seek God's will for his children and families. If you feel led to give to our special calling, please send your 100% tax deductible donation to: BBI, P.O. Box 2045, Roanoke, Texas 76262. And make your check out to Building Believers Inc. BBI is a 501c3 organization.

Personal Investment & Personal Growth Can Lead to Success

Players and people who make a decision to invest in themselves can expect to see growth throughout their lives if the investment is lined up with their calling and the gifts that they have been given by Almighty God.

I personally believe that for each of us to fully fulfill our earthly destiny, that we should seek God's will for our lives through prayer, reading the word and meditating on it daily. Please know that God promises to reveal himself to each of us but he wants a close personal relationship and not a long distant relationship.

Therefore, before anyone spends a tremendous amount of money, time or thought on what they should be doing, my suggestion is to first seek God's will and purpose for your life and once he confirms your calling, begin to invest in you with all of your heart. Then watch the personal growth lead you to a meaningful and successful career and life.

"If your calling is from above and you accept it, with obedience, you are certain to be led by God in a way that brings Glory to Him and satisfaction to you."

Supportive Reading Material:

-Seek God First- Matthew 6:33
-The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord- Plasm 37:23
-With confidence in God, you will be strengthened- Phillipians 4:13
-Commit Your Plans to the Lord -Proverbs 6:3

Self Worth, Self Belief & Self Confidence Key To Success

Players who have a sense of self worth, self belief & self confidence typically do very well when competing in sports and throughout life.

It's a known fact that when a person feels good about themselves, they tend to be more motivated, resilient and determined; so much so that they believe they can do anything that they put their mind too.

Let's be honest, in life there's a hunger for educators, athletes, students, presidents, CEO's and CFO's to out perform their peer group and competitors. But for this to happen, these individuals must first possess the necessary tools needed to perform at peak levels.

But it starts and continues with self worth, self belief and self confidence, without it, people fail.

HHB/BBI Training Facility Closed Today

HHB/BBI will be closed today, Monday, December 9th. The conditions on our campus and around the Dunham Rd. area are still too icy to ask children and adults to come out. We will continue to monitor the situation but hope to get back on track tomorrow afternoon. We are sorry for the  inconvenience. Safety first!

HHB Staff

Friday, December 6, 2013

Embrace The New You & Have A Loss of Memory About The Old You

Don't let the constant focus of your past (losses) derail you from experiencing the victories (wins) in store for your current life and future.

It's Not Your Fault:

Sin was first conceived by Lucifer (a former angel who became Satan, Isaiah 14:12-14) and then Adam & Eve, not us! We were born into sin. But we don't have to remain i...n it. Through repentance we're forgiven (Acts 2:38-39).

Therefore, don't hold yourself hostage for your past sins but start thanking God for His son Jesus (his death, burial & resurrection) and for all of your good deeds you've done in this world. Forget about the Old You and Start Dwelling on the New You!

Isaiah: 14: 12-14 (How Lucifer the Angle Got Kicked Out Of Heaven); Good Read

Acts 2:38-39 (Through Repentance we're forgiving); Good Read

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bad Weather Note for Employers

Managers, Supervisors & Leaders Should Be Considerate Towards Their Employees During Icy Weather Conditions:

I hope and pray once again that if the weather that we are suppose to get is real icy and horrible to drive on, that you don't make the least of your workers risk their life on treacherous roads just to open the doors while you sit at home in front of your cozy fire place. They have a family to...o and they deserve the right to not have to risk their life when conditions unfavorable for drivers. And also bare in mind, they're the one's who may not have that much needed 4 wheel drive vehicle. If shutting your doors saves a life, do it.

Simply saying, be considerate. Been on the other side. And it ain't pretty!

Don't forget to say, "I Love You"

The best way to demonstrate your love to your love one's besides (actions and gifts) is to simply say it; "I love you".

Try it, you might like it and it's free!

Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

DH Speaking Ministry Already Having an Impact on one Teenager

Teenage Youth & Surprising Message:
A couple of weeks ago I spoke to a group of teenagers at a local high school and I remember telling them that proverbs is a great place to begin reading the bible because it talks about real life issues that teenagers can understand and relate too.  After my speech, we prayed and I left.

Today, I received a message from one of the teenagers who attended the high school FCA event. I remember on that day that she didn't feel very well. However, she remained attentive and responsive to what was being said and asked of the group.

During this exciting but surprising message, she wanted me to know that she's been reading proverbs and she is now on the chapter 16. But while reading the bible she felt that the bible was speaking to her. Her question to me was, is that possible? And my answer to her was absolutely!

I told her that the Bible is the word of God, and that the tri- unity is; God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit. And that the holy spirit lives inside of all believers (it also communicates with us and act as our personal counselor).

She then wanted to know what she should read after she finishes proverbs. And my reply was, Matthew. I told her that to be a Christian means that we are Christ followers. And to be a Christ follower it's helps to know what Christ's life was like while living on the face of the earth. I then reminded her that we are to be Christ ambassadors. And she said, I am!

Christian adults should  never underestimate what the needs of children, teenagers and young adults are. Too often we assume that they're happy because there's so much going on around them. But what we fail to realize is that they too need to hear from others (away from the church) that God love's them, he forgives them of all of their sins and that he wants them to have a daily personal relationship with him for life. But they need us to help lead and guide them their journey.

What I Learned:
And last, what I learned from this experience is that we should never assume that children, teenagers and young adults don't need to hear from those who are no longer baby Christian's. But that we should make ourselves available to them so that we can help and encourage them to live a Christ-centered life.

Thanks and How You Can Support My Speaking Ministry:

Thanks for allowing me to share this wonderful story with you. Please keep me in your prayers. As I mentioned earlier, I have been called to speak. I enjoy motivating kids with hopes that it strengthens their walk with Christ, gives them a sense of personal confidence and that it strengthens the family unit. 

Please consider donating to Building Believers Inc. (501c3), P.O. Box 2045, Roanoke, Texas 76262 or you may donate online at  Your support towards my speaking engagements will help me spread the Gospel throughout middle schools, high schools, college sports programs and throughout the community.
