Thursday, February 21, 2013

Coaching Tips for Top & Bottom Tier Coaches

1. It's okay to be demanding and critical of players as long as you blanket it with encouragement.
2. Remember that not all players will respond to negative criticism, they never have and they never will. But you bare the responsibility of figuring out what needs to be done to get the best out of them. So, choose your words carefully.
3. Being more pos...itive with your players and affirming them during good and poor moments will reap you and your team a harverst going down the stretch.
4. Don't tell them they suck because they just might believe it! And If they suck you probably do too because you're their leader.
5. If you're going to criticize your players, make sure that you tell them in detail how to fix the problem. Don't leave them hanging out there to dry!

*Coaches, this is not meant to be personal, it's just a simple fact and reminder that nobody's perfect. And that we're all in this together!

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