Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Christmas Camps

What: Player Development Training Camp

Grades: 1st & 2nd

Time: 9:00-10:00am

What: Player Development Training Camp

Grades: 3rd & 4th

Time: 10:00am-noon

What: How to Make Shots N' Your Range Successfully

Grades: 5th & 6th

Time: 12:30-2:30pm

What: How to Play Guard & Post Successfully

Grades: 7th & 8th

Time: 2:30-4:30pm

Complete descriptions of all camps are found on our web site:

Register in advance to attend any camp.

or on line:

Gym location: 10600 Dunham Rd. Roanoke, TX 76262

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Players who are considered poor shooters should spend extra time in the gym practicing shots that are in their range and that they are allowed to take in games until they develop the much needed muscle memory to be considered a better shooter, good shooter, consistent shooter and or a pure shooter.

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

A good shot is an open shot. Offenses are designed to get open shots. Players who can't make open shots are considered poor shooters.

A Friendly Reminder from the Bible:

If you (we) remain in me (Jesus Christ) and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my father's glory, that you (we) bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples (an obedient follower [person] of Christ who has chosen not to be ashamed to share the Gospel of Christ). 

John 15:7-8

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Something I've Learned As a Parent

After watching several basketball games over the last 22 years, I have finally figured one thing out as a parent. And that is that we should never allow the game and how our children play it (be it good or bad) to become bigger than the love we have for our children.

"Basketball is only a game, it's not life", whether our children excel in it at the level or
with the passion that we so desire really doesn't matter. But what does matter is that we love them unconditionally.

In the end, when it's all over, we should hope that they remember that we loved them for who they were and not because they didn't live up to our expectations through athletics.


Something I've learned as a parent

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear God Letter

Dear God,

I've heard that you are real. But for some reason, I can't seem to find you. I've read your word but for some reason I don't fully understand. Are you really who you say that you are?  Each and everyday  there seems to be trouble in my way, but when I call out for your name, I hear nothing. When I arise out of my bed, I pray but it seems like I'm only praying to silence or better still myself. Where are you God and why can't I see you? I work around people who say they are Christians but they seem to dislike and envy one another. My manager treats a hand full of people special but the rest he treats with in justice. Where are you God when I need you? Please reveal yourself to me. I'm lost and living in a sinful world, without you my little light will turn to darkness. Please help me learn to be patient as I wait on you. I have nowhere else to turn but to you lord.


Waiting Patiently on the Lord

Monday, December 3, 2012

Humbly Blessed to Know Basketball

‎"I'm not perfect, I just know and understand basketball."


Why Teams & Players Play Down to Their Opponents

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Q: Why do teams and players play down to their opponents?
A: Because of a lack of personal, self & team drive and a lack of accountability.
Q: How can we change this?
A: Set team and personal goals and hold each player accountable for their actions during the course of the game. Reward players for their hustle, effort and performance by playing them more. And in some cases a coach might think about giving other players a chance to play if the team and players they have on the court aren't getting the job done.

It's that simple!

It's Not Our Birthday, It's Jesus Christ's Birthday.

Kid's, teenagers & adults, please remember that we celebrate Christmas by honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. On this one day, we are to acknowledge Him and not ourselves. So for those who are only interested in how much money is spent on yourselves or how many gifts you're getting, remember that it's not your birthday.

On Christmas Day, we sh
ould celebrate the birth of Christ. Our birthday will be celebrated when it's our turn. Remember the reason for the season! If we're not careful, the day after Christmas will send many americans back into their own personal recession. Please don't become the borrower who's enslaved to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

What is your personal gift to Christ this season?

My gift: To continue to follow Him and do by best to live my life in a God pleasing way meanwhile not being afraid to share the Gospel of Christ.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1989 Portsmith Invitational Tournament


In 1989, after completing my final year of college at UNT, I was chosen as one of the 60 top college players in the country to participate in the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament (PIT) which was held in Portsmouth,Va.
During that weekend event, players were divided and placed on teams for 3 days as NBA coaches, general managers and NBA scouts sat court side and evaluated our talent and play prior to the NBA Draft to see who they might want to draft or invite to camp. It was there that I met the great Red Auerbach-former Coach of the Boston Celtics during a formal dinner that weekend.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Complimentary Workout for 1st & 2nd Graders

Hoop Hunter Basketball Is Sponsoring a Complimentary

Skills Workout

For 1st & 2nd

HHB is sponsoring a complimentary skills workout Saturday, December 8th for 1st & 2nd grade boys & girls from 9:00am-10:30am. We would like for you and your child to meet Amberlyn Moore who will be heading up our “Learning the Game of Basketball” Program which begins January 15, 2013.

This newly created program is a part of our Early Childhood Education Training which is designed to introduce the game of basketball to kid’s at the earliest age possible with the hopes that they will learn to like and ultimately love the game of basketball.


Register by email at:; advanced registration is preferred. Limited spots available.



Top Tier vs Botton Tier Players

So far this season, I've had the luxury of watching both boys and girls high school and college ball games. And for the most part, I've noticed that the gap in play appears to be widening between the top tier and bottom tier players.

For the most part, I realize that not every player who plays the game has the tools or desire to become a top tier player. However with all due respect to both tiers there is still an increase need for bottom tier players to work even harder so that the gap doesn't widen and they have no significance to the team.

In conclusion, top tier players must understand the they are expected to lead by example and carry the team in a variety of areas throughout the season. And bottom tier players are expected to support the needs of the team through specific roles that they are asked to perform by their coaches with a degree of excellence.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Player's or People who receive MVP honors does so once they've developed the discipline, workmanship, commitment, belief system and obedience to practice, improve, perfect and perform their craft or skills with a level of excellence. MVP honors are only given by man based on man's personal self achievements.

Player's and People who receive MVC honors can do so simply by believing in the lord Jesus Christ, repenting of all of their sins, and by asking Jesus Christ to come and live inside of their heart and follow Him. MVC honors are recognized by God and are based on Christ's personal self achievements on the cross, not our skills or athleticism. Once you make a commitment to live for Christ, you will play in the biggest game of your life!

The Choice is Your.

MVP (based on man's personal performance) vs MVC (based on Jesus's performance & our acceptance and belief in Him)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

God Loves You More Than The Game!

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Now that the season is underway, most players are either happy or unhappy with their current playing time. Regardless of both, remember that you (the player) are worth more than the game. Don't let the likes or dislikes of your current situation cause you to lose your self confidence. Keep working hard, believing in yourself and finish the course. And remember, God loves you more than the game. Pray daily and pray often.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Players Who Sit the Bench

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Players who sit the bench, should watch the game as if they're playing in the game. While watching the game, they should pay close attention to the play of their opponent and offer insight to their teammates about the things that they're seeing on the court that can help improve their teams play. The most valuable players on a team are the players on the bench, they should be endless communicators and motivators.

Program Busters

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

They smile in your face and all the time they're hoping that someone else can take your place. Throughout the season please be aware of grievous, jealous and backstabbing program busters, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors! They whisper in the stands as they throw the coach, players and the administration under the bus. They smile in y
our face and talk about you once you turn your back. They will invite you to have a pre-game beverage just to size you up and win your support. Be smart and watch what you say when you're around any of them. They are very savvy and know how to add additional words to what you've said, even if they know it's not true. Be careful, stay away but pray for Program Busters, they are everywhere!

The Reason for The Season

Remember the reason for the season. It's about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, not ours. What gift's are we going to give to him to commemorate what he's done for us? I'm personally going to esteem others more, me less and continue to exalt His name even more although it's not the popular thing to do. What about you? Whatever the case, please don't become the borrower who's enslaved to the lender.

Me Myself & I Inside the Gym

"Inside of the gym is where I find peace, it's a place that I feel a connection, it's one of my safe havens. When I'm inside the gym, I have no doubts nor any worries. It's only me, myself and my will to improve myself."  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The After The Election Prayer "The Serenity Prayer"

Good Morning to my fb family, friends and Brothers & Sisters In Christ,

God knows that there's lots of happy and broken hearted Christian's out there today, but as believers in Christ we should not worry (on either side) because God knows about everything and He has a hand in all of it. Nothing will prevail without His approval that goes against His will, nothing." 

"He's got the whole world in
 His hand"

The only prayer that I felt could help everyone after an election that has the ability to bring peace & joy to those who are happy as well as those who are broken hearted is the Serenity Prayer.

Please pray and share this prayer with others today with the hope that it will bring comfort to our flesh & spirit man.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would like it.

Trusting that he will make all things right,
If I surrender to his will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this world
And supremely happy in the next.

Rienhart Niebur, Noted German Theologian

And Let Everybody Say, Amen!

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul and lean not unto your own understanding and in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths straight.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Christian Voting & Godly Principals

Christian Voters:

Remember, God still sits on the throne. He see's both the good and the bad in man. Although we live in a country that is now filled with an abundance of sin, we should never lose hope that our God through our righteousness in Christ will never allow His children who are obedient to fail. As citizen's of this country (especially Christian's) we should all vote. When we do this, we show our respect and love for our maker and creator, God all mighty. It doesn't matter who He allows to be in office. If for some reason they don't do the will of God, He has the ability and power to replace them or leave them there until He decides a change is imminent. 

For me, it's easy, I voted based on my Christian values and principals that the holy spirit helped and led me to decide. And I'm at peace with that decision. I will never depend on a president to do for me what God through faith in Jesus Christ promises.That's why It's important for 
Christian's to meditate on the word of God daily, because it continuously renews our strength. Those who depend totally on God will forever overcome all things (of this world) through our faith in Christ.

Romans 13:1-2
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Remember, not everyone who's chosen to lead does their job as well as they would like or we would like. And in some cases when this happen's they are removed or given a second chance. Rather than becoming bitter about any elected president, we should put our prayers together and pray endlessly that God will give our chosen president the wisdom needed to govern our country.

We should also pray that the president & congress will work together and do what's best for all the law abiding citizen's of our country meanwhile supporting Israel by whatever means necessary.

Please Vote!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dont' Be Stopped by the Likes or Dislikes of Others

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Don't let the likes or dislikes of others stop you from playing your game and being yourself. Good teammates are expected to like each other, however this is not always the case. If you face this type of situation, simply let your playing and praying do your talking. Don't allow the dislikes of others cause you to put a blemish on the light that God has equipped you to shine.

Hoop Hunter Helpful Tips:

Coaches make mistakes. Coaches are human. Coaches aren't perfect.

You can tell what the character of parents are like on each team by what they say about their coaches while in the stands and after a loss. Parents please be reminded that coaches are human, they make mistakes and they aren't perfect. 

Parents are sometimes too critical of coaches after a loss. Some will go so far as to recruit co-workers, ex-players, AAU coaches, personal trainers and ex-jocks who played college or professional ball to come out and critique the coaches without their knowledge. This is wrong!

"Parents who under mind the authority of their coaches typically start rumors and wildfires." How would you like the coaches to come to your home or job to critique and under mind your work or authority?

Parents, if you find yourself extremely unhappy with the coaches, remember that talking about them in the stands, bringing others to the game to put additional logs in your fire isn't the answer. Either move your kid to another school, stay at home, go to the movies or simply be a good fan and pray that God gives you the strength to accept the things that you cannot change.

And God Bless Us All! 

"Godly Fathers Can Be A Blessing to the Family"

The absence of God in a father can strike out the family:

Statistics show that the majority of broken families occur when the man of the family isn't aligned underneath God. When this happens, it makes it very difficult for the woman to be aligned with her partner (husband), which usually causes their children to also suffer because the father is out of alignment with God.

Children, teenage boys and young adult males who's father is absent, deceased, too career oriented to pay attention still need solid God fearing role models & mentors to help guide them through life. If we as Godly men don't reach out and step up to help young males become God fearing men, the demise of the family will continue to evolve.

And God Bless Us All!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

If you have a player who lacks confidence, yelling at them won't resolve their problem. In my professional playing and training career, I've found that most players who lack confidence don't fully understand what they're being asked to do. And in some cases, because they're no longer committed to practicing and improving the game, their game has diminished.

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Post players must rebound to find happiness. In basketball games over 50 offensive shots are missed during the course of a game. Post players who don't receive post entry passes often, must learn how to recycle missed shots (trash) and turn them into points. Effective rebounding starts with shot awareness, anticipation and relocation of the feet & body. Real rebounders block out using their feet, butt, arms and their desire to get the ball.
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Becoming a student of the game is essential if you want your game to advance beyond your athletic talent and skills. And if you know that you aren't improving, its up to you to do something about it. Get some help before you're told, you're not good enough! Train with an organization who will put your needs before theirs, Hoop Hunter Basketball.
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

When playing defense, if you're faced with guarding a player in the backcourt who is faster and quicker than you, try shortening the court. Remember, faster-quicker players are like a speed boat, they prefer to move about in the ocean so they can to go fast. Try cutting the court in half and making the court more of a lake, then a river and then a dried up pond. Knowing how to Shorten the court is the key for players who are asked to defend faster-quicker players in the back court. You can do it!
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Players who's school offers FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) should attend regularly and bring teammates and schoolmates with them so that they can continue to promote the Gospel of Christ throughout their school. 100% participation should be the goal.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 Hoop Hunter Top Tier Program

Hoop Hunter Basketball lady hoopers spent 8 weeks training as we prepared them for the upcoming 2012-2013 basketball season.

As far as we're concerned, there's a place for everyone in basketball.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Father's Love for The Game

Age ain't nothing but a number for Dr. Clint Duval. Who said that you can only play basketball when you're in your teenage years. We'll Dr. Duval, as you see in the picture above, is in such great shape that he can still take on those young buck's with a friendly competitive game of basketball. As you can see, he doesn't mind sweating. He has a shot that's almost impossible to block because he shoots it further back than most shooters. His favorite shot is the bank shot. I know this because when his son's were taking private and group lesson's we played a lot of 2 on 2 and 3 on 3.

Hat's off to Clint Duval. He's an old school Hoop Hunter.

Through Hard Times

Through hard times our true character is developed. 
Through hard times we learn to sustain.
Through hard times we develop the strength and ability to over come.
Through hard times God reveals His purpose for our lives.

"When you're faced with hard times; get ready for a positive break through".

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"What it takes to have a Successful Season"

If you want to have a successful season, you must commit yourself to constantly improving your personal knowledge, skills, concepts of the game and play. You must choose to practice when others are resting. You must also bring a competitive spirit & energetic attitude to practice and games. You must compete every single day with one goal in mind; get better! 

Player's should go hard in practice meanwhile pushing themselves and others to be the very best that they can be. Player's must play the game with confidence. Confidence is knowing. If you know how and what to do, you will be more likely to play with assertiveness. Confidence and assertiveness go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. 

Players must also study game film and understand what their oppenents strenghts and weaknesses are. Players must play to their strengths and avoid doing things that exploit their weakness. They must respect their coaches at all times and the role that they want them to play. They must limit off the court distractions, especially those that come from people who yell from the stands.

And last, you must accept this one simple fact of life, "Your best isn't always good enough to get you  what you think you deserve or the win." 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rich Man-Poor Man

If you were rich and didn't know Jesus and you had 24 hours to live, who would you rather spend your last 24 hours with; the rich man who you knew didn't know Jesus but had everything you could want to enjoy those last moments, or the poor man who you talked about daily as you drove past him as he walked along the road reading his bible and speaking to the the Lord ("That Jesus Freak")?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jesus Jesus Jesus

I realize that not everyone feels comfortable sharing the Gospel of Christ with others in an open forum and that's okay. But I can't deny that God has purposed me to share the Gospel of Christ through sports. 

This morning, God spoke to my heart and asked me to share with each of you that, "He's the only answer to our every circumstances" and that "In the name of Jesus, we receive His power, healing, forgiveness, justice, peace & love".

I pray this morning to everyone who has been lost, lived a life of sin, those who have been mad at God, made bad decisions and those who have denied His presence would accept Him and choose to lead a Christ centered life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6 

"I did it and it changed me forever, if I can do it you can do it". 

God Bless!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Tier Participants Going The Extra Mile

Our Top Tier Training Program for boys has been a huge hit this year because of the array of talent that we have in the program. Each Saturday these young men get up early and hit the court for some intense pre-season training so that they can be ready for their upcoming basketball season.

The last couple of weeks have been challenging for most of the boys but I feel that everyone's beginning to get a feel for each other and are starting to understand that success comes with a price.

I'm very encouraged by the work that each of these players have been putting towards their game.  Every week they come to practice focused and ready to learn and compete.  This upcoming weekend we will conduct a regular game-like scrimmage.  Although our scrimmages are controlled, the main focus is player development from a team setting.

I have no doubt that the majority of these players will have a good high schoool career if they continue to put forth the effort that it takes to keep getting better. They are smart, talented, discipline, athletic and skilled.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Never Give Up on A Child Who's Behind

Gifted teachers must teach; but they must not lose heart nor become discouraged with teaching those who are behind and who are in need of extra help. For the one's who need extra help (who are usually forgotten) may be the one's that God has specifically chosen and destined to do greater things or even lead our nation. And you (the teacher) spending extra time with them could hold the key that unlocks their destiny. 

"Never, Ever Give Up On A Child Who's Behind, Give Them Your Best and Trust God For the Rest!" 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coaches Bare Some Responsibility

Winning comes with a price and so does losing. When coaches are only concerned about winning, they too must share some of the blame; not just for the loss of the game (s) but for the loss of our kids. 

Coaches (like parents) bare the responsibility of helping to instill character, honesty, integrity, ambition, citizenship, self-respect and personal responsibility. When a coach is only concerned about winning and helping to shape the life of a child is no longer important, they fail.   

"I realize that parenting isn't the responsibility of a coach; but being a mentor and role model is." 

Coaches are an authoritative figure; therefore they bare and shoulder the responsibility of ensuring that the health and total welfare of the child is intact, at least as long as they are under their watch. 

"Helping kids develop a healthy pathway for life is the difference between winning and losing."

Monday, September 10, 2012

Honoring God's Word Encourges Team Work

When we work together and honor the word of God we are strong. When we disregard the word of God we are weak.

Being a family member, co-worker, husband & wife, partner in business, neighbor or teammate involves unity and selflessness. Although we are often taught and encouraged to stand up and stand out, we must not allow ourselves to think for a minute that we can do everything by ourselves.

Individualism in many cases can deter others from wanting to socialize, work with, feel a bond, trust, love, assist or more importantly have anything to do with those who are self absorbed and selfish.

"When a person isolates him/herself it can sometimes have an appearance that they feel they're better than others."

When we (The Human Race) chose to honor the word of God and work together in brotherly love; it makes it much easier to experience things such as: patience, kindness, teamwork, sportsmanship, workmanship, creativity, happy hearts, forgiveness, helpfulness, community pride, trust, giving, support, compassion, strength and all of the blessings that flow from honoring the word of God.

"When we honor and obey God's word, blessings abound."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Talented Players All Over the Gym Today

Today was the first day of our 7th & 8th grade "Top Tier" Program. And boy was there lots and lots of talented players on both sides of the court. Although some players felt a little out of place at times, I was still very excited about the level of athleticism, talent and discipline that each player brought to the court.

As we move forward during the next 7 weeks, my game plan is to create a healthy environment from which each player feels led and challenged to grow. One of the things that I noticed from our boys and girls session today was that many of the players are not use to playing multiple positions. I personally believe that players should learn how to play more than 1 position.  This can ultimately make a player more valuable to the team.

Although today's workout was more of an evaluation process. We were ecstatic about what the level of talent was in the gym and we are looking forward to what the remaining 7 weeks will look like once we fully develop our game plan. Our game plan will be based on what we know everyone can do and needs to learn.

About Today:

Today, all of the players were encouraged to speak with a voice of authority, look coaches directly in the eye when talking and bring more energy to the court.  These mannerisms are non-negotiable.

In total honesty, there were no players on the court today that I think shouldn't have been out there. If I was a middle school coach (girls or boys), I would love to have the type of players on my team that we had in the gym today.

Now that this day is behind us, our work really begins.  My staff and I will take all things into consideration as we create a wholesome game plan that has the balance needed for each player to gain the confidence needed to become a better basketball player.

"As for the parents of the kids, they were great!"



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Road To Success Involves Discipline

Student-athletes must all work diligently in order to perfect their God given gifts."It's never easy but it's worth it".

Too often talented individuals underestimate the sacrifices that they must make in order to fully develop the skills needed to be successful or for that matter stay on top of their game.  I'm a firm believer that commitment to working smart pays off. I also believe that without proper training, talented people fail.

In conclusion, a person can reach unlimited success by remaining dedicated, believe in what they're doing, keep it simple and fun and be disciplined throughout the process.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 Gentlemen to Be Proud Of

Jon Beadles, Derek Rich, Austin Soldner & John Paul Noland. These are 4 of the most outstanding guys that I have ever met. They attended Southlake H.S. together and played basketball since middle school. I had the privilege of training and mentoring them as a group here at Hoop Hunter Basketball.

This is the best  boys group of 4 that I have ever trained together for a lengthy period of time. All of them attended college and are very successful.



Thursday, August 30, 2012

What to Look For When Raising Kid's

 In today's society more and more kids, teenagers and young adults are faced with ongoing challenges that could in some cases have a positive or negative impact on how they act as they grow up. Parents must become fully aware of where their kid's are at all times, who their kid's friends are and what type of family values does the parents of their friends have that are either similar or different from theirs.

"Knowing this can help determine whether your child is hanging out in a environment that's conducive to the manner in which they're being raised."

Trying to raise kid's in a Christian environment can sometimes become more and more difficult as well as challenging as they get older.  Outside influences are often the problem. Other factors impacting our children's generation is the increase use of electronic devices; iphone, cell phone, ipad, computer games, texting, face book, twitter, instagram, skype and reality tv. And the world's view and acceptance of immorality.

What we as parents must do to counter this generational non-sense is continue to parent them, affirm our love for them, pray for them, try to understand them, hold them accountable for their actions, set boundaries, teach them the importance of hard work, keep our communication line open, eat dinner as a family, set good examples for them and continue to teach them about moral principles and values.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Hear Felt Personal Letter from Deon Hunter

Dear Family & Friends,

I would like to personally thank each of you who have allowed me to work with your children both past and present for nearly 22 years. It continues to be a lifelong adventure and journey for me and my family.  

I often remember and never will forget the children and the parents who were a big part of our family who have since gone home to be with the Lord.

 This letter is being written to give those of you who are new to Hoop Hunter Basketball Inc. and Building Believers Inc. I wanted to share an up close look at who I am, where I came from and what has lead me to be a Servant Leader in Sports.

 My Family & Siblings:
I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home with both parents. I’m the third child of five, having three brothers and one sister. Today, we remain best friends and accountability partners and communicate with each other several times a week.  We pray together and share things that we learn from studying the bible as we help one another get through life’s peaks and valleys. I play the drums and a little piano; two of my brothers play the guitar; one is a minister of music; and my sister sings.

 My Parents:
My late father is Jimmie L. Hunter III. He was the gentle giant of our family and lost his life due to a hit and run accident in 2001. My mother, Katherine Hunter is still the rock of our family. Although she worked a lot, she made sure that all her children were bathed, clothed, feed, educated, well-mannered, well-spoken and loved. Some of her famous quotes were, “Don’t forget where you came from”, “Each One Teach One” and” Respect your elders.”

 Receiving Christ:
I came to know the Lord as a young child. As a child, I was a good student, make good friends and was taught to honor, respect, obey authority and make wise choices.   As a teenager, I faced some of the same types of peer pressure that teenagers do today. I survived but it wasn’t easy.  I often thought I would become a pastor, but God had other plans for my life.

 Growing Up:
Growing up and being a student-athlete was challenging.   I learned how important it was for me to stay on my knees praying for God’s help. Many times, there was a big contradiction as to what was being taught in my home (treat others the way you want to be treated-Golden Rule) versus the reality on the street.  This caused me to work extremely hard in the classroom as well as in athletics. My parents always told me that getting an education was the most important thing that I could do and that no one could take it away from me. So, I worked hard to be the very best that I could be. I went the extra mile and it paid off.

 Athletic Career:
After a successful academic & athletic career ( 2 conference championships 88’ & 89’ and 1 NCAA appearance:  88’ UNT vs North Carolina) at The University of North Texas, my career took off like a rocket ship. First, I was chosen to participate in the PIT (Portsmouth Invitational Tournament:  top 60 player in country evaluated by all NBA representative); attended 2 Dallas Mavericks Free Agent Camps; Drafted by Wichita Falls Texas of the CBA (NBA affiliate); Played Professionally in Argentina and was later an assistant coach at UNT under Jimmy Gales.

 After College & Professional Basketball:
After my athletic career, I became interested in giving back to children from all walks of life and communities (after all I am a product of the city of Dallas Parks & Recreation Community Programs). Traveling throughout the world, I encountered a variety of different cultures, personalities and customs. Remembering those adults who mentored me as a child while both of my parents worked;  led me to want to move  forward by teaching  children basketball and helping them navigate life’s journeys. It was that thought, but more importantly the actions that followed that led me to personal training that would change my life forever.

 My Purpose Being Unveiled:
At the age of 33, I had finally reached a point in life where I felt led to do something very radical. “I wanted to make a bold change and do something good that I could feel proud of”. I was tired of being an unfaithful person as I searched for that perfect career, perfect relationship, perfect car, perfect neighborhood, and perfect image.  So, one day I drove to Dallas to take some fruits and vegetables to my grandmother. After a deep and heart-felt conversation with my late grandmother, Lusinda Ward January (who was in a wheel chair) on her front porch; she shared the most profound words with me that day that changed my life forever. She said,” Go inside the house and get that Big Black Book.”  I knew before I went in the house that I would be getting the B-I-B-L-E. She said,” baby, I don’t care how many degrees you get or how many books go up on your book shelf; If you want to have complete happiness, you must make a commitment to read this bible daily.  Pray and obey the written words and you’ll discover your purpose in life and have complete happiness.” She then said,” I dare you to trust it.”

 Perseverance, Determination & Commitment:
For 8 years I conducted private & group training, weekend clinics, summer celebrity basketball camps and coached highly competitive boys & girl club teams in Argyle, Texas.  I did this while working in the private sector as an air freight sale representative and later as a chemical sales account manager. Those years prepared me for the next steps in my life.

Fully Surrendered- Steps Ordered -Purpose Revealed:
After faithfully surrendering my life to Christ (33 yr), God showed me my purpose and lead me to refocus Hoop Hunter Basketball and Building Believers as a Christian Youth Sports Organization. He also told me not to be ashamed and to be prepared to be ridiculed because I have taken a bold stance to recognize Him as the source of our existence.

 Accepting My Calling:
Accepting my calling to be a servant leader in sports was easy.  It has been the best decision I’ve made aside from accepting Christ. My source for happiness is my faithful walk and obedience to God’s Holy Word.

 “I was called to meet the needs of children and families through sports with player, group and team developmental training.” Ultimately, it’s not about the game, as many seem to believe.   It’s about reaching and winning souls to Christ.  God does honor hard work, commitment, perseverance, and dedication.

 I pray that each of you will continue to pray for me and continue to support HHB & BBI. Daily, I pray for each of you and truly do care about every single one of you. I pray that together we can continue to please God by honoring His word while participating in sports and life. Remember, only what we do for Christ will last!
