Monday, November 5, 2012

Christian Voting & Godly Principals

Christian Voters:

Remember, God still sits on the throne. He see's both the good and the bad in man. Although we live in a country that is now filled with an abundance of sin, we should never lose hope that our God through our righteousness in Christ will never allow His children who are obedient to fail. As citizen's of this country (especially Christian's) we should all vote. When we do this, we show our respect and love for our maker and creator, God all mighty. It doesn't matter who He allows to be in office. If for some reason they don't do the will of God, He has the ability and power to replace them or leave them there until He decides a change is imminent. 

For me, it's easy, I voted based on my Christian values and principals that the holy spirit helped and led me to decide. And I'm at peace with that decision. I will never depend on a president to do for me what God through faith in Jesus Christ promises.That's why It's important for 
Christian's to meditate on the word of God daily, because it continuously renews our strength. Those who depend totally on God will forever overcome all things (of this world) through our faith in Christ.

Romans 13:1-2
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Remember, not everyone who's chosen to lead does their job as well as they would like or we would like. And in some cases when this happen's they are removed or given a second chance. Rather than becoming bitter about any elected president, we should put our prayers together and pray endlessly that God will give our chosen president the wisdom needed to govern our country.

We should also pray that the president & congress will work together and do what's best for all the law abiding citizen's of our country meanwhile supporting Israel by whatever means necessary.

Please Vote!

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