Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coaches Bare Some Responsibility

Winning comes with a price and so does losing. When coaches are only concerned about winning, they too must share some of the blame; not just for the loss of the game (s) but for the loss of our kids. 

Coaches (like parents) bare the responsibility of helping to instill character, honesty, integrity, ambition, citizenship, self-respect and personal responsibility. When a coach is only concerned about winning and helping to shape the life of a child is no longer important, they fail.   

"I realize that parenting isn't the responsibility of a coach; but being a mentor and role model is." 

Coaches are an authoritative figure; therefore they bare and shoulder the responsibility of ensuring that the health and total welfare of the child is intact, at least as long as they are under their watch. 

"Helping kids develop a healthy pathway for life is the difference between winning and losing."

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