When I was 33 years old, I fully surrendered my life to Christ, put away all of my foolish behavior and rededicated my life to Him. I asked God to forgive me for all of my sins and I asked Him to affirm my purpose in life, show me the way and order my steps. And with that I told God that I would serve Him faithfully until the end of my time on earth.
I then became dedicated to reading, studying, meditating, listening, fellow shipping, obeying and living a God centered life. Since then, I've never looked back (It's almost like I put the handcuffs on and threw away the key). Thank God for taking an ordinary man and giving him stewardship over an extraordinary Christian youth sports organization.
"Being a born again Christian is never easy but as long as we stay in constant fellowship with the father, we stand united in Christ". And to be in constant fellowship with Christ means that we must meditate on the word of God daily; it's food for our soul and gives us endurance for our journey. It also gives us hope, strength, wisdom, joy, piece, dominion over sinful thoughts, power, discernment, Godly favor, happiness and a genuine heart towards helping other lost sinners come to know Christ.
The hardest thing for man to do is to find the strength to surrender from the life of sin and choose to walk in fellowship with the lord! It can be done but it does take courage!
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