Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Christmas Wish for Kid's Who've Been Led Astray

"My Christmas Wish is for All of God's Children who've been Led Astray- Come Home."

It's no secret that everyone who has children Hope that they'll always walk in the paths of righteousness. But we all know through our own personal experiences that that's not always going to happen.

Proverbs 22:6 tells parents to train up a child in the way they should go and if they walk away they will return. I believe it's one of the most important proverbs in the bible.

Many children and teens are losing their childhood purity and innocence to street gangs, violent behavior, drug use, poor self-esteem, lack of parental guidance, uneducated & educated peer groups, lack of respect for rules, lack of boundaries, feeling of loneliness, hopelessness and the ongoing desire to rebel against parental rules, rights and the laws of our land.

This Christmas Season if you have a child/teen or know of anyone who has a child/teen who has chosen or have been led away from their home and from the Lord, join me in prayer this holiday season as we give God the Glory for their return home.

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