Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Christmas Wish for Kid's Who've Been Led Astray

"My Christmas Wish is for All of God's Children who've been Led Astray- Come Home."

It's no secret that everyone who has children Hope that they'll always walk in the paths of righteousness. But we all know through our own personal experiences that that's not always going to happen.

Proverbs 22:6 tells parents to train up a child in the way they should go and if they walk away they will return. I believe it's one of the most important proverbs in the bible.

Many children and teens are losing their childhood purity and innocence to street gangs, violent behavior, drug use, poor self-esteem, lack of parental guidance, uneducated & educated peer groups, lack of respect for rules, lack of boundaries, feeling of loneliness, hopelessness and the ongoing desire to rebel against parental rules, rights and the laws of our land.

This Christmas Season if you have a child/teen or know of anyone who has a child/teen who has chosen or have been led away from their home and from the Lord, join me in prayer this holiday season as we give God the Glory for their return home.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Divorce The Worlds Way of Thinking & Marry the Kingdom Way of Thinking

Today, I would like to suggest to anyone who smiles when others are looking but are really hurting on the inside, living in fear, who lacks financial bliss, who lacks healing, who deals with generational family discourse, who lacks marital & relational bliss, who lacks self esteem, who's debt is at the ceiling and who thinks it can't get any better. If you're thinking in accordance to the way the world thinks then you're a perfect candidate for a divorce from the worlds way of thinking.

As a Christian, my suggestion is to divorce the ways in which the world thinks and marry the ways that God has commanded us to think. Mark 11:23 says, "Whatever we ask for, Believe that we have received it, and it will be yours."

Let's start speaking God's truths and promises into every phase of our day to day lives. The key is whatever we ask God for we must have Faith and Believe we have already received it in advance. That's the Kingdom way of thinking, not the worlds way of thinking.

The worlds economy is not God's economy, it's mans. Don't limit yourself by believing that we are destined to fail when God says we are destined to succeed. Stop thinking like the world and start thinking like a child of a King. Renew your mind by speaking positive words into every single one of your life's situations. God wants us to take all of our mountains (problems) in our lives and cast them into the sea and let the sea swallow them up. Let's do it together!

Friday, December 9, 2011

"My Walk With Christ"

When I was 33 years old, I fully surrendered my life to Christ, put away all of my foolish behavior and rededicated my life to Him. I asked God to forgive me for all of my sins and I asked Him to affirm my purpose in life, show me the way and order my steps. And with that I told God that I would serve Him faithfully until the end of my time on earth.
I then became dedicated to reading, studying, meditating, listening, fellow shipping, obeying and living a God centered life. Since then, I've never looked back (It's almost like I put the handcuffs on and threw away the key). Thank God for taking an ordinary man and giving him stewardship over an extraordinary Christian youth sports organization.
"Being a born again Christian is never easy but as long as we stay in constant fellowship with the father, we stand united in Christ". And to be in constant fellowship with Christ means that we must meditate on the word of God daily; it's food for our soul and gives us endurance for our journey. It also gives us hope, strength, wisdom, joy, piece, dominion over sinful thoughts, power, discernment, Godly favor, happiness and a genuine heart towards helping other lost sinners come to know Christ.
The hardest thing for man to do is to find the strength to surrender from the life of sin and choose to walk in fellowship with the lord! It can be done but it does take courage!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"My Christmas Tear"

As I sit behind my desk meditating on how blessed I am to be able to leave work today, go home and spend time with my family. I'm reminded of the Hoop Hunter families who lost love ones and how much they're going to be missed this Christmas.
Our Hoop Hunter families are very dear and special to me. Words can't describe the level of impact that so many children and parents have had on my life, it's actually indescribable.
The past 2 years (2011), we lost 5 very special members of our Hoop Hunter Family that I thought would live to see the next 20-50 years. And each of them had a profound impact on me (including my family) that will never be forgotten.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior, I'm reminded of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who gave their life to Him before going to heaven. For them, it's a win win because they knew the lord and are with Him. But again, there's still a tear this Christmas that will fall from my face because I truly do love them and they will be genuinely missed.
God bless each of you who have lost love ones throughout the years, just promise not to forget your love ones along your journey though this life.
My Christmas Tear!

Living the Happy Life

"What Are We Chasing" when everything we need is Jesus. All we have to do is ask Him to come and live inside of our hearts and then choose to follow Him, not chase Him.
For those of you who are interested Living the Happy Life; I recommend that you get into a bible teaching church, fellowship with other believers, read and study the word of God daily, pray to God without ceasing and obey the commandments of God. This is the only way that I know to tell you how to gain access to Living the Happy Life!
P.S. "Life is bitter and life is sweat but with Jesus in our hearts we can't be beat". With Jesus We Win!