Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Christmas Wish for Kid's Who've Been Led Astray

"My Christmas Wish is for All of God's Children who've been Led Astray- Come Home."

It's no secret that everyone who has children Hope that they'll always walk in the paths of righteousness. But we all know through our own personal experiences that that's not always going to happen.

Proverbs 22:6 tells parents to train up a child in the way they should go and if they walk away they will return. I believe it's one of the most important proverbs in the bible.

Many children and teens are losing their childhood purity and innocence to street gangs, violent behavior, drug use, poor self-esteem, lack of parental guidance, uneducated & educated peer groups, lack of respect for rules, lack of boundaries, feeling of loneliness, hopelessness and the ongoing desire to rebel against parental rules, rights and the laws of our land.

This Christmas Season if you have a child/teen or know of anyone who has a child/teen who has chosen or have been led away from their home and from the Lord, join me in prayer this holiday season as we give God the Glory for their return home.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Divorce The Worlds Way of Thinking & Marry the Kingdom Way of Thinking

Today, I would like to suggest to anyone who smiles when others are looking but are really hurting on the inside, living in fear, who lacks financial bliss, who lacks healing, who deals with generational family discourse, who lacks marital & relational bliss, who lacks self esteem, who's debt is at the ceiling and who thinks it can't get any better. If you're thinking in accordance to the way the world thinks then you're a perfect candidate for a divorce from the worlds way of thinking.

As a Christian, my suggestion is to divorce the ways in which the world thinks and marry the ways that God has commanded us to think. Mark 11:23 says, "Whatever we ask for, Believe that we have received it, and it will be yours."

Let's start speaking God's truths and promises into every phase of our day to day lives. The key is whatever we ask God for we must have Faith and Believe we have already received it in advance. That's the Kingdom way of thinking, not the worlds way of thinking.

The worlds economy is not God's economy, it's mans. Don't limit yourself by believing that we are destined to fail when God says we are destined to succeed. Stop thinking like the world and start thinking like a child of a King. Renew your mind by speaking positive words into every single one of your life's situations. God wants us to take all of our mountains (problems) in our lives and cast them into the sea and let the sea swallow them up. Let's do it together!

Friday, December 9, 2011

"My Walk With Christ"

When I was 33 years old, I fully surrendered my life to Christ, put away all of my foolish behavior and rededicated my life to Him. I asked God to forgive me for all of my sins and I asked Him to affirm my purpose in life, show me the way and order my steps. And with that I told God that I would serve Him faithfully until the end of my time on earth.
I then became dedicated to reading, studying, meditating, listening, fellow shipping, obeying and living a God centered life. Since then, I've never looked back (It's almost like I put the handcuffs on and threw away the key). Thank God for taking an ordinary man and giving him stewardship over an extraordinary Christian youth sports organization.
"Being a born again Christian is never easy but as long as we stay in constant fellowship with the father, we stand united in Christ". And to be in constant fellowship with Christ means that we must meditate on the word of God daily; it's food for our soul and gives us endurance for our journey. It also gives us hope, strength, wisdom, joy, piece, dominion over sinful thoughts, power, discernment, Godly favor, happiness and a genuine heart towards helping other lost sinners come to know Christ.
The hardest thing for man to do is to find the strength to surrender from the life of sin and choose to walk in fellowship with the lord! It can be done but it does take courage!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"My Christmas Tear"

As I sit behind my desk meditating on how blessed I am to be able to leave work today, go home and spend time with my family. I'm reminded of the Hoop Hunter families who lost love ones and how much they're going to be missed this Christmas.
Our Hoop Hunter families are very dear and special to me. Words can't describe the level of impact that so many children and parents have had on my life, it's actually indescribable.
The past 2 years (2011), we lost 5 very special members of our Hoop Hunter Family that I thought would live to see the next 20-50 years. And each of them had a profound impact on me (including my family) that will never be forgotten.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior, I'm reminded of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who gave their life to Him before going to heaven. For them, it's a win win because they knew the lord and are with Him. But again, there's still a tear this Christmas that will fall from my face because I truly do love them and they will be genuinely missed.
God bless each of you who have lost love ones throughout the years, just promise not to forget your love ones along your journey though this life.
My Christmas Tear!

Living the Happy Life

"What Are We Chasing" when everything we need is Jesus. All we have to do is ask Him to come and live inside of our hearts and then choose to follow Him, not chase Him.
For those of you who are interested Living the Happy Life; I recommend that you get into a bible teaching church, fellowship with other believers, read and study the word of God daily, pray to God without ceasing and obey the commandments of God. This is the only way that I know to tell you how to gain access to Living the Happy Life!
P.S. "Life is bitter and life is sweat but with Jesus in our hearts we can't be beat". With Jesus We Win!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Top 10 Things My Father Told Me As a Teenager!

1. Respect your mother.
2. Don't stay out after midnight because bad things normally happens after midnight.
3. When you get paid, put some of your money back for yourself (save money).
4. Don't date but one girl at a time.
5. Don't play the dozen with others.
6. Always keep gas in your car.
7. Always put your keys where you can find them.
8. Read the word as often as you can.
9. Bad company corrupts good character.
10. Never forget where you came from.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Proper Training Involves Discipline Workouts & Commitment

Hoop Hunter's Taking Pride During Training Sessions. It's The Desire, Discipline and Dedication that Eventually Shapes the Lives and Hearts of Each of These Players.
HHB 22 years and growing!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Winning with the Presence of the Holy Spirit During Training

The bible dictionary tells us that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit. It says that God's Spirit lives within all Christians to help them, communicate God's truth to them, convict them of sin, convince them that God's ways are right, and comforts them when they are sad (John 15:26; 16:7-8, 13-15). The Holy Spirit is also known as the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, the Counselor and the Helper.

God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us after Jesus left the earth (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit gives gifts and Godly Characteristics called the fruit of the Spirit (Romans 12:4-13).

Prior to each of my basketball training sessions I pray to God to give me the super natural ability to teach and learn about my students and their needs in ways that can only be explained by yielding to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to order my words and my steps during training.

The best way that I can explain it: As if I'm the driver of a car on a two lane road and to the left and right of me are huge corn fields and grass but no roads. In the natural, I have the skills and I'm capable of driving and continuing on the road that I can clearly see ahead. But in the super natural way the Holy Spirit speaks to me and He tells me to get ready to turn left up the road. Bare in mind that in the natural, I realize that there's no path that can be taken off the road ahead because on sides of the road are huge corn fields and grass. But because I believe, trust and know to yield to the Holy Spirit, I veer to the left (off the road) as the Holy Spirit takes over and began to speak through me (this is when I say things that comes from the Lord and not Deon). After He's through speaking through me, He takes me back to the road in which I was previously on and my journey continues.

To win with the presence of the Holy Spirit, we must all learn to yield to God's voice and obey His command so that His message can be heard through us.

Just me!

Deon Hunter

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Original Hoop Hunter in Action

The original Hoop Hunter in Action. Remember nothing is too hard to accomplish if you commit yourself fully to the task!

Deon Hunter
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Friday, August 12, 2011

"Those who Trust in the Lord will be Strengthened"

Psalm 91:1
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:9-11
If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling. For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.
I pray that each of you will remember to hold on to the promises of our Lord God Almighty. His words are the words of truths. No weapons formed against His children will prosper. Hold on and be strong in the word of God!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tired of Division & Politics in Youth Sports?

Adopt The “Community Connection Pledge”

The Community Connection Pledge” is an idea that together we must make a genuine effort to work with one another in a respectful and harmonious way towards building one another up and bridging the gaps that so often divides us and eventually causes people in the community to take sides. We must stop doing things that brings about decades of anger, hopelessness and generational and community bitterness.
This article is not meant to bash anyone or hurt anyone’s feelings but as a community leader, I have heard numerous stories regarding the mistreatment of children and the politics that school administrators, coaches and teachers play when it comes to the treatment of children.

Now on the other hand, I have also spoken to several veteran coaches, teachers and counselors who also feel like certain parents and kids are just a nightmare from “Elms Street”. They feel like parents and kids want to run things and make decisions for them. Some even want grades changed for no valid reason and preferential treatment because of their statues in the society. This is wrong! Everyone should be held to the same standard. And of course who loses? Everyone!

By chance, did you know that the average teacher, coach and or administrator prefer not to live in the community in which they work. Have you ever wondered why? We’ll, I’m sure you have the answer by now. Many don’t feel they’re wanted or loved by the community (now that’s a shame). And in addition to that they don’t want to walk down the isle of the grocery store, bank, nail salon or restaurant and run into an angry family or family relative who’s still upset about how their child or cousin was treated years ago. Now, who wants to live like this? No one!

As for children and their parents, they too must shoulder some of the blame. In my opinion, parents should teach their children to respect people of authority. And in many cases they too must be reminded that they don’t get to run other people’s business. There seems to be this ongoing power struggle between all parties and everyone who’s not involved in the issues are invited to be the jury. They too get caught up in taking sides. Now, if the two parties who have the problem become aware of others who are affiliated with the complainant or the perpetrators, they too can become victims or perpetrators to the division and politics that are being played. And again, who wins? No one, everyone loses. Let’s stop this nonsense!

The “Community Connection Pledge” is an idea that I would like to see adopted by all school districts. The main purpose would be to stop the division and politics in school classrooms, athletics and extracurricular activities. It’s time for everyone to unite, accept their roles and respect their differences. Everyone can’t be the CEO. Together we must respect rules and people of authority. Also school officials and parents shouldn’t discriminate, verbally abuse each other, disassociate nor hold grudges against each other because they don’t agree. It’s okay to agree to disagree. Let’s look at it this way, without the teacher there’s no learning, without the coach there’s no team, without the children there’s no job, without the parent there’s no booster club and without the community there’s no financial support. Let’s start by forgiving one another and asking God to change our hearts. It not too late!

Working together everyone wins!

Deon Hunter-Just Me!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rebekah Beard "The Real Deal Coach & Mentor"

Rebekah Beard is truly one of Hoop Hunter Basketball's most outstanding young talented coaches. She currently coaches our 2011 7th grade girls off-season club basketball team. She's a natural leader. Rebekah prepares well for practices and games. She has a very unique way of getting through to young players. Because of her extensive basketball experience working with kids in the inner city, she has developed the enormous ability to impact the lives of young ladies in a positive and creative way. And to top it off, she's a Christ follower and not ashamed of it.
Hoop Hunter Basketball would like to recognize Rebekah for her outstanding contribution to kids and communities throughout the country. Rebekah currently coaches in Southlake, Texas.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She's A Special Hoop Hunter


(Cara Sczepanski)

Is the proud daughter of Bill and Carolyn Sczepanski and she has a very special brother that she loves and his name is Cain.

Cara began her athletic career as a kid and then found her way to Hoop Hunter Basketball when she was in the 6th grade. As a kid Cara always showed a liking for instruction. She was a student of the game from day one. Although she played basketball as an undersized 5'9 low post player, most people don't know that she's an above average 3 point shooter as well.

She's funny, quiet at times, smart, intelligent, focused, driven, responsible, articulate, friendly, goal oriented, Christ-follower, has a heart for special needs children and well educated.

Cara attended Marcus High School where she played a key role in the success of the program. She played varsity as a sophmore and later became the leader by example throughout her high school career. Some of her achievements in high school includes; McDonald's All-American Team (nominee), TGCA All-State (2006-2007), TABC All-Area, District Player of the Year (2006 & 2007), All-time leading scorer (1,561 points) for Marcus High School, TGCA All-State-Academic and TABC All-State-Academic.

As a young player, she played a lot of AAU summer basketball. She was very committed to personal growth and development in other areas of her life outside of basketball. She's has devoted her life to being a Christ-follower. As a young player, I can remember several moments when she was being challenged to be her very best that she would tear up because she felt that she wasn't measuring up to standards that had been established. She would always say," whatever you do, don't take it easy on me."

"In our organization, we believe that easy streets leads to dead ends, therefore we are always striving to help kids succed beyond their expectations even if the pain that comes from working hard leads to gains in other areas of their lives."

After graduating high school Cara chose to stay close to home and attend The University of Dallas to continue her eduation and love for game of basketball.

During her Freshman year (2007-08), she played 27 games for Dallas, averaging 16.8 points, 7.4 rebounds, and 1.2 steals per game. Some of her accolades for her first season included the 2007-08 AD3I First Team and Top 75 in scoring and field goal percentage in NCAA DIII. Letter winner.

During her Sophmore year (2008-09), she increased her production by averaging 18.2 points, 6.5 rebounds, 1.8 assists and 1.8 steals per game. She was also named MVP, 2008-09 by the North Eastern Athletic Conference (NEAC), All -Conference Second Team, 2008-09 AD3I First Team and was Top 50 in scoring in NCAA DIII. Letter winner.

During her Junior year (2009-10), she averaged 18.9 points, 6.5 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 2.2 steals per game. She was again named as the MVP and earned 2009-10 NEAC All-Conference Second Team Honors, AD3I All-Independent First Team/Player of the Year and earned United States Collegiate Athletic Association All-American Honors. Letter winner.

She's currently in her senior year (2010-11) and is averaging 17 points and 7.3 rebounds per game. For her career at The University of Dallas, she's averaging 17.8 points and 7.8 rebounds in 100 games. Way to go Cara!

The Records She Currently Holds are Listed Below:

Rebounds in a season: 270 (2009-10)

Games played in a season: 28 (2009-10); tied

Career field goals: 627

Career field goal percentage: 46.1
Career free throws: 513

Career points: 1,776

Cara's career goal is to become an optometrist!

Hoop Hunter Basketball would like to solute Cara for here many efforts on the basketball court and in the classroom. Keep up the good work.

Deon Hunter-President
Hoop Hunter Inc.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winning & Losing

"Before winning can become a culture, losing must become a bitter taste that a team decides they don't want to define them."

In youth sports, losing can become a habit if those who are playing the game don't recognize the importance of being properly prepared for competition. Too often young players don't realize the importance of team work, communication, offensive and defensive team execution and carrying out the coaches game plan. Without a plan, teams fail. And when teams have a plan but chooses not to follow the plan, they fail.

Players must agree to work together in a harmonious way meanwhile respecting each others differences. And together with prayer, faith, determination and teamwork, they can develop a tradition of winning versus losing. No one wants to be a loser!