Thursday, September 13, 2018

Get Ready to Step Into Your Exceptional

After God has prepared, refined & shaped you (by way of all types of trials A-Z), get ready to step into your exceptional.
And when this happens, don't expect all of your so called friends to understand you as God prepares your 747 (airplane) for take off towards a higher destiny far greater than anyone else could have imagined.
"Keep telling yourself, it's about to happen"
Oh, and be mindful of the fact that some of your former [fake] friends won't be able to get on the plane with you (to head toward your new destination) because they lacked the belief that a bigger plan (by God) could ever exist for your life.
"Keep telling yourself, it's about to happen"
Deon Hunter
P.S. Believe in a bigger destiny and that with God on your side, life will continue to get better!

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