Saturday, September 22, 2018

Hoop Hunter's Coach/Trainer Perspectives

What Coaches Like About Coaching Players?
Coaches like coaching players who has a positive attitude, works hard in the classroom, practice and in games, who will listen and trust what they tell them without second guessing their authority.

What Trainers Like About Training Players?
Trainers like training players who are serious about improving & upgrading their skill sets & play, who will take what they've been taught, practice it, perfect it, make it permanent and go perform it against highly competitive competition without making excuses.

What Hoop Hunter Hates The Most?
I hate watching talented capable players sit on the bench because they failed to put in the necessary work "on their own time" to separate themselves from their competition in order to deserve quality playing time.

~"If you don't put in the time, you will most often sit on the pine (the bench)"~

What Hoop Hunter Don't Care For During Games?
I don't care for players who turn, look & listen to their parents yell for them to do selfish things from the stands that goes against the coaches game plan!!!!!!!

Did You Know?
*Most non-aggressive players lack confidence in some area (s) of the game.

*Confidence & aggressiveness dwell together, you can't have one without the other!

P.S. This was written to give players and parents healthy food for though from a coach/trainer perspective.

"My Mission In Life Is To Help Others Learn 2 Become Successful"

Helping others become successful at baring fruit is one of the most self-gratifying, selfless, personal & self-rewarding gifts anyone can ever give to a friend, brother/sister, teammate, stranger and/or neighbor.

Throughout my life, I've had several people [rich, well off & poor]who sowed [all types of things] into what I now call, "My Success."

The one thing that I remember about each of those very special people that helped me the most is that they planted & sowed "Seeds of Success" into my future.

They always spoke to me using healthy words of encouragement, shared knowledge, gave lots of do's & don't advice, they spent quality time with me, when I messed up, they picked me up and also continued to believe & love me unconditionally.

Today, I'm a proud product of several hundred men and women who's successful paths I learned to follow because they chose to sow and invest in me with a selfless, tireless and sincere heart.

Acts 20:35
"It's more blessed to give than it is to receive"

Teamwork Makes Community Work

In our community & society today, there's lots of gifted and talented, self serving, self-absorbed, prideful and domain driven individuals. [It Doesn't Have 2Be That Way!]

Our community and society as a whole work much better when we respectfully recognize each others Godly gifts [ EACH ONE TEACH ONE] while also sharing & embracing the gifts of others (our friends & neighbors).

When God gives anyone a unique set of gifts, He also expects them to remain faithful, humble, meek, friendly and welcoming towards others.

Together, let's continue to build healthy alliances while also respecting our unique spiritual gifts and calling.

Teamwork Makes Community Work!

In this picture: Deon speaking at a Texas A&M high school leadership conference.

Protect Your Mind From Foolish Things & People

Don't allow your mind to be consumed by foolish THINGS and/or PEOPLE. Our minds are very precious and require protection against THINGS and PEOPLE that negatively effect how we think, feel and act.

Too often we allow unnecessary THINGS such as; television, radio, internet, popular trends, social media and people to negatively impact how we think, feel and act because we allow them to consume us to the point that we began to ingest negative thoughts, ideas, false beliefs and doubts which in turn lead to self-doubt, stress, worry, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Remember, the best way to protect your mind is to renew it daily by reading God's word.

Bible Verses
Romans 12:1-2 (Renew your minds)
Philippians 4:8 (Think of things that are pure, excellent, honorable & lovely)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Jesus Christ Died For All Our Sins

Jesus Christ forgave Saul who later became Paul in the bible for killing Christian's (intentionally).

~Paul's epistles can be read in the new testament~

If Jesus Christ can forgave Saul (for killing Christian's) who later became Paul and an apostle for Christ, then you can expect the same Jesus Christ to forgive all of man's earthly sins as well.

[Jesus died for all of our sins]

Romans 8:28
For all things work together for the good of those who love the lord and who are called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus.

Use Criticism To fuel Your God Created Destiny | Hoop Hunter TM

Always Believe In Yourself | Hoop Hunter TM

Got Problems, Pray about It - Just Don't Quit | Hoop Hunter TM

Monday, September 17, 2018

What To Do When Facing Criticism

When facing criticism, think before you act. Too often student-athletes react very quickly to criticism without fully thinking things through. As a former student-athlete, I can remember countless times while playing for a very demanding coach that I failed at responding to his commands because I repeatedly took what was said personally, as well as I wore my feelings on my shoulders.

[ "I failed because I didn't respond appropriately"]

The best way to handle unwanted criticism is to think things through before you act, don't take it personal and do your best to respond to it in a manner the best represents yourself & Christ.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Your Destiny Belongs To You | Hoop Hunter TM

Get Ready to Step Into Your Exceptional

After God has prepared, refined & shaped you (by way of all types of trials A-Z), get ready to step into your exceptional.
And when this happens, don't expect all of your so called friends to understand you as God prepares your 747 (airplane) for take off towards a higher destiny far greater than anyone else could have imagined.
"Keep telling yourself, it's about to happen"
Oh, and be mindful of the fact that some of your former [fake] friends won't be able to get on the plane with you (to head toward your new destination) because they lacked the belief that a bigger plan (by God) could ever exist for your life.
"Keep telling yourself, it's about to happen"
Deon Hunter
P.S. Believe in a bigger destiny and that with God on your side, life will continue to get better!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Love Em Anyway

I believe that deep in the heart of every mean spirited, provocative & even hateful person is a nice, warm-heart, kind, friendly & loving person that hungers & thirst for acceptance by others.

In other words, the good in some people have been infected, buried, lost, chained or even mislead by something in their past and/or upbringing that has tainted how they see themselves and how they treat others.

#Love Em Anyway!

The Path You've Been Called Might Look Different

The path that God has chosen for you may look different from your friends, parents and even your siblings, but with joy, entrust your calling unto the lord and always give it your best.

Train Up A Child | Hoop Hunter TM

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

It's Players Responsibility To Get In Shape | Hoop Hunter TM

Free Throw using a straight leg stance with no dribbles 4 of 4 | Hoop Hu...

Free Throw using a straight leg stance with 1 dribble 3 of 4 | Hoop Hunt...

Free Throw using a straight leg Stance with 2 dribbles 2 of 4 | Hoop Hun...

Free Throw using a straight leg stance with 3 dribbles 1 of 4 | Hoop Hun...

Free Throw using a straddle stance and no dribbles 4 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free Throw using a straddle stance and 1 dribble 3 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free Throw using a straddle stance and 2 dribbles 2 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free Throw using a straddle stance and 3 dribbles 1 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free Throw using a staggered stance and no dribbles 4 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free throw using a staggered stance and 1 dribble 3 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free throw using a staggered stance and 2 dribbles 2 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Free throw using a staggered stance and 3 dribbles 1 of 4 | Hoop Hunter TM

Monday, September 10, 2018

Life Is A Push Up | Hoop Hunter TM

Student-Athlete Advice

When facing difficult times in the classroom, among peer groups & during extracurricular activities, seek counsel (advice) from trustworthy adults as to how to best handle & overcome the situation.

About The Perfect Teacher & Coach

The perfect teacher and coach are both built on imperfections. Therefore whenever you find yourself a bit disappointed with either of the two, regardless of where you search to find that one perfect teacher and/or coach remember, they're all built on imperfections.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Don't Let The Darknesses In The World Steal Your Light

I want to personally encourage each of you out in the world to do your best to remain confident in yourself and in what you can do with your God given skills and talent.

Don't let the negative things that you see on the news, radio, social media or that you hear from a personal friend who is embedded with fears and doubts cause you to ever lose your hope, joy and your personal belief that your life will continue to be prosperous regardless of what's happening throughout the world.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Student-athletes stop running from people who push you the most | Hoop H...

Become a High Performance Rebounder

Girls: Wendesdays
Sept., 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, Oct. 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
Instructor: Wendell Williams

Minimum 4 players per session (if less than 4 HHB normal private & or small group rates will apply)

Register today by noon at:

How to Reconcile A Broken Relationship

The best way to reconcile a broken relationship is through unconditional forgiveness & love, if you choose to continue in it, make necessary upgrades in the areas of need and walk in the spirit of truth.

Together in Christ We Got The Victory | HoopHunter TM

Hoop Hunter Believes In Self Improvement

"I believe in personal & high level basketball training, piano, staff dev., dog obedience, golf, tennis, volleyball, educational & actor/actress training and spiritual growth training."

P.S. Whatever you believe and do the  most you will grow the most"

"Team Jesus Christ" Spreading The Gospel

If you're not already spreading the Gospel but want too, ask God to reveal ways that you can do so that will have an impact on winning lost souls to Christ.

Christians Must Stand for Something or We'll Die for Nothing

“A Christian society must continue to stand up for Godly principles & not accept the outlandish & sinful desires of a sin led society”

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

How to be a championship caliber defender | Hoop Hunter TM

Photogenic Memory | Hoop Hunter TM

Hoop Hunter Student-Athlete Tip

Don't look to others to pull the greatness out of you but more importantly, dedicate yourself to being the best that you can be and the greatness which lie inside of you will surface & evolve.

Hoop Hunter's Student-Athlete Advice 4 Today

Don't let the lack of acceptance by others stop you from your God given destiny. Be bold & courageous while learning to seed your own success.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Become a High Performance Rebounder

7th - 12th graders
6:00 - 7:00 pm
BOYS: Tuesdays:
Sept 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
GIRLS: Wednesdays:
Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Instructor: Coach Wendell Williams
Minimum 4 players per session (if less than 4 HHB normal private & or small group rates will apply)
Register online today at

What's Happening Today, Mon. Sept. 3rd at HHB/BBI?

Labor Day Special HHB/BBI Community

Cost: Free Event

​Dribbling/Passing/Lay ups & Bank Shot Competition
9:00am-10:30am: 2nd & 3rd / 4th - 5th graders, co-ed
During this event players will be taught the basics of ball handling, passing, lay-ups, bank shots and shooting; then players will be divided into groups and will compete against each other for fun.
*Please note that ribbons will be handed out during this event!
Become a better Perimeter Scorer
10:45 am - 12:15pm: 6th - 8th graders, co-ed
Players will learn how to read the defender’s body language, how to attack the defenders body, how to move effectively without the ball, how catch-protect and look before putting the ball on the floor, how to read the situation by quick checking, how simple moves can get you what you want, how to use jab and shot fakes before asking for a screen, how to use your body to draw contact, how to create space when needed and how to be a 3 dimensional player.
Register online now at

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Be Careful When Establishing Old & New Relationships with Others

~The words of the wicked often warps the mind of a righteous innocent person~
When establishing old relationships with others, be careful, too often old relationships can come back tainted and field with lots of garbage (brought on by others) that no longer lines up with your values.
And when establishing new relationships with others , remember that most are driven by personal motives and lots of personal self-interest, meaning, you have something of importance that they need and /or want from you. And for the time being they're willing to be nice and be your friend.
~If the relationship doesn't feel right from the beginning, that's a sign to be careful~
"Unfortunately, sometimes in life you must handle old and new relationships with a long handle spoon (keep your distance & give it time) until you know within your heart that the person (s) have a legitimate, sincere and pure reason for wanting to be re-aquatinted or aquatinted with you."

Deon Hunter