2 Types:
1. Constructive Criticism
2. Belittle & Degrading Criticism
2. Belittle & Degrading Criticism
Student-athletes who participate in sports will at some point get a taste of both, constructive and belittle and/or degrading criticism; but when face with either, don't take what's being said personally, but rather use it to fuel your performance.
Most coaches goal and intent when criticizing is get their players to perform at a high meaningful level. Too often and in many cases, some players are too "touchy feely" and they wear their feelings on their shoulders, which in sports isn't a healthy way to compete.
"Early in my high school career, I used to be a touchy feely kind of player, I but I realized real quickly that if I didn't change, my career would be over sooner than later."
Deon aka Hoop Hunter
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