Friday, August 31, 2018

Rebound Like Mad Dog | Hoop Hunter TM

Don't Let Others Write Your Script or Narrative | Hoop Hunter TM

Shooting Is About A Straight Line..........

Shooting Is About A Straight Line That Goes Up & Over, There's No Left & There's No Right!

Successful People Had Thoughts of Quitting

Contrary to what most people think, anyone who've had a small or high level of success can tell you that at some point throughout the process, they thought about quitting. The thought of quitting is simply that, a thought, not an action.

Therefore whenever you fail at something, as long as it doesn't end your personal self-drive & self-determination, continue to make strides to reach your success destination, and remember the thought of quitting doesn't make you a failure, it actually lights the pilot to your success!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Always Let Your Best Settle The Score

Whenever you're participating in academics or an extra curricular activity and you've been given a small, medium or high level task and/or responsibility, remember to prepare properly and give it your very best. And when it's over, regardless of the outcome, let your best settle the score.

Always let your best settle the score!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Deon Gives A Personal Testimony & Thoughts About Being a Disciple & The Church

Not until I fully understood the bible verse below and what it meant did I come to realize that I (Deon) have a responsibility as a member of the body of Christ to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ unashamedly, outside the church.
~Obedience To Christ Is The Only Thing That Matters~
“I can’t just go sit in church, look at the same people, go through the same old routine and leave the church building And Not Be The Church On The Streets- Where Many Are Lost, And Keep My Mouth Closed, Just Can’t Do It!”
~How many lost people do you see at church  eager to get saved, Not many? Why? Because most people who are lost don’t feel welcomed by the church~
As a Christ follower, you have to ask yourself, how many people have I led to the lord?

Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples throughout the nations"

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Don't let the sorry in you become the greatest of you dream | Hoop Hunte...

How to practice between the leg dribble & getting low | Hoop Hunter TM

How to practice ball handling without a defender | Hoop Hunter TM

How To Teach Timing for Shooting Proper Lay Ups | Hoop Hunter TM

"I Cant Stop You From Wanting 2Be Sorry" | Hoop Hunter TM

What to do when told not to shoot the basketball?

~Respect The Coaches Call~Players don't over react & take it personal when a coach ask you not to shoot the basketball during practice or during a game, most of the time they have a reason, and in some cases (because they're the person in authority), they may not feel led to justify it to you.
~Learning to respect the coaches call isn't always easy but respect it anyway~

Don't Think Less of Yourself

Don't let the dislikes of others, a lack of promotion on your job, the lack of a high paying job, the lack of a luxury or sports car, the lack of a home in a crime free neighborhood and/or the lack of playing time on a team cause to think less of yourself, "you were born with a seed with excellence."

In the eyes of the Lord, you will always matter!

Hoop Hunter's Thoughts About Sports Criticism

2 Types:
1. Constructive Criticism
2. Belittle & Degrading Criticism
Student-athletes who participate in sports will at some point get a taste of both, constructive and belittle and/or degrading criticism; but when face with either, don't take what's being said personally, but rather use it to fuel your performance.
Most coaches goal and intent when criticizing is get their players to perform at a high meaningful level. Too often and in many cases, some players are too "touchy feely" and they wear their feelings on their shoulders, which in sports isn't a healthy way to compete.
"Early in my high school career, I used to be a touchy feely kind of player, I but I realized real quickly that if I didn't change, my career would be over sooner than later."

Deon aka Hoop Hunter

The Need For Change

Before change can occur, you must first have a desire, a want too and a growing need before the process can ever get started.

Change isn't easy for most people because we are creatures of habit. In addition to that, before real change can take place, a person must be self-motivated and willing to make the necessary sacrifices to give up things that has led to them having a desire, a want too and/or a growing need for change.

Possible Areas for Change

  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Alcohol & Drug Abuse
  • Family Discourse
  • Lying
  • Laziness
  • Overweight
  • The Need For Better Friends

Matthew 19:26(NIV)

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Deon says, "Let all of your needs for change begin with prayer as you trust faithfully in God"

Everyday Is Important

Everyday, I want is to get better!
Everyday, I want to be the best that I can be!
Everyday, I want to help and pray for others!
Everyday, I want to establish new horizons!
Everyday, I want to trust in the faithfulness of God!


Monday, August 27, 2018

Developing Mid Range Shooting Touch Around the Basket| Hoop Hunter TM

Hoop Hunter's Greatest Values Are Seen Through What He Believes

  • I believe in Jesus Christ
  • I believe in myself & others
  • I believe that if you don't work you don't eat
  • I believe that life is good but requires positive & meaningful friendships
  • I believe in esteeming & putting others before myself
*Most importantly, I believe that Family is the bedrock of our society!

Personal Player Development Training Has Value

After nearly 28 years of personal player development training, I can say this, " If you do the work, the results will come."

Whatever you want in life will come with a price that you must be willing to pay if you hope to get anything out of it. Just being smart and/or just showing up for work but not working hard isn't enough, and will ultimately lead to failure.

"Work daily with diligence and you will most definitely bare fruit"

Deon Hunter