Friday, December 29, 2017

Parents With A Rebellious Teenager(s)

Did you know that in most households where there’s more than one teenage child, parents are dealing with disrespect, lying, distrust, back talking, drug & alcohol use and much more; and parents are too embarrassed to share this unfamiliar behavior with others because they don’t want to bring shame on the family and put their business in the street?
~I get that!~
As teenaged children get older most will become rebellious & disrespectful (to some degree) as they test the family rules & boundaries. And some will even steer far off the path that good loving parents have raised them to follow and have to suffer consequences for their actions.
Although this is very common in today’s society, parents shouldn’t take their hands off the wheel and/or give up on their child no matter how embarrassing it might seem.
But do know that as a parent, you’re not the only one going through such a bitter, sad and disappointing period.
Since I’ve been there and experienced this personally, my advice to you is to stand your ground, keep the family principles intact, apply consequences to your child’s actions or inaction and pray for them daily and often while also reaffirming your love for them when appropriate.
And remember, meaningful discipline can be a form of Godly obedience!
Hang in there, some of your neighbors are going through the same thing but trying to smile their way through it!
Oh, and last, good behavior can’t be bought, you have to train and instill it into your child while they are young. But even then there is no guarantee that things aren't going to go south. But train them up in the lord anyway.
Hoop Hunter

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