Sunday, February 7, 2016

Not Until What?

Not until the love of Christ fully enters the heart of man will there by peace, joy, love, acceptance, forgiveness and community among us.
A Call 4 Unity-Not Division:
For those who are often bitter, disgruntled, hateful, jealous and discouraged, I recommend that you fight hard and long in prayer asking God to strengthen you in areas of weakness with the power needed to resist the schemes and traps of the devil.
I See The Good In You:
I see the good in you. But, I also see the strong hold that Satan desires to have on (you) and all of us when we let him.
Together, let's pray that God will help each of us become wise in physical and spiritual matters. Meanwhile teaching us to recommit ourselves to the love, joy and peace that we once shared.
And that can start with a friendly smile and sincere forgiveness!
I'm in, are you?

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