Friday, February 12, 2016

Unity In Sports: Solutions for Change

1. Team Work- All parties and/or members must work together (admins, A.D.'s, principals, coaches, players, parents, students and fans) for the common good of our society. And for the overall health and welfare of the children.

2. Respect for Authority- everyone must respect and support the people in authority whether you agree or disagree with their decisions.

3. Mutual Respect for all persons- Regardless of your title as admin., principal, coach, CEO parent, A.D. and/or referee, mutual respect is always key.

4. Admins & Principals- Must become more engaged with all parties involved and seek new and improved ways to show they care about all parties involved. You must come up with more creative ways to bring people together and stop the great divide. And last, stand with your coaches without showing favoritism.

5. A.D.'s and Coaches- Become 21st century leaders. Do a better job of understanding today's youth without simply saying, "It's my way or the highway." Start showing genuine concern for every person involved in your program. A.D.'s allow the coaches to be innovative thinkers and listen to their ideas. Coaches you must do a better job of teaching and it would be helpful if you learn new ways to motivate players with different personalities. Coaches should find ways to engage their players in additional community based initiatives & projects (no fund raisers) that will give them a better since of community pride. Develop a business leadership mentoring program that will help prepare them for life after sports (on your watch).

Start developing healthy relationships and allies with others in sports who are outside of the school setting to help grow and develop kids along with your support. "Stop the divisiveness." Let parents have a respectful voice, while you listen. Without their kids you wouldn't have a team and without their tax dollars you wouldn't get paid. And quit locking the gym doors to those who live in your community. The residents in the community tax dollars paid for that gym. I believe that there should be a plan that would allow residents to have assess ability to the gyms as well as the outside running track at schools (when they aren't being use by the school).

Players- Regardless of your personal views and your parent's opinions, you must respect your coaches at all times, their rules and the role(s) that they ask you to play, even if you disagree. You must commit to higher academic excellence in the classroom. You must learn to take full responsibility for your actions on and off the court. You must learn the importance of working hard, being a person of good character, integrity, honesty and judgement. Being a good citizen  also helps. And last please remember that you as an athlete are a role model therefore you will always be held to a higher standard than the norm.

Parents-By all means love your children. But you must also  allow them room to grow up. Adversity has never hurt or killed anyone, in fact "Adversity Always Strengthens." Stop taking everything that happens to your child personal and then to the public. Stop listening to all people outside of the program who wants to bash the coaches just to keep you at bay. Learn to discern those who want to see your child get in the "Dog House" while they sit back and film the drama movie.

It's time for admins, A.D.'s, principals, coaches and players to be forgiving "For Everything" and wipe the slate clean.

"Everyone needs a fresh start even if they don't deserve it."

Parents, be a trail blazer and break away from the "war on coaches" and start uniting with being a game changer.

Remember, all of us who have been, who are involved or who have kids in sports are all in the same boat.  We must choose to respectfully work together as we re-learn how to row our boats for the common good of all mankind and a healthy future in sports for our children and grandchildren.

And God Bless Us All

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The "War On Unity In Sports" & The Need for "Unity In Sports"

Starting today, I'm making a commitment to become an advocate and spokesman for "Unity In Sports."
I'm tired of seeing coaches beat up on players, players disrespect coaches, parents overstep their bounds (in some cases rightfully so but that doesn't make it right) and fans being "wooed" for outsiders vote.
Several principals, admins and A.D.'s appear to be sitting back and ignoring the problems (and in some cases looking the other way) as if there's no problem and everyone's happy. Not the case. School districts, take a poll.
["There seems to be a war against "Unity In Sports']
In many cases the admins are either out of touch, oblivious to the existence of problems or they're apart of the status quo. Either way too many wonderful people are being hurt through sports and it's time for it to stop. The need for change is imminent.
"Unity In Sports" is long overdue. Every participant matters as do the lives of everyone involved." Community pride has even been lost in this war on "Unity In Sports" unless the school in your community has won or wins a championship. Truth!
Speaking Opportunities:
I'm willing to speak about the "War on Unity In Sports" and the need for "Unity In Sports" at any school anytime and to any group as long as all parties are present, *No banquets please!
In addition, all admins, coaches, CEO parents and players must take their titles and ego's off prior to the event and upon leaving they must make a declaration to "Unite" and start taking personal responsibility for their actions and roles in sports.
Pray 4 me and others who will join me as we advocate for "Unity In Sports."
P.S. Please note that this doesn't apply to every school, principal, A.D., admin., coach, parent and player who have it all together. For now, you are exempt unless things in your overall program or situation changes.
Ask questions, get answers!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

“Sometimes, only God can pick you up from where you are and place you where you're suppose to be. #hoophunter”

A prayer for the children

Dear God,
I pray that your will and purpose for the lives of All children would be revealed to them deeply. And that you would grant them spiritual wisdom so that they can discern and know the difference between right and wrong.

Deon Hunter aka Hoop Hunter Practicing Sit Ups & Shooting Form At The Sa...

You can have it All, but once you get it, don't let others?

Don't let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers built on men's thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ has said.
For in Christ there is all of God in a human body; and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the Highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
Colossians 2:8-10

Not Until What?

Not until the love of Christ fully enters the heart of man will there by peace, joy, love, acceptance, forgiveness and community among us.
A Call 4 Unity-Not Division:
For those who are often bitter, disgruntled, hateful, jealous and discouraged, I recommend that you fight hard and long in prayer asking God to strengthen you in areas of weakness with the power needed to resist the schemes and traps of the devil.
I See The Good In You:
I see the good in you. But, I also see the strong hold that Satan desires to have on (you) and all of us when we let him.
Together, let's pray that God will help each of us become wise in physical and spiritual matters. Meanwhile teaching us to recommit ourselves to the love, joy and peace that we once shared.
And that can start with a friendly smile and sincere forgiveness!
I'm in, are you?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hit The Refresh Button, No One's Above Reproach

Ever so often, we unknowingly go through life thinking that we're fully grounded because we've crossed a certain threshold in our daily lives that sometimes lead us to believe that we have made it and are now above reproach.

But let the truth be told, yes we have overcome lots of things and in many cases we've become nicer and better people.

But over time, the glass that was once full unknowingly becomes half empty.

And that's when we need to hit the refresh button.

No one's above reproach, no one!

Can I get a witness?

Things You Must Work 4; Except?

1. If you want to be a better player, you got to work for it.

2. If you want to be a better shooter, you got to work for it.

3. If you want to be a better play maker, you got to work for it.

4. If you want to lead the team in steals, you got to work for it.

5. If you want to be a better defender, you got to work for it.

6. If you want to be a more productive player coming off the bench, you got to work for it.

7. If you want to win a championship, you got to work for it.

8. If you want to be a better student-athlete, you got to work for it.

9. If you want to be a quicker, faster and stronger player, you got to work for it.

10. If you decide that you want to receive salvation, you don't have to work for it, it's a gift from God and it's free. Once you decide to receive Christ into your heart, in exchange for your decision, the gift of salvation is given to you by God.

Monday, February 1, 2016

God Is Able

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:20-21‬ ‭NIV‬‬