Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Memory Lane: "Nothing Compares To You"

Watching each of you who were once children grow up and who are now young adult, is inspiring. I'm grateful, humbled and proud of each of you for your hard work and your desire (many years ago) to want to learn how to become a better basketball player.

As you live your lives, remember what it took to get where you are and the many lessons and people who helped you along the way, especially your parents.

Never allow bitterness or a bump in the road to lead you down a path of unrighteousness or self-destruction. When you fall (and yes you will), get back up on that horse and ride it again. And if it seems too hard, give me a call, I will help 817.491.9602!

Remember, you were beautifully created, and you're one of a kind.

It's now your turn to plant and sow seeds into the hearts of your own (children) and into the life of others whom you come in contact with on a day to day bases.

God Bless You

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