Friday, November 30, 2012

Complimentary Workout for 1st & 2nd Graders

Hoop Hunter Basketball Is Sponsoring a Complimentary

Skills Workout

For 1st & 2nd

HHB is sponsoring a complimentary skills workout Saturday, December 8th for 1st & 2nd grade boys & girls from 9:00am-10:30am. We would like for you and your child to meet Amberlyn Moore who will be heading up our “Learning the Game of Basketball” Program which begins January 15, 2013.

This newly created program is a part of our Early Childhood Education Training which is designed to introduce the game of basketball to kid’s at the earliest age possible with the hopes that they will learn to like and ultimately love the game of basketball.


Register by email at:; advanced registration is preferred. Limited spots available.



Top Tier vs Botton Tier Players

So far this season, I've had the luxury of watching both boys and girls high school and college ball games. And for the most part, I've noticed that the gap in play appears to be widening between the top tier and bottom tier players.

For the most part, I realize that not every player who plays the game has the tools or desire to become a top tier player. However with all due respect to both tiers there is still an increase need for bottom tier players to work even harder so that the gap doesn't widen and they have no significance to the team.

In conclusion, top tier players must understand the they are expected to lead by example and carry the team in a variety of areas throughout the season. And bottom tier players are expected to support the needs of the team through specific roles that they are asked to perform by their coaches with a degree of excellence.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Player's or People who receive MVP honors does so once they've developed the discipline, workmanship, commitment, belief system and obedience to practice, improve, perfect and perform their craft or skills with a level of excellence. MVP honors are only given by man based on man's personal self achievements.

Player's and People who receive MVC honors can do so simply by believing in the lord Jesus Christ, repenting of all of their sins, and by asking Jesus Christ to come and live inside of their heart and follow Him. MVC honors are recognized by God and are based on Christ's personal self achievements on the cross, not our skills or athleticism. Once you make a commitment to live for Christ, you will play in the biggest game of your life!

The Choice is Your.

MVP (based on man's personal performance) vs MVC (based on Jesus's performance & our acceptance and belief in Him)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

God Loves You More Than The Game!

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Now that the season is underway, most players are either happy or unhappy with their current playing time. Regardless of both, remember that you (the player) are worth more than the game. Don't let the likes or dislikes of your current situation cause you to lose your self confidence. Keep working hard, believing in yourself and finish the course. And remember, God loves you more than the game. Pray daily and pray often.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Players Who Sit the Bench

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Players who sit the bench, should watch the game as if they're playing in the game. While watching the game, they should pay close attention to the play of their opponent and offer insight to their teammates about the things that they're seeing on the court that can help improve their teams play. The most valuable players on a team are the players on the bench, they should be endless communicators and motivators.

Program Busters

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

They smile in your face and all the time they're hoping that someone else can take your place. Throughout the season please be aware of grievous, jealous and backstabbing program busters, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors! They whisper in the stands as they throw the coach, players and the administration under the bus. They smile in y
our face and talk about you once you turn your back. They will invite you to have a pre-game beverage just to size you up and win your support. Be smart and watch what you say when you're around any of them. They are very savvy and know how to add additional words to what you've said, even if they know it's not true. Be careful, stay away but pray for Program Busters, they are everywhere!

The Reason for The Season

Remember the reason for the season. It's about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, not ours. What gift's are we going to give to him to commemorate what he's done for us? I'm personally going to esteem others more, me less and continue to exalt His name even more although it's not the popular thing to do. What about you? Whatever the case, please don't become the borrower who's enslaved to the lender.

Me Myself & I Inside the Gym

"Inside of the gym is where I find peace, it's a place that I feel a connection, it's one of my safe havens. When I'm inside the gym, I have no doubts nor any worries. It's only me, myself and my will to improve myself."  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The After The Election Prayer "The Serenity Prayer"

Good Morning to my fb family, friends and Brothers & Sisters In Christ,

God knows that there's lots of happy and broken hearted Christian's out there today, but as believers in Christ we should not worry (on either side) because God knows about everything and He has a hand in all of it. Nothing will prevail without His approval that goes against His will, nothing." 

"He's got the whole world in
 His hand"

The only prayer that I felt could help everyone after an election that has the ability to bring peace & joy to those who are happy as well as those who are broken hearted is the Serenity Prayer.

Please pray and share this prayer with others today with the hope that it will bring comfort to our flesh & spirit man.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would like it.

Trusting that he will make all things right,
If I surrender to his will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this world
And supremely happy in the next.

Rienhart Niebur, Noted German Theologian

And Let Everybody Say, Amen!

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul and lean not unto your own understanding and in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths straight.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Christian Voting & Godly Principals

Christian Voters:

Remember, God still sits on the throne. He see's both the good and the bad in man. Although we live in a country that is now filled with an abundance of sin, we should never lose hope that our God through our righteousness in Christ will never allow His children who are obedient to fail. As citizen's of this country (especially Christian's) we should all vote. When we do this, we show our respect and love for our maker and creator, God all mighty. It doesn't matter who He allows to be in office. If for some reason they don't do the will of God, He has the ability and power to replace them or leave them there until He decides a change is imminent. 

For me, it's easy, I voted based on my Christian values and principals that the holy spirit helped and led me to decide. And I'm at peace with that decision. I will never depend on a president to do for me what God through faith in Jesus Christ promises.That's why It's important for 
Christian's to meditate on the word of God daily, because it continuously renews our strength. Those who depend totally on God will forever overcome all things (of this world) through our faith in Christ.

Romans 13:1-2
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Remember, not everyone who's chosen to lead does their job as well as they would like or we would like. And in some cases when this happen's they are removed or given a second chance. Rather than becoming bitter about any elected president, we should put our prayers together and pray endlessly that God will give our chosen president the wisdom needed to govern our country.

We should also pray that the president & congress will work together and do what's best for all the law abiding citizen's of our country meanwhile supporting Israel by whatever means necessary.

Please Vote!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dont' Be Stopped by the Likes or Dislikes of Others

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Don't let the likes or dislikes of others stop you from playing your game and being yourself. Good teammates are expected to like each other, however this is not always the case. If you face this type of situation, simply let your playing and praying do your talking. Don't allow the dislikes of others cause you to put a blemish on the light that God has equipped you to shine.

Hoop Hunter Helpful Tips:

Coaches make mistakes. Coaches are human. Coaches aren't perfect.

You can tell what the character of parents are like on each team by what they say about their coaches while in the stands and after a loss. Parents please be reminded that coaches are human, they make mistakes and they aren't perfect. 

Parents are sometimes too critical of coaches after a loss. Some will go so far as to recruit co-workers, ex-players, AAU coaches, personal trainers and ex-jocks who played college or professional ball to come out and critique the coaches without their knowledge. This is wrong!

"Parents who under mind the authority of their coaches typically start rumors and wildfires." How would you like the coaches to come to your home or job to critique and under mind your work or authority?

Parents, if you find yourself extremely unhappy with the coaches, remember that talking about them in the stands, bringing others to the game to put additional logs in your fire isn't the answer. Either move your kid to another school, stay at home, go to the movies or simply be a good fan and pray that God gives you the strength to accept the things that you cannot change.

And God Bless Us All! 

"Godly Fathers Can Be A Blessing to the Family"

The absence of God in a father can strike out the family:

Statistics show that the majority of broken families occur when the man of the family isn't aligned underneath God. When this happens, it makes it very difficult for the woman to be aligned with her partner (husband), which usually causes their children to also suffer because the father is out of alignment with God.

Children, teenage boys and young adult males who's father is absent, deceased, too career oriented to pay attention still need solid God fearing role models & mentors to help guide them through life. If we as Godly men don't reach out and step up to help young males become God fearing men, the demise of the family will continue to evolve.

And God Bless Us All!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

If you have a player who lacks confidence, yelling at them won't resolve their problem. In my professional playing and training career, I've found that most players who lack confidence don't fully understand what they're being asked to do. And in some cases, because they're no longer committed to practicing and improving the game, their game has diminished.

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Post players must rebound to find happiness. In basketball games over 50 offensive shots are missed during the course of a game. Post players who don't receive post entry passes often, must learn how to recycle missed shots (trash) and turn them into points. Effective rebounding starts with shot awareness, anticipation and relocation of the feet & body. Real rebounders block out using their feet, butt, arms and their desire to get the ball.
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Becoming a student of the game is essential if you want your game to advance beyond your athletic talent and skills. And if you know that you aren't improving, its up to you to do something about it. Get some help before you're told, you're not good enough! Train with an organization who will put your needs before theirs, Hoop Hunter Basketball.
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

When playing defense, if you're faced with guarding a player in the backcourt who is faster and quicker than you, try shortening the court. Remember, faster-quicker players are like a speed boat, they prefer to move about in the ocean so they can to go fast. Try cutting the court in half and making the court more of a lake, then a river and then a dried up pond. Knowing how to Shorten the court is the key for players who are asked to defend faster-quicker players in the back court. You can do it!
Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

Players who's school offers FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) should attend regularly and bring teammates and schoolmates with them so that they can continue to promote the Gospel of Christ throughout their school. 100% participation should be the goal.