Tuesday, October 1, 2019

My Failed Test Playing for My College Coach Jimmy Gales at UNT

~My failed test as a player~
One week in practices coach Gales put me with a group that I didn’t think was very good, but rather than play to make them better, I spent the entire week pouting because I thought he’d given up on me; but later in the week he called me into his office and said, “Hunter, you got to quit pouting, all I was trying to do was help you become a better leader my making others around you better.”


What Not To Focus On As a Young Player

Don’t Focus on How A Coach Delivers His/Her Message but Focus on What They’re Trying to Get You To Do:
“As a young player, I didn’t always like the way my high school & college coach (Jimmy Gales) got his message across, but I had to learn “Not to Focus on the Delivery of The Message” but to “Focus on What He Was Telling Me To Do.””

Monday, September 30, 2019

What Life Was Like Playing Coach Jimmy Gales?

Life for me playing for a coach like Jimmy Gales (former S.O.C. & North Texas State Univ.) was like a marriage. You see, when a person gets married they are bound by a covenant (for better or worse, rich or poor, in sickness or good health) and once I signed my name on the dotted line, Coach Gales and I become teammates (the student & the teacher) bound by a covenant letter.

~Early in my college basketball career at NTSU, I had to learn how to follow, how to lead and how to win. I had to also learn "How Not" to take words personally~

Coach Gales was one of the most fierce competitive coaches I had ever played for. He enjoyed winning, and to him, losing was for players who [just to be nice] "didn't give a darn."

[Coach G would always say tell us that if we let opponents take advantage of us on the court, it's just like letting a stranger walk into our house and take our wife & kids]

Battle Tested:
One day during one of our practices, Coach Gales wanted me to "check the oil" of one of our senior guards (DA), so he asked that I guard (play defense) him 94' (baseline to baseline), and to say the least, he asked that I "Not Allow" him to catch the ball. We'll, if you knew DA, he was tough, fierce, extremely competitive and he knew how to match whatever intensity I or anybody brought to the table. And on another note, he wasn't going to be embarrassed by new sophmore guard!

So, I did exactly what my coach asked, but little did I know that this back court competition would become a daily wrestling and almost boxing match that my teammates couldn't wait to see (for them it was like being at the movies, they just didn't have the popcorn). We competed back and fort, pulling, pushing, turning and literally smelling each others breath because of the fierce level of competition that Coach Jimmy Gales wanted all of his team members to play daily.

Life for me playing for Coach Jimmy Gales was like a marriage, a covenant relationship! I learned to take the good with the bad and roll with the punches but in the end, we're still family!

Thanks, Coach G! My Best Coach Ever!


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sometimes A Hug & Some Love Is All A Player Needs

~A hug without words is an expression of unconditional love~
“After a loss or a bad game sometimes all a player needs is a hug and a litttle bit of love, parents you gotta capture those moments, they’re priceless”-DH

Unconditionally Loved.......

One Hundred Years from now it won’t matter how many shots were made or missed during a game, how much playing time your child received, how far your team went in district play-offs, nor how many A’s were brought home from school, but the world will be a lot better [in the heart of your child] because you made a decision to Affirm & Love Your Child Unconditionally.

Why Most Are Afraid to Ask for Prayer Publicly?

~Prayers made In Faith are key to getting our day to day problems resolved~
The main reason most people who need prayer won’t ask for it publicly is because they’re too worried about what others are going to think & say about them, but as for me, I need your prayers & encouragement every single day.
Thank you.
P.S. Be not ashamed to ask for prayer!

I See My Peer Group In My Profession As My Teammates, Not Competitors:

“I see my peer group in youth sports as “One Body” with many members doing their best to help kids grow in the areas of their interest & gifting”
~Unity Strengthens~
Throughout my 28 years of training, developing & motivating players, I’ve never use the words “my competitors” when addressing others who teach & coach youth basketball.
How I was Raised?
I was raised to like, love and respect the differences of others; I’m not one who feels threatened by the successes of my peer group, in fact, I get excited when I see others in my profession do well, because when they succeed, others working in our profession succeeds.
“I think it’s harmful to our profession to be domain driven and self absorbed, I want everyone to eat”
How I See My Peer Group?
I see trainers & coaches as my brothers & sisters [in christ], and as special people with amazing gifts who’ve been given a role, a task and a responsibility of helping me in our line of work, develop, teach, motivate inspire & mentor the lives of young people through the game of 🏀 basketball!
A community who works together will rise together!
Deon aka Hoop Hunter

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

"Our HHB goal is simple, reach the lost & change hearts through sports & biblical based principles"

What's Happening On The Court Tues. & Wed at Hoop Hunter Basketball

Tuesday, Feb. 12th
Top Tier Shooting (co-ed)
6th-8th; 7:30pm-8:30pm

Wednesday, Feb. 13th 
Post Play Training Program
7th-12th Grade (Girls) 6:30p-8:00pm

For more detailed information and to register go online to: www.hoophunter.com

13, 20, 27, March 6, 20, 27
6:30 - 8:00 
Wednesdays: Feb 13, 20, 27, March 6, 20, 27

A Parent Note to Their Teenager About Dating The Wrong Person

This is an example of a parent note to a teenage son or daughter who wants to date a person who’s morals, beliefs, attitudes and actions aren't in line with the family values:

Dear son or daughter:
I love you. You’re the best child I could ever want from God. All I want is the best for you.
My responsibility as a mother and/or father is to love, protect & provide for you to the best of my ability.
It is my God given responsibility to make sure that you’re on the right track, that you stay in your lane and that you grow up honoring & obeying me or us, God’s word, society’s rules and our family values.
“Dating The Wrong Person” can get you into lots of trouble, cause you to compromise your family values and ultimately leave you scarred for life.
And I, (we) don’t want that for you!

Year Round Skills Training Is A Game Changer 4 Players


The key to a players growth after receiving proper training is the implementation of what they've learned during practice & games"
What I've noticed throughout the years about players who commit to year round training verses those who train only during basketball season is that those who commit to training year round often have greater long term success that those who aren't seriously committed.
That's why I often say, "whatever you do the most, you'll grow the most"

"Come train with us" (www.hoophunter.com)


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Becoming a College Athlete Is Harder Than You Think

Becoming a college basketball player is much harder than one might thing or imagine, it takes lots of relentless work in the classroom and on the court, but success at the high school level is often required before a student-athlete can be considered for a possible college scholar-ship.

“The thought of someday becoming a college basketball player is good however you might want to focus on doing well in your academic studies and become an
exceptionally well rounded [offensive & defensive] high school player, first”-DH

2019 Hustlers Club Team Program Tryouts Coming Soon:

Are you seeking a excellent place to improve your skills, build more confidence and you desire more playing time during the upcoming off-season, if so, check out our club team tryouts at: www.hoophunter.com

Hoop Hunter's 4 types of players

1. Recreation
2. Transitional
3. Basic Fundamentally Sound
4. Advanced

 I also believe that there ta inter-levels among each type of player (1a., 1b.,1c.)

Based on where you are as a player, seek to find a suitable place where you can grow and spread your wings based on the reality of what type of player you are and once you've put in the work and have mastered a certain level of play, upgrade to the next level.

Remember, one size doesn't fit all!

"Man to Man Defensive Skills, Principles, Tips & Nuggets"

You Heard It First:
In the upcoming months, I will begin conducting an "Defensive Man to Man" instructional training class to help players who want to learn how to become a top level defensive man to man defender.
I will be giving lots of tips that will help players play better defense against faster quicker players and much more.
Email me at: hoophunter@hoophunter.com if you and/or your team has in interest in this type of training.

Stay tuned......

Deon Hunter- Defense Wins Championships