Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Be A Basketball Garbage Collector

A player who collects missed shots (garbage), recycles and then turn it into point, is considered a garbage collector.

Positive People

It's better to associate with positive thinkers than negative stinkers

Hoop Hunter's Starting 5

1. The Bible (read it)
2. Jesus Christ (accept him)
3. Believe (in the word of God)
4. Obey (live by the word)
5. Faith (without seeing believe)
We win!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

High School Sports

High School Sports isn't what we always want it to be, but neither is life; so don't quit when things don't go your way, simply do your part and make what you can better.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Timing, Right & Left Hand Lay-ups | Hoop Hunter TM

Be Self Encouraged | Hoop Hunter TM

Sitting or Coming Off The Bench? | Hoop Hunter TM

You Have A Friend In Me

Giving others our best is the ultimate and most selfless act of kindness and should be the norm for how we treat our brothers and sisters abroad.

Nothing is better than knowing that, "You have a friend in me."

Players Are Held To A Higher Standard

Being a member of  a middle and/or high school basketball team is a tremendous privilege & honor. Players who are fortunate enough to make the team now represent the school, their peer group and their community. What you do in the classroom, on the court and while in the community will often be highly recognized by others. Therefore, you bare the responsibility to take your role as a team member very seriously while also understanding that you are now being held in higher standard than the norm by others. So, be a person with high moral standards, be honest, show politeness, help those in need, be trustworthy and more importantly treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hoop Hunter Student-Athlete Advice

Never wear you're feelings on your shoulders!
Coaches who really care about your development & growth are going to yell at you, say thing that you don't want to hear and sometimes ignore you. But don't take that as a put down or as if they don't like you; In fact take it as a compliment and as a means to motivate & inspire you to do better.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Young People Must Learn 2 Grow Slow

Too often right after high school and/or college young people feel the need to move fast towards their own personal thoughts, ideas and careers that most often doesn't lead them anywhere quickly.

~Patience is a virtue~

My thoughts, suggestion and opinion is that they take their time, learn to be patient, gain more insight, knowledge, experience, maturity and wisdom working under good leadership; take the necessary time to grow their physical and spiritual gifts and trust that in time, doors will be open that will lead them towards the careers that best fit their skill sets.

Grow Slow!

Sports Help Develop Life Skills 4 Youth

Deep in my heart, I feel the need to do whatever I can to help youth develop and grow the skills needed to succeed in life through sports specific training.

Sports by itself isn't the answer but it does create a platform that gives coaches, trainers, parents and teachers the opportunity to help develop the life skills and moral compass needed to become independent, self-sufficient, responsible and productive citizens.

Friday, October 13, 2017

For Heavens Sake, It's Only A Game!

Parents must not allow the highs & lows and disappointing performances of their child's play (during games) to cause them to be at odds to the degree that they go home fussing, cussing and threatening to sleep in separate rooms and in some cases get a divorce.

For Heavens Sake, It's Only  A Game!

Truths About Higher Education & Athletics

Student-athletes who aspire to attend a high academic & athletic university on a scholarship must be  told the truth, it's not easy, in fact, it's a very difficult & hard thing to do.

However, although this is the case, this shouldn't deter anyone from working hard in the classroom and on the court/field with hopes to someday achieve their dream. But more importantly, this should act as a constant reminder that reaching a high level of success is never easy, but it's worth it!

So, if you're not having a high level of success at the high school level (among your current peer group) perhaps you might want to re-assess & re-evaluate whether your current production on the court and in the classroom is enough to get you where you want to go based on what the national average is among your peer group, and if it's not, then you should consider changing and raising your game.

Always believe you can achieve a higher level of success!

Hoop Hunter's Personal Commitment 2 Life

"This is my personal creed"
As long as I live, I'm going to do my best to bring people together, build up God's kingdom kids, help strengthen families, be a positive influence throughout society, spread the Gospel unashamedly, express my love and joy for All people, live by example, pray with and for my brothers & sisters, pray for & love people who sin [but not the sin] (without pointing fingers), encourage others to be kind and loving towards their neighbors and prayerfully and faithfully seek the will of God daily.
"Always believing [that with God] all things are possible and that life [for all of us] will get better"

Deon aka Hoop Hunter

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Personal Testimony & Dedication of Thanks 2 My Angel, My Mother | Hoop...

Greatness Comes with A Struggle

Whenever you're trying to achieve a higher level of success or simply a meaningful level of success, most often you will face stumbling blocks, minor set backs or you will be faced with several reasons why you should consider quitting, but don't quit. Use those things to develop and grow you in areas that propels you to greatness. "If it's easy, it's probably not worth anything."

Greatness comes with a struggle!

"Don't Let Your Mountain Stop You From Climbing"

No matter how impossible reaching your mountain might seem, what matters most is that you have a relentless will, self-drive, self-determination and the self-confidence to continue climbing (no matter how many times you fail) until you get to the top.

Phil. 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Things Parents Shouldn't Do In Sports

1. Should parents tell their kid when to shoot? No
2. Should parents yell loudly at their kids when they make a mistake on the floor? No
3. Should parents yell at the coaches to put their child in the game? No
4. Should parents talk trash from the stands at the opponents coaches and players? No
5. Should parent go to the coaches immediately following a game to discuss their kid's playing time? No
6. Should parents bring their child's trainer and/or AAU coaches to games to critique the coach and his/her coaching ability? No
**HHB trainers will never attend a game to discredit a coach or disrespect a coach and his/her program**
7. Should parents curse out an official because he/she blew a call? No
8. Should parents tell their child not to pass the ball to another player? No
9. Should parents talk thrash in the stands about how badly the team and coaches stink? No
10. Should parents keep record and stat of how much everyone's played so that they can use it to point out what they feel are injustices towards their child's lack of playing time when they call a meeting with the coach? No
**Regardless of how you feel personally about several of the issues above, in sports, there's a right and wrong way to go about addressing each of them. Always pray and seek counsel (from an unbiased party) prior to addressing your concerns with a coach***

Conditioning & Hustle Key 2 Leveling The Playing Field

The two best ways to level the playing field when participating in sports are; conditioning & hustle.

Players who take personal pride in getting in tip top shape by running extra line drills (fun runs) after practice and who intentionally out hustle their teammates and opponents when competing, without a doubt increase their chances of making a team and earning meaningful playing time.

Hoop Hunter

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Parents & Players Must Respect Authority of Coaches | Hoop Hunter TM

Hoop Hunter Sports Question of The Week?

~About Trash Talking~

1. Is talking trash while playing sports a good thing? And is it necessary?
2. What athletes do you know that talked or talks trash and it's helped them win a championship?
3.Should parents of athletes encourage them to talk trash with hopes that it will pump them and their teammate up while intimidating their opponents?

For me personally, I learned as a child to externalize my play, meaning let my play & performance do the talking and leave the trash where it belongs, in the trash can. Needless to say, everyone doesn't think like that.

Hoop Hunter

Sunday, October 8, 2017

What I love about God?

1. We're loved by Him.
2. He doesn't count our sins against us.
3. His mercy and grace is always extended to His children.
4. He's always available and never on the cell.
5. He's perfect in all of His ways.
6. Whatever belongs to Him, He shares with His beloved children.
7. We can trust Him with any and everything.
8. He loves to counsel those who seek advice and direction and there's no need for an appointment.
9. His love for all of His children is unconditional.
10. He's given us a word (the bible) that teaches us and reveals to us who He is and how much He loves us.
Hoop Hunter

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Low Post Moves at Home Pt. 2/2 | Hoop Hunter TM

Low Post Moves Pt.1/2 | Hoop Hunter TM

Life Long Relationship Building Is Key

For me personally, when kids come train with HHB it's about much more than the game; it's about lifelong friendships & mentorship.

Hoop Hunter

Being In Concert with Coaches Is Key

HHB, will forever be in concert with coaches! Why?
Because it's the right thing to do!

Hoop Hunter

Children with Gifts

Children with known gifts who get properly trained up tend to soar like Eagles  

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Being a Workaholic Can Be Detrimental 2 Your Spouse & The Kids

As a parent & spouse, we should take pride in going to work and giving it our very best. And when necessary, we should be willing to make sacrifices and work late whenever asked or if needed.

But most importantly, we should never allow our work to consume and overextend us to the point that we no longer spend quality time with our spouse nor attend our kids extra curricular activities; this my friend will almost certainly cause problems and eventually cause us to grow apart.

In reality, being a workaholic is similar to being a alcoholic; too much of either can lead to the destruction of your family & spouse.

Therefore, try to keep things in balance and give both your best.

 Everybody needs everybody!

How You See Yourself Is Key 2 Having a Good Day

How you wake up and see yourself has a lot to do with the level of production & success that you'll get out of your day. When you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to be self-inspired, self-motivated & self-confident.

Each day, speak words of personal encouragement. When you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself, "today is going to be a good day," "today is my day," "today God's favor is upon me" and/or "today, only my best will separate me from the rest."

"How you see yourself, is key for having a good day!"

Hoop Hunter