Friday, July 25, 2014

Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust Is Without Borders (Ocean)

Each day, I'm humbled and encouraged by the impact that following Christ has on my career & my personal growth as a child of God. I'm blessed in Him beyond anything I could have ever imagined. To be able to work in a career where my passion is impacting youth through sports and be able to stop throughout my day and pray, read the word and meditate on a spiritual song such as (Ocean by Hill song), one of my favorite, is absolutely amazing. Never will I be ashamed to be a witness for Christ. I pray that God will continue to lead me through the work of the holy spirit as I faithfully serve and love Him with all of my heart, might and soul. "Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust Is Without Borders."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Persons with The Greatest Impact

I believe that responsible youth and young adults have the capabilities and competence to have a profound impact throughout our communities and societies if we (people in a position of leadership) will give them a chance. 

I don't believe that the most educated persons are always the best people for the job. I believe that when making a decision to help someone, one needs to weigh all factors (good & bad) before eliminating responsible youth and young adults.

In my life, I've learned the importance of giving, forgiving, helping, encouraging and sharing God's wonderful gifts with the likes and dislikes of others.

I've also learned that until we (as a society) can began to see our brothers and sisters as ourselves, and choose to become a difference maker, our greed and selfishness will only amount to emptiness.

Working Together & Helping One Another, We Thrive!

Yes, You Do

Yes, you do have the gifts, talent and capabilities needed to accomplish great things.

"Don't wait on others to validate you." 

Oh, and you don't need a Phd (not meant to be taken personal) to prove your self worth.

With Christ all things are possible for those who have faith, work hard and believe. 

Hoop Hunter

Spreading The Gospel

Lets remember that we (all) have a responsibility to spread the Gospel throughout all of the earth.

Don't be afraid or ashamed to share the Gospel with others. You can do this in a variety of simple ways. 

Pray and start thinking about ways that you can have an impact on the world for Christ!

If I can do it, you can too!

Guilty or Not Guilty Fans

Are you, The Fan, guilty of misrepresenting your family, school, community & disrespecting sports by the way in which you ACT while you're in the stands?

If you're Guilty, let HHB be the judge to select your sentence. 

HHB Sentence:

Forgive yourself and stop it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Advance Point Guard Drills with Deon Hunter

Who: 7th-12th grade (boys & girls)
When: Friday, July 18th
Time: 2:00pm-4:30pm
Min.-Max.: 8-14 players

Call now to reserve your spot at 817.491.9602 or

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Santo Lady Cats We (HHB) Are Coming Your Way

HHB is gearing up and making preparations to come to Santo High School for a 3 day event with the Santo Lady Cats who made it to the UIL State Tournament Semi-Finals in 2014.

This team building & intense skills workout will be a 3 day work day for everyone involved.

HHB & The Lady Cats have been teaming up and working together for the last 5 years. And as you can see, the results have been proven by their continued success under the leadership of Head Coach Tony Raffaele.

We are coming your way soon.

Go Lady Cats!

2014-2015 HH Hustlers Fall/Winter Club Team Coaching Opportunities

HHB will have openings for experienced coaches who have a passion to teach, motivate and inspire players from a team setting. We will be hosting tryouts for 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade boys & girls teams beginning in September. These teams will practice at HHB Facility and play games throughout the DFW Metroplex. 

At HHB, trainers and coaches must embrace our culture. We aren't seeking self promoting persons. We work as a team and we put kids and families first. If you're interested please email Len Medcafe at:

*All of our coaches must pass a criminal background check prior to holding a position with our organization as well as go through a healthy interview process to see if they're a good fit for our team. 

2014-2015 HH Hustlers Fall/Winter Club Team Coaching Opportunities

HHB will have openings for experienced coaches who have a passion to teach, motivate and inspire players from a team setting. We will be hosting tryouts for 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade boys & girls teams beginning in September. These teams will practice at HHB Facility and play games throughout the DFW Metroplex. At HHB, trainers and coaches must embrace our culture. We aren't seeking self promoting persons. We work as a team and we put kids and families first. If you're interested please email Len Medcafe at:

Youth Should Practice More At Home

Today's youth should spend more time practicing at home on their driveway practice pad rather than always feeling that they need to be taken to a gym to get in some extra practice (don't get me wrong, it never hurts to be taken to a gym to practice).

It's a privilege for players to play basketball on the court. However, the court, in my opinion, is the place that players & teams should go to learn the game from a clinic, small group, camp, 1 on 1 or team setting.

In Closing:
Players should first learn the game from a suitable coach on the court, then they should go to their home base practice pad (driveway/ sports court/ backyard) to practice and perfect their game. After a player has perfected what they initially learned, they should be ready, eager and confident to get back on the court and perform what they know against their friends and competitive opponents.

Stop Going Everywhere & Start Sowing On Your Home Turf!

Monday, July 14, 2014

My 1st Love: Practicing Basketball In My Driveway

The Journey Never Ends:

In today's society, most young players don't understand the impact that practicing at home in their driveway can have on their game. It can make the world of a difference in young and old players.

This morning, I felt the concrete, ball, goal, sum, water and my passion to practice my craft calling my name, So, rather than go to the gym to practice, I decided to practice at home in my driveway.

"I believe when players get to train and practice inside a gym, it's a privilege."

I'm convinced that with proper training, players & teams can become better basketball players.

The Journey Never Ends!

The Journey Never Ends

Today as I was getting ready to head to the gym for work, I had this thought that I needed to put some personal work into my own game once I got to the gym. But before I could get in the car, I heard a voice in my head calling my name reminding me that I could get a good workout right there at home in my driveway and on my own basketball goal. So, I answered the call.

This morning I spent 2.5 hours practicing against myself. And the best part about it was, the longer and harder I worked, the better I felt. The kid in me is what sometimes drives me. "I love basketball just as much as I love life itself." 

The game has never failed me. In fact, I learned to love basketball while spending numerous hours practicing and learning from my mistakes right in my parents driveway and backyard in Dallas, Texas.

In Closing:
"My passion is tempered by my drive. My drive is tempered by my willingness to work hard and challenge myself." 
The Journey Never Ends!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Sometimes in life, those who love money and material possessions only, after it's lost or all gone, only then do they realize that they need Jesus.

Jesus Is The Only Answer

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Passion

My passion is impacting the lives of everyone that I come in contact with in some way, shape form or fashion. Being given the responsibility of stewarding a Christian youth sports organization has been the highlight of my life. For nearly 23 years, seeds have been sown in the lives of children,young adults, families and communities throughout the country, and with that said, "I'm humbly grateful."

Thank you

Deon-Hoop Hunter

Hoop Hunter Short Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for this day, help me to be an example of your love, patience, forgiveness and strength. My confidence is in you. 

In Jesus name Amen.

Hoop Hunter Lake & Water Wisdom

1. Accidents can and does happen, don't take anything for granted.
2. If you're going to be in the water, please wear your life vest.
3. Parent be aware of where your kids are at all times.
4. If you drink spirits,know your limit and realize that drinking can alter your thinking. 

5. Don't let friends drink and drive.

Choices. Choose to be responsible and live.

Have a Great Day!

The Best Relationship

The best relationship is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

1.He's God the father
2.He's God the son 
3.He's God the Holy Spirit

The Choice is yours!

Bumps In The Road

Bumps in the road can be a good cause for getting things shook up, so that God can move you forward.

Hoop Hunter Proverb

It Takes Courage to Believe

No matter what happens in your day to day struggles, remember there's power in believing in Christ and yourself.

When the world says,"it's over", God says, "the best is yet to come."

Don't Quit & Never Give Up!

Things I've Learned

Life is beautiful when your values, morals, convictions and purpose line up with what you believe!

Christ Alone.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Best Offense for Parents Who Have a Beef with a Coach

Often parents of athletes who disagree with the coaches try to get even with the coach by taking matters into their own hands. I often advise parents who have problems with the coaches to simply, "Pray" about things first. This is the best offense.

Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the LORD to handle the matter. 

Proverb 20.22. (NLT)