Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Parents Joy: Seeing My Son Perform Last Night Made Me Proud!

All season long, I've wondered, prayed, encouraged and even questioned at times whether I would ever see my oldest son (gifted student-athlete) play a full game of basketball with the passion, heart, spirit, resolve and will to win in a manner that we (HHB, AAU & H.S. coaches & others) have taught him throughout the years. And last night I finally got to see him put it all together at the same time and at the right time.

What a proud moment as I sat and shared with several of my close friends,former teammates from UNT, AAU Coaches and HHB parents. Richland H.S. won a BIG & close game against Arlington Martin (favored to win).

Hayden Hunter put his team on his back as well as put on a thrilling performance as he led his team with 29 points, 5 assist and a victory. He played with a passion to win all night long. While in front of a loud and packed house, he had that "WANT TO WIN ATTITUDE" WORKING. And his teammates followed his lead.

-What a proud moment for a DAD who Believe's In His Son

Thank you God!

The "WANT TO" Factor

If a team or player doesn't play with a "WANT TO" attitude, they "WON'T DO" the things that you and I know they can do. Not until they "WANT TO" will they "DO" what you and I know they are capable of doing.

-The "WANT TO" Factor

Play-Off Teams

It's never too late to let your light shine. But it often takes a courageous concerted team effort.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Athletes & Criticism

Through criticism whether deserved or undeserved, athletes still have the capacity to thrive.

-Winners Thrive


The ability to submit ourselves (and everything that we do) to the Lord and obey Him.

The hardest thing for all of us is to place our trust in the lord all day everyday. But when we do our needs are often met according to God's will.

"Do what you have to do to get off the bench!"

Do's & Don't for Players & Teams In Play-Offs

1. Team must play with focused energy.
2. Don't try to be a personal hero at the request of your parents.
3. Stick to the coaches game plan.
4. Team defense wins championships.
5. Solid play from players coming off the bench can lead to a victory.
6. Get adequate rest the night before the game. Get off twitter & get focused.
7. Let your defense jump start your offense.
8. Believe in your teammates & encourage each other all game long.
9. Team prayer before & after the game never hurts.
10. Players must be willing to make sacrifices throughout the game even if it means sitting on the bench and being a cheerleader & encouraging the team.

Now Go Win!

Fans Need a Referee & A Rules Handbook

The NCAA should create a fan rule book and then put referees in the stands to call fouls on fans who are verbally abusive to players and who violate the fan rules . Perhaps they should also give them 2 warning fouls and 1 technical foul. And if there's an ejection, impose a fine. And then donate the money to a local charity.

ShyAnn Hooper " A Hoop Hunter In Heaven"

After seeing ShyAnn's picture on the news over and over yesterday, as well as feeling saddened for her loss & God's gain, one could only wonder, "has she ever trained with (us) HHB?" And would you know it after getting in the office this morning, I received a message from one of our trainers who told me that Mr. Hooper contacted her last night to say how much he appreciated all the training that we did with ShyAnn over the last two years because it helped her become a better basketball player. I was touched!

It's hard to fathom how many lives we've touched throughout the years. And yes, ShyAnn will forever be remember as a Hoop Hunter and much more. Please continue to pray for her family as well as her friends who were involved in the accident too. They all need our prayers.

-We already miss you ShyAnn

Northwest H.S. Student Tragedy

This type of thing touches my heart more than you know. That's why I'm always sharing the Gospel with others with hopes that all would be led to Christ. Because we never know when our time on earth is going to expire. But for those who believe, eternity awaits. Please pray that God's presence will dwell with the families involved, their friends and love ones.


"Don't Blame It On the Referees"

I want to wish everyone who plays tonight Good Luck! Bring your strongest game and play your best against all 5 players. Also, be prepared to play even better against those 2 or 3 referees. Whatever you do, don't blame anything on the referees. No Excuses!

-Hoop Hunter

Suggestions for How a Player Should Handle Referees

1. Acknowledge their calls without giving any negative gestures.
2. Don't do anything to embarrass them after a call, for instance, don't look over at your coach with both hands waved high in the air, which is like saying, "wasn't that a stupid call."
3. Be willing to ask a quick question during a dead ball or free throw but show respect while speaking to the official (be humble when asking a question).
4. Find out what the personality of each official is quickly; look at the types of calls each of them are making and use it to your teams advantage.
5. Be willing to listen to officials, some will help you stay in the game. Every now and then they might say, "22, get your hands off."

* Let your coaches handle all officiating outside of the things listed above. Working the officials is the coaches responsibility. Whether they chose to work them or not is their call. You just keep a zip on the lip and play ball.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2014 (11th & 12th) College Prospect? You Hit The Court & We'll Make The Call!

Players who are in need of a club team and want to showcase their play and talent in front of college coaches at tournaments, are encouraged to attend our upcoming tryouts. 

We are seeking well-rounded players (all positions) to join our off-season 11th/12th grade teams (boys & girls). If you are interested and you are college material, sign up online today. We are seeking post players, pure shooters, above average ball handlers, 2 good point guards and hard nose defenders & rebounders. We will do everything we can to put you in a good situation to help you meet your goals, if you're willing to work for it. 

Register today at www.hoohunter.com

2014 HHB Off-Season Club Teams Forming Now

HHB is in the process of forming club teams for the 2014 season. We've already selected our coaches. And we are now ready to select our players. Our goal as a club team has always been to develop players from a team setting. We're not seeking heros or superstars. But we are seeking hard working players who want to be a part of a hard working team. "We believe in developing players." We don't mind playing against strong competition, as long as we're competitive.
We offer teams grades 5th-10th (G & B). And 11th/12th (G & B) (develop & showcase talent). If you have a need for a place to play or you know of others who need a great place to develop during the off-season. * Disruptive parents and players are discouraged from joining our club team program, no exceptions!

Check out our off-season program by going to www.hoophunter.com

Winners You're Up

I love all types of play-offs & championships (sports). There's something vastly distinctive and unique about the teams who make it in and those who don't. Don't get me wrong, I believe several teams who don't make it in could debate their case, but as it relates to my personal thoughts and feelings; it takes a total team effort to make it into the play-offs and that includes coaches, players & parents. That's why I like and respect off-season b-ball, personal strength & conditioning coaches, high school coaches who believe in players having a united network of people who care about the success of kids & the high school program and parents who buy into the entire program.

Winners You're Up!

Christian Men Make a Difference

I'm grateful to the men throughout my life who made a decision early in their life to lead a Christ-Centered life. And who felt led and not ashamed to share their walk with Christ with me and others. It was those men along with my parents who instilled the Christian values in me that today makes me feel whole.

Therefore, I pledge to continue carrying out my duty as a servant leader sharing the Gospel of Christ to coaches, players, students, team members and anyone who isn't a follower of Christ!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Deon's Combo Platter for Coaches & Student-Athletes

Having a personal relationship with Christ & playing sports, the perfect Combo Platter.

Coaches & Student-athletes shouldn't be ashamed of letting their light shine for Christ. God wants His children to be a witness for Him all day, everyday. It brings Him pleasure. 

I Prefer A Combo Platter!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nothing Compares To Serving Him

In my quest to live a Christ-centered life, I'm reminded daily that nothing on earth compares to the wonder of God's love  for the righteous as well as the sinner. Therefore, as I continue my personal journey, I choose to remain faithfully committed to serving Him and no other. Only what we do for Christ will last.