Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Losing Thoughts Can Be Contagious

Losing can spread like a cancer if no one ever decides to visualize themselves and the team as capable of winning. It begins with your thought process. If you think you can't, you won't. If you think you can, you will. It's that simple.

Parent-Player After Game Issues

To avoid after game parent & player disconnect (arguments) about what they did right or wrong, you might want to invest in a cam recorder and start filming your child. Agree to set a time for the both of you to watch the video. Make your point and leave it alone. This is the best way to get your point across. Otherwise, your words will continue to seem like they're falling on deaf ears (I'm just saying)!

Going the Extra Mile

Going the extra mile (working out extra) can impact and accelerate your game-day performance. Those who choose to go the extra mile tend to exceed the norm. It's a choice!

1. Studying game film (extra)
2. Training (extra)
3. Running fun runs (extra)
4. Shooting outside shots & free throws (extra)
5. Visualization of having success (extra)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

High School Politics

Politics in high school sports is everywhere. There are good and bad athletic directors, coaches, assistant coaches and athletic trainers. 

Don't be like others and fight politics with your words, reframe from being ugly and teach your kids how to rise above unfairness through working hard,superior performances and excellent play. Teach them how to turn negative energy into positive fuel.

And remember the bible say's, Vengeance is mine."

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the lord.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips

The word "Shooting Slump" is commonly over used and over stated. In fact, I believe it's an excuse players use who rely too much on their outside shot as the primary source of their offense.

To eliminate this from happening, players must incorporate attacking the basket, getting steals, running the floor, getting offensive rebounds and winning 50/50 balls.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bad Weather & Putting Workers In Harms Way

Managers vs Employees: Be Considerate!

Managers, CEO's Supervisors, how you handle your employees today will say alot about you depending on the road conditions in your area. Please don't make the least of your workers (man or woman) come to work knowing that they really don't have the means to get there without risking their life, while you sit at home with your 4x4 (auto) in the driveway (that handles icy road conditions better than the car or truck they have) and under your fire place being safe and warm. Be considerate and thoughtful and trust God that even if you open your doors later than normal (or not at all) that no money is worth risking the life of the least of your workers or better still yours and the employee with the most seniority, if conditions are too risky.

P.S. I'm speaking for millions of people who like myself have been in that situation and feel that if they don't go to work in abnormal driving conditions,that they will be fired. What does that say about the people or company they work for?

Managers, CEO's & Supervisors, I pray that you learn to Trust In God to meet your business & personal needs,not man!

Two Generations of Training at HHB

Like Mother-Like Daughter:

Kelly (McDearmont) Roden & Daughter Britney Roden both trained with HHB. Kelly (on the right) played b-ball at Lewisville H.S., she was one of the first 10 players who I trained (in the early 90's) prior to knowing that I would later be called into the youth sports ministry. 

Now, her daughter Britney Roden trains with us and is a top tier ball player. And to say the least, Britney is a guard with great ball handling skills and has a good feel for the game. 

Kelly played the 3 position in high school. She was a physical,tough and she shot the 3 ball very well.

Regarding my humble beginnings: As you can see, I started out training in a carpeted gym (Selwyn Private School in Denton, Tx) without A/C. Go figure. 

I continue to thank God for choosing me to share the Gospel of Christ through the game of basketball. And to have allowed me the ongoing strength, energy, determination, courage and faith to stand on His Holy word. In God, I will always trust!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Believe. Trust. Have Faith In God.

When we drive a car at 60 mph, it's never a doubt that as we come to a red light that pushing on the break will stop the car. That's because we trust and believe by faith that when we push on the break the car stop, because it's written in the auto manual. This is what its like when we read the bible and believe by faith in what it says. God reveals Himself to us daily through His Holy word.

Hoop Hunter Hustlers Club Team Tryouts

Will be conducting tryouts in February for both girls and boys teams (grades 5th-9th). We are not a AAU team. We are a club team who believes in teaching players the game from a team setting. We will play any team that steps on the court. All of our games are played in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. We want quality families with good players to join our program. And who will respect our off-season game plan. We don't and won't play politics. We prefer players who are committed and who can attend twice a week practices and games, (no excuses). Parents and players who have a history of being disruptive are asked not to join our program. If you have a player who doesn't have a home and would like to tryout, we welcome you. To register for tryouts go to:

A Wise Man Once Said

"In life no matter how much you care about people, there's always going to be those who care less about you. Therefore put all of your trust in God and not man because He love you unconditionally." 

Seek Him Daily!

A Hoop Hunter

Is a player who goes city to city, state to state, neighborhood to neighborhood, playground to playground looking to play a friendly or competitive game of basketball.

A Hoop Hunter is also a player who shoots for a target inside the Hoop to make a shot. This also makes him/her a Hoop Hunter.

2013 HHB 3 on 3 Tournament Champs

"At HHB we enjoy helping players & teams develop their God-given talent". Through 3 on 3 events we are able to see the fruit of our labor, the kids labor, youth coaches labor and the parents labor. Together we win! (5 photos)

My Contribution to Life

1. Honoring God's Word.
2. Being a Faithful husband and family man.
3. Sharing and caring for the needs of others.
4. Encouraging others when they fail to meet the expectation of others.
5. Not being afraid to share the Gospel of Christ through the game of B-Ball.
6. Living my life in as an example of Christ's love for my fellow brothers and sisters (regardless of the color of their skin and income level).
7. Loving my neighbor and giving them a helping hand if needed.
8. Praying for the needs of the righteous and the wicked.
9. Not being afraid to help someone else come up who needs a helping hand.
10. Forgiving others who have wronged me!

Hoop Hunter Helpful Basketball Tips:

1. Don't Play with Fear!
2. Don't Get Down on Yourself!
3. Don't Be Afraid of Making a Mistake!
4. Don't Look at the Coach when you Make a Turnover!
5. Don't Play with Self Pity or Self Doubt!

*Build yourself up throughout the game by constantly saying to yourself, "I've got this" and "I know I can do this"!