Monday, December 13, 2010

"Quality Time Well Spent by Two Fathers"

For the last 8 years both Clint and Willis have been involved with Hoop Hunter Basketball. Both men are rich in spirit and they love the lord. No matter how difficult of a work schedule they have, you can always count on them being involved in the affairs of their kids. Both have son's who have either graduated college, attending college or is preparing for college. And the top it off the boys are interested in the medical and engineering field. This speaks volumes as to what education means to both families.

Both Clint and Willis are good friends, they once lived in the same neighborhood when the boys were little. They both still enjoy playing pick-up basketball. Willis even enjoys coaching a little during the off-season to help his son's high school program.

Throughout the years, I have witnessed both men spend countless hours mentoring their son's as well as their son's friends. Both men have wonderful wives who have been equally involved in raising their 3 son's.
"Hat's off to Clint and Willis for being good fathers, role models, mentors and for spending quality time with their kids".

Saturday, November 20, 2010

About Last Night! What a Game!

Last night, I got a chance to attend the Whataburger High School Basketball Tournament. I rarely get many opportunities to watch high school basketball games during the early part of the season because many times I'm training younger players and getting them ready to play. But for me, last night was different. And if I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't miss it for the world. What a Game!

During the early part of the night as I walked into the gym, I noticed several current and former players getting ready to play with their high school teams. As I spoke with them and looked into several of their eyes, I noticed that we both had a look of "mutual respect" for one another in addition to high expectations.

About last night. As I sat and watched the games and ate my bag of popcorn, a parent came by to say hello. Let's call her Jane for this story. After Jane came over she took a seat and began the conversation by asking about Hoop Hunter Basketball and my family. For me, that was a healthy way to began our conversation. I began to explain to Jane that I'm seeing a record number of lives being impacted and changed by our commitment to training kids in a God pleasing way. "My recipe for reaching kids has always began by developing trust and "mutual respect" for one another". This is my purpose in life!

While speaking to Jane, our conversation moved from business and family to the word of God.

Finally, she mentioned how my personal walk with the lord has always been an inspiration to her children and her entire family. She later told me that she wants to know fully what God 's purpose is for her life. And that's the end of the story.

The next time you attend a game, social event, grocery store, shopping, personal or group workout, don't be surprised if you are being led there to be a witness to your brother or sister in Christ.

About last night. What a game!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Coaches & Teachers Bare Responsibilities To Teach!

As you know, basketball is a game of learned skills, athleticism and talent combined with discipline, creativity, respect for others, team work, healthy contagious attitudes, competitive energy,respect for authority and personal responsibility.

In order for players to compete at a competitive level, players must continue to devote quality time towards understanding the fullness of the game. Players must be able to dribble, pass, shoot, rebound, play defense, set screens, run the floor, hustle, have good practice habits, compete, play as a team, respect their coaches and how they wants them to play, respect the rules of the game, respect the differences of their teammates and last be a good person on and off the court.

The best time to invest in a player's future is when he/she is young. The bible says, "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he won't depart from their teaching" Proverbs 2:6.

Throughout my 21 years of experience serving kids, families and communities, I continue to see kids with gifts and talents that are under developed. It's almost like growing up with a false since of identity. I believe that we owe it to the kids as well as to the Lord to make sure that they are fully educated and equipped with what they need without compromising their future.

When players are fully educated and learn to play the game, they tend to feel better about themselves, they do better in school, interact better with parents, teachers, coaches, communicate better, smile more often, attract better friends and are more self confident.

Success in the game of basketball involves a tremendous amount of teaching and learning. As coaches and teachers we must continue to provide young players with the available resources that will undoubtedly foster their learning needs and help them grow. Without the necessary tools for learning, kids fail!

In closing, as children become more interested in playing basketball, education and learning about faith, let's work together and give them the best opportunity for success that we can by fully teaching them the things that will make them complete. Let's train them while they're young and interested. As kids get older, let's encourage them to seek advanced training so that they too can someday develop to their fullest potential.

Please partner with me as an advocate for kids success in the classroom, on the field, on the court and in their walk of faith. And remember; "Success in life involves being fully trained."

"Coaches & teachers we bare a tremendous responsibility to teach the kids regardless of their learning styles and disabilites."

Deon Hunter

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hoop Hunter Travels to Santo, Texas

During the late part of the 2010 summer, Hoop Hunter Basketball trainers and coaches travelled to Santo, Texas to conduct a middle and high school girls basketball camp. "It felt good getting out of our normal routine and working with the young ladies out in Santo."
Throughout the week, the gym was filled with eager to learn, hard working, team oriented, well-disciplined players. And to top it off the hospitality that we received from the parents was "off the chain". We were treated just like family all week long. Coach Raffaele has done a tremendous job throughout the years of developing a successful girls basketball program. Although they're young, there's a lot of hard working high school girls hoping for a chance to someday make their dreams come true and hopefully get to Austin.

As a result, Hoop Hunter Basketball has adopted Santo Girls High School Basketball Program as our program of choice for upcoming 2010-2011 basketball season. We wish the city of Santo, Coach Raffaele and the girls basketball program the best of luck!

"Go Get Em"

Deon's Summer Point Guard Camp A Success

The 2010 Deon Hunter's Point Guard Camp was a total success. I was very pleased with both our middle school boys & girls camp and our high school boys and girls camp. The level of participation was really good. Players from cities all around Texas showed up and really put in a lot of work. And the talent level was very impressive as well. I'm also very proud of our coaches and players who assisted with the camp and former players who showed up to just to give words of encouragement to the players. Each of them played a huge part in assisting me in the development of the camp and making sure that everyone who participated gained sustainable knowledge and experience about how to raise their level of play while playing point guard.

"See You Down The Road"

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Memories of My Father & Hero-Jimmie Lee Hunter II

About my Father:

11 years ago, I lost my father who was killed by a hit and run driver. My father was a good man. Together he and my lovely mother raised 4 boys and 1 girl. He was well respected and loved by his family, friends, neighbors, church members and co-workers. He was a wise, quiet, friendly man of integrity who had a servant-mentality. He was a diesel mechanic by trade. When he wasn't at work he enjoyed spending time with our family.

As a kid my father took us to church, played musical instruments with us, helped us with homework and listened to us tell him about our day. He was known as a gentle giant.

How My Dad Impacted My Basketball Career:

When I first started playing basketball (3rd grade), my father told me to first learn the basic fundamentals of the game. He told me to practice and use my imagination until I became good enough to play on a team. After receiving my first rubber basketball and a pair of used converse tennis shoes, I begin to bounce the ball all day and night. I took that basketball everywhere that my family went. I even took the basketball to bed with me at night. My first basketball goal was put up in our backyard on a tree with a wooden backboard. I can remember my father working on cars late at night just to get enough extra money to give us lunch money for the next day. He would always come in the backyard to tell me it was time to come inside. I remember always saying, " watch this shot or watch this move dad". He would just smile and say that's good!

"My father enjoyed cooking barbeque, helping others in need, studying for Sunday school lessons, listing to baseball games on the radio and helping out with our family musical group".

I can remember while in high school coming home and telling him that I was going to be on channel 8 during the ten o'clock news. With a genuine smile, he said, you're kidding! That was the very first time that he saw me play and it was when I was on television. After seeing the interview I think he realized that I had developed the love and passion of a serious basketball player.

I miss my father but just wanted to write about some of the things that came to mind today as I reflect on the many memories from my past. As I get older, I'm becoming more and more like him. It's kind of cool to see myself becoming so much like him.

My Fathers Words of Wisdom :

"It's not the clothes that makes the man but the man that makes the clothes or It's not the truck that makes the man but the man that makes the truck. And last, it's not the home that makes the family but the family that makes the home".

Proverbs 3:1-2

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.

Memories of Jimmie Lee Hunter II, my father and my Hero

2010 Hoop Hunter Hustlers Spring Club Teams a Success

Putting together a team of loyal and trustworthy coaches is the first and most important thing that I could have done considering the level of play and competition in youth basketball for both girls and boys.

This off-season, our coaching staff consisted of several good Christian men and women with integrity who were passionate about training and development and mentoring youth through a team setting. Our teams consisted of 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grade boys and girls. With two practices and a tournament every other weekend, our coaches were able to help players develop in areas that impacted their confidence and their overall game-time performances and their spirituality.

Our 2010 spring coaching staff included; Archie Myers 9th & 10th boys, Chad Nothe 9th & 10th boys, Wendell Williams 9th & 10th girls, Len Medcafe 8th boys, Reggie Seastrunk 7th boys, Roy and Jill Aaron 7th girls and Michael Eddy, director of club teams.

"What I feel makes our club teams a success is not only the players & coaches but the parents of the players". Parents can either make or break a program. That's why when we select players, we try to take into consideration the type of family we're getting. Getting a nice player is good but having a cohesive family unit is better.

I would like to thank everyone who attended our initial tryouts. Whether you made one of our teams or you chose to go elsewhere, I respect your decision and I pray that through all of your endeavours your needs were met. If not, I hope that you would not hold any grudges against anyone else for the lack of experience that you were looking for through off-season basketball.

Instead, I pray that you would forgive and ask God to continue to order your steps.

Best of luck in the upcoming school year!

Deon Hunter-President of Hoop Hunter Basketball

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Best Decision I've Ever Made

As a child, I accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and personal savior. Romans 10:9-11 says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." As the scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."

As a child, I attended church services at least 3 times a week. I played the drums, sang in the choir, ushered, taught Sunday school, led prayer service, cleaned the church on weekends, helped paint the church in the summer, attended vocational bible school and gave Easter and Christmas speeches in front of the church members each year. Proverb 22:6 say, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." I thank my parents and grandparents for taking me to church and teaching me about Christ.

"The best decision I ever made was giving my life to Christ".

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Sports Just a Game or Is it Life?

Is sports just a game or is it life?

Throughout my 21 years of coaching and training players, I've come in contact with thousand of athletic, smart, talented, skilled an unskilled players. And for the most part all of them have different personalities and learning patterns. Some are focused, passionate, determined, self-confident and aggressive and others aren't. I never know what I'm going to get when a child decides that he/she wants to play basketball. "All I know is that each player seems to play sports for different reasons".

In my gym, there's a sign that's posted on the wall that says "Basketball is just a game, not life".
And throughout the years, it has been brought to my attention by several dad's that basketball is more than just a game and that by playing sports, kids learn about life. Is that a true statement for everyone? I wonder how others feel about sports and the lessons that their kids are learning from being a participant? Are kids playing sports because of their parents? How does a parent keep balance in their kids life when they see sports as a way to gain popularity and fame rather than education being the way to a healthy and more benificial future? Do you feel sports teaches kids to be a good law abiding citizen or to be a person with good moral character? Oh, and what about those players who put all of their eggs in the basket of sports, how do you feel about them? Who's the blame when a player is injured and feels that his/her life is over because of what's been ingrained in their heart about sports? These are just a few issues in sports that I would like to discuss with you.

In your personal opinion, is sports just a game or is it something that should be used to equip children for life?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How I discovered my purpose in life

I discovered my purpose in by committing myself to seeking and developing a personal relationship with Christ. First, it started off with my grand mother Lucinda Ward sharing her wisdom with me. One day while sitting on her front porch in Dallas, I remember her telling me shortly after a divorce that I must forgive, let go of the past, move on and not look back. She said that if I wanted true happiness that I would have to turn my life over to Christ completely. She was right! She also stated that everything that I needed to live a meaningful and purposeful life was in the B-I-B-L-E. And of course anytime that my grand mother told me something, I took it to heart and did it.

Back then, I didn't have the guts to turn my life over to Christ completely. For a long time I wondered what others would think of me if I were to change my sinful ways and start living for Christ! Back then, the devil had a strong hold on me.

After reflecting back on my life, I realized that the jobs, money, homes, cars and popularity that came from sports, partying and living life in a lukewarm way was pushing my spirit further into the sea of darkness. I later came to realize that although on the outside I appeared happy; on the inside I was empty and miserable.

I later cried out to God for help. One day while at home, I decided not to take any phone calls.
I spent the entire day on my knees seeking God. First, I asked him to forgive me of all of my sins. Secondly, I asked Him to take everything away from me that didn't glorify him. Thirdly, I asked him to cleanse me of unrighteousness. I told Him that I could no longer live for man but wanted to live for Him.

I discovered my purpose in life through re-developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I did that by repenting of my sins and asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I then made a commitment to God that I would put Him first in my life and never be ashamed of him again. I began to read the bible daily. I kept one with me everywhere that I went. I bought bible tapes, Gospel and Christian tapes. I began to pray daily without ceasing. I started attending church services regularly so that I could hear the word of God and fellowship with others.

"After I developed a relationship with Christ I discovered my purpose in life".

"My purpose and lot in life is to share the gospel of Christ with kids and families through sports based initiatives". I am anointed. I have gifts to: teach, motivate, inspire, encourage, pray, be patient, offer hope to the hopeless, mentor young coaches, write, motivate others and speak.

In my opinion, it's hard to discover your purpose in life without totally surrendering to Christ and developing a personal relationship with him.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called acccording to his purpose.